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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The University of Chester continues to maintain an active mobility programme for both staff and students. We have seen a general increase in activity resulting in greater international engagement and development of relationships with European partners. The Erasmus+ Mobility project is hugely important in enabling us to continue to meet our internationalisation objectives and we have seen a general expansion over the years of the project, both in the number of participants and partners. We aim to offer students the opportunity to fulfil their course requirements, the year abroad is part of the degree programme for Modern Language, Business and Psychology Students, usually for their 3rd year of study. We also offer a short placement for Modern Language students at the end of their 2nd year of study. Students either undertake a study placement at one of our partner universities, a language assistantship or work placement. For our staff, the project has enabled them to teach at partner institutions, to observe different work practices and to incorporate those considered to be 'best practice' when returning to their own roles. In total we supported 90 students to participate in the project; 55 undertook traineeships and 35 undertook study at partner institutions. We supported 28 members of staff (an increase on the planned amount) - 10 undertook teaching, 18 undertook training mobility. The results of these mobilities can be measured by the impact at an individual level; Students - increase their personal development, engaging in different cultures, fulfilling their degree programme requirements and enriching their life experience; Staff - developing their skill sets, inputting to their core roles, for example, by developing and increasing the quality of their teaching programme or broadening knowledge to improve working practices. Also, it is felt that there has also been a wider impact on the institution which has resulted in an improvement and ongoing development of the teaching/study/working environment at the University, which in turn will contribute to attracting high quality students and staff to the University in the future.

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