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Directing Life Change
Start date: Oct 1, 2012,

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,I took the one less travelled by,And that has made all the difference. Robert Frost The Road Not Taken (1915)Drawing on experience and inspiration to improve signposting and development for adults aged 40+ with broken career paths, we will, as adult learning practitioners, seek to determine optimum practice.The key product is Action Learning Manual "Pointing in Your Direction". Target groups learn, reflect and contribute within ‘Teams’ then ‘exchanges’ – a creative approach focusing on what such adults actually need.Our aspirations are to:• shift the paradigm from negativity about the future towards finding emancipation by fresh thinking through reflection;• create new practice by bespoke life-change opportunities for adults 40+;• bring support to accessible, relevant community locations;• emphasise individual, personalised solutions as the subject for, not the object of, change;• provide both formal and informal learning;• empower to create direction not just to use services.At the core of the process is ‘Perspective Transformation and Critical Reflection’, focusing on the personal, individual and customised with five phases:• Habitual Practice - addressing dilemmas of forced change• Trigger Event - exposing to new ideas• Transform Perspective - exploring and challenging assumptions• Emancipatory Learning - providing direction for life progression• Reflect Critically - making sense of new valuesThrough this project for life change:• target learners consider and make opportunities• community learning facilitators reflect critically on how to direct the process• others are able to use this methodology
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7 Partners Participants