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25 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


Beyond Text

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Our project is concerned with bringing practice-based research through the arts into education. Its focus is finding ways to support education practitioners from all disciplines, professions and organisations to use the arts to conduct high quality research that is based primarily through practice rather than text. We are proposing developing a module (level 7) designed to encourage a wide range o ...
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The challenges and opportunities of diversity are at the heart of the European project with socioeconomic diversity, increased migration and arrival of refugees adding to the breadth of European identity. European schools are increasingly finding themselves on the frontline expected to be able to deal with diversity-related issues. Opportunities to experience diversity as educational enrichment ar ...
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SENIOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURINGBuilding capacity among seniors to serve as social change brokers in communitiesSocial innovations do not happen by themselves. Throughout their life cycle, they need to be supported and nurtured if they are to make an impact on society and the economy. Empowering people, driving change – social innovation in the European Union, European Commission, 2011CHALLENGEThe co ...
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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This European project uses an innovative tool to analyse and address a crucial skills issue in an increasingly important sector. + THE PROJECT MEETS A REAL NEED. The S2A (Strategy to Action) Project is focussed on the sport and active leisure sector and in particular on the skill needs of sports administrators – the people, in paid and voluntary roles in middle management in national and European ...
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NEET U Re-mobilizing experienced and resourceful seniors as NEET brokers to help young people change depressed NEET situations Social innovations do not happen by themselves. Throughout their life cycle, they need to be supported and nurtured if they are to make an impact on society and the economy. Empowering people, driving change – social innovation in the European Union, European Commission, ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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LEACHE – Europa más cerca

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The Department for Education of the Government of Navarra is responsible for establishing the general conditions and developing general aspects of education in this Spanish autonomous region. In this context, a new structure has been created in the Vocational Training Service in order to provide assistance for the internationalization of VET institutions. These measures try to reach the following ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Eurojoven Castilla y León was born of training needs and employability of young people of Castilla y León. For this purpose various educational institutions in the region working with Instituto de la Juventud Castilla y León and companies from other countries providing 60 VET learners a solid experience through training placements in the professional sector which have been studied. The stays have ...
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This five-year project will explore the ‘history of memory’ in a range of English and Welsh locales from the early medieval period down to the modern era. Drawing on the disciplinary perspectives of literary studies and archaeology, the project will identify and interpret textual and material ‘technologies of remembrance’, including texts, oral traditions, monuments and customary practices. PASTP ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Break down or break out!

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

‘Break Down, Break Out’ demonstrates and documents how new learning strategies for long-term unemployed adults 40+ in difficult situations, can empower them to take action. These low qualified Europeans are hit the hardest from economic pressures and the process provides simple and practice based guidance. Learning through acting in the community, the adults become subjects of change instead of o ...
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...ving advice. Then a quality manager was ensuring the good implementation of the project within the limits of the application form and ensuring a good management of the project. KNOWLEDGE PARTNERS The University of Coventry (United Kingdom), through its serious game laboratory, Cookie Box (Spain), company working in the field of gamification and transmedia storytelling, and then the University of C ...
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The main objective of POP-ALERT is to prepare societies and populations to cope with crisis and disasters in a rapid, effective and efficient way by blending traditional Crisis Preparedness & First-Reaction strategies with the use of innovative contemporary tools.POP-ALERT proposes to undertake thorough behavioural research and take traditional Crisis Management research a step further by carrying ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The University of Chester continues to maintain an active mobility programme for both staff and students. We have seen a general increase in activity resulting in greater international engagement and development of relationships with European partners. The Erasmus+ Mobility project is hugely important in enabling us to continue to meet our internationalisation objectives and we have seen a general ...
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...pose or Hybrid Park.Presentations by partners allowed comparing different approaches and experiences made so far.On the second day, presentations and guided tours through the Therapy Garden at Alnarp University and the Castle Garden in Malmö (added to the good practice database) further inspired the discussion about transfer options, improvements in existing parks, creation of new areas and help ...
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Access and Regeneration of Cultural Heritage in Walled Towns (ARCHWAY)

Start date: Aug 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

ARCHWAY is developing a pan-European network for walled towns, enabling them to share information and exchange best practice on issues that affect them all. Building on the experience of the Walled Town Friendship Circle (WTFC), the network intends to become the principal source of European policy, good practice, innovation and excellence in the conservation, promotion, development, management and ...
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Directing Life Change

Start date: Oct 1, 2012,

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,I took the one less travelled by,And that has made all the difference. Robert Frost The Road Not Taken (1915)Drawing on experience and inspiration to improve signposting and development for adults aged 40+ with broken career paths, we will, as adult learning practitioners, seek to determine optimum practice.The key product is Action Learning Manual "Poin ...
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Active and healthy ageing are key concepts of our European society today with mental health as one of the major issues in focus. The level of mental health and wellbeing of people 50+ is a key resource for the success of the EU as a knowledge based society and economy. The WHO as well as the EU in their policy papers like the “2012:European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations ...
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VALERU aims to establish mechanisms and human resources for the validation of non-formal/informal learning (NIL) in Russian Higher Education in order to ensure sustainable development of Russian HE. First objective of VALERU is the development of a national methodological basis for validating NIL in HE, harmonized with European best practice and in line with Bologna and the strategic objectives of ...
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The distance-learning project eLeSI – e-Learning for an Inclusive Society – grew out of the awareness of a gap in the training of many people in Europe who work with children and adults affected by learning difficulties, pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) or psychiatric disorders.eLeSI is supported and led by three large universities and three partner organisations from the voluntary sector: ...
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...ield of Health studies. It aims to provide support for higher education institutions cooperation with other relevant stakeholders and will improve the pedagogical and methodological capacities of the university staff. MEDEA is a new partnership answering the needs and obstacles for medical undergraduate and postgraduate students to access former Erasmus Mundus projects for lot 5. The MEDEA Consort ...
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The Learning Museum

Start date: Nov 1, 2010,

2010 marks a turning point in European policies, with the assessment of the impact of the Lisbon Strategy (2000) and the indication of a new way forward. From previous EU documents, from the outcomes of the Access to Culture Platform and of the Open Method of Coordination, but especially from the Commission Working Document “Consultation on the Future EU 2020 Strategy” it emerges that the achievem ...
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...ium consists of four partners: Akademickie Centrum Informacji i Edukacji Europejskiej (hereinafter referred to as: ACIEE), Uniwersytet Warszawski (hereinafter referred to as: Warsaw University), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (hereinafter referred to as: VUB) and University of Chester. All of them are prestigious institutions providing educational services at the highest, international level. They a ...
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