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Despite process heat is recognized as the application with highest potential among solar heating and cooling applications, Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) still presents a modest share of about 0.3% of total installed solar thermal capacity. As of today’s technology development stage – economic competitiveness restricted to low temperature applications; technology implementation requiri ...
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Experimentation in mesocosms is arguably the single most powerful approach to obtain a mechanistic quantitative understanding of ecosystem-level impacts of stressors in complex systems, especially when embedded in long-term observations, theoretical models and experiments conducted at other scales. AQUACOSM builds on an established European network of mesocosm research infrastructures (RI), the FP ...
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Knowledge regarding the complex interplay between agricultural land use and management and soil quality and function is fragmented and incomplete, in particular with regard to underlying principles and regulating mechanisms. The main aim of iSQAPER is to develop an interactive soil quality assessment tool (SQAPP) for agricultural land users that integrates newly derived process understanding and a ...
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SALSA will assess the role of small farms and small food businesses in delivering a sustainable and secure supply of affordable, nutritious and culturally adequate food. SALSA will identify the mechanisms which, at different scales, can strengthen the role of small farms in food systems and thereby support sustainable food and nutrition security (FNS). By considering a gradient of 30 reference reg ...
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Skills Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2019,

In the EU almost 50% of the territory is covered by farmland (both arable land and permanent grassland). Agriculture therefore plays a key role in land management and has a huge responsibility in the preservation of natural resources. The desired relationship between agriculture and the environment can be captured by the term “sustainable agriculture”. All farming systems, from intensive conventio ...
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Sustainable finance for sustainable agriculture and fisheries (SUFISA)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2019,

A good functioning of the European food system is key to deliver food and nutrition security for all Europeans. However, that system faces many economic, environmental and social challenges as well as opportunities following socio-economic and technological developments, that are not equally distributed throughout the EU. Future policymaking aiming at healthy and resilient systems needs to take in ...
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Research and development activities are proposed for the benefit of sustainable pork chains based on European local pig breeds and their production systems. Workprogramme is planned to respond to consumer demands for quality and healthiness of pork products with regional identity and societal demands for environment preservation and development of local agro-economy. Description and evaluation of ...
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EU's agricultural and forestry land provides a wide range of public goods (PG) and ecosystem services (ESS) on which society depends, yet land use decisions and society often under-value these . PEGASUS will develop innovative, practical ways of making PG and ESS concepts accessible and operational: it will identify how, where and when cost-effective mechanisms and tools for policy, business and p ...
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Concentrating Solar Thermal Energy encompasses Solar Thermal Electricity (STE), Solar Fuels, Solar Process Heat and Solar Desalination that are called to play a major role in attaining energy sustainability in our modern societies due to their unique features: 1) Solar energy offers the highest renewable energy potential to our planet; 2) STE can provide dispatchable power in a technically and eco ...
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This project will harmonise employability programmes in environment and biodiversity conservation management across 3 European countries, making these critical skills and associated career guidance relevant in a European context. The core of the project will be a European employability guidance learning package generated from experience and best practice from both Higher Education Institutes and N ...
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Libya is undergoing a phase of dramatic changes with an inherent instability, which will hopefully find a positive solution in the near future,but the Libyan University system is struggling to enhance its presence on the International Scenario in order to exploit in full its high potential in terms of knowledge and capabilities. In order to do this, the role of the International Relationships Off ...
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REELCOOP stands for REnewable ELectricity COOPeration, and will address 5 areas: photovoltaics (PV), concentrated solar power (CSP), solar thermal (ST), bioenergy and grid integration. REELCOOP will develop decentralised (distributed) building integrated PV systems and ST/biomass micro-cogeneration systems, as well as centralised generation of electricity in hybrid solar/biomass power plants. This ...
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Integrative Smart City Planning (INSMART)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

The InSMART concept brings together cities, scientific and industrial organizations in order to establish and implement a comprehensive methodology for enhancing sustainable planning addressing the current and future city energy needs through an integrative and multidisciplinary planning approach. This approach will identify the optimum mix of short, medium and long term measures for a sustainable ...
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EU-SOLARIS aims to create a new legal entity to explore and implement new and improved rules and procedures for reserach infrastructures (RI) for Solar Thermal Electricity (STE) technology, in order to optimise RI development and RTD coordination. According to what was communicated by ESFRI, EU-SOLARIS is expected to be the first of its kind, where Industrial needs and private funding will play a ...
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Ceramic composite materials have for many years been considered to show great promise in the repair of musculoskeletal defects. The materials can mimic the structure of bone, and devices made from the materials can be structured to closely match the mechanical requirements of implant sites. In addition, wide ranges of bioactivity are possible, from inert to fully resorbable.Bioceramics have most ...
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Europe’s pine forests are a valuable economic, social and environmental resource under threat from the introduction of the pine wood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Although not a pest in its native North America, PWN has devastated forests in Asia. Since the arrival of PWN in Portugal, the native maritime pine, Pinus pinaster, has proved to be extremely susceptible, with PWN being s ...
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PRACE - Second Implementation Phase Project (PRACE-2IP)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

PRACE-2IP supports the accelerated implementation of the pan-European HPC Research Infrastructure created in April 2010 as the result of the preparatory phase PRACE project. It complements and extends the work of the PRACE-1IP project that was started in July 2010.PRACE-2IP addresses the computational and simulation needs of European scientific communities to keep them at the forefront of discover ...
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In FarmPath, we propose that increasing sustainability in agriculture is best addressed by enabling flexible combinations of farming models, which vary to reflect the specific opportunity sets embedded in regional culture, agricultural capability, diversification potential, ecology, and historic ownership and governance structures. We will enable progress towards this goal of increased regional s ...
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MARIE aims to establish the socio-economic conditions for Energy Efficiency (EE) improvement in the MED. Building Stock in the framework of EU policy objectives, overcoming barriers and creating sustainable development opportunities in the MED region. Pil Achievements: ...
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Agriculture and Energy Efficiency (AGREE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2013,

"Until now energy efficiency in agriculture has received little attention, except for energy use in greenhouses. Nevertheless, it is considerable, especially when indirect energy use is taken into account. AGREE has the objective of showing the potential of short term energy efficiency gains and the promise of the long term potential. Environmental effects of savings on direct and indirect energy ...
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COMET aims at identifying and assessing the most cost effective CO2 transport and storage infrastructure able to serve the West Mediterranean area, namely Portugal, Spain and Morocco. This is achieved considering the time and spatial aspects of the development of the energy sector and other industrial activities in those countries as well as the location, capacity and availability of potential CO2 ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

...e studies and SWOT-analysis was discussed. The 20-23th of June 2010 , an Interregional training for process coaches was planned by Ruralia Institute, Finland, responsible for C3, and arranged by the University of Évora, Portugal. The participants consisted of partners and MAG-members who learnt about group processes and interaction. They also shared experiences of gender relations in different reg ...
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MOnitoring Network of ALlergens by Immuno-SAmpling (MONALISA)

Start date: Jan 15, 2005, End date: Apr 15, 2008,

Background According to the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), allergic disease is the most common chronic disease of childhood in EU countries and seasonal allergic rhinitis caused by pollen affects up to 35% of the entire population. Having an accurate picture of the allergens in the air is of crucial importance. The curren ...
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HealthClusterNET believes that the health sector is a resource to be used more effectively for developing economic competitiveness at regional level. As such, the project aims to encourage efforts within and between the partner regions to engage the publicly-funded health sector in defining and delivering regional development priorities, thus contributing to better social and economic cohesion. ...
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The importance of being valued : The project has developed curricula and learning modules with partner countries across Europe with the aim of improving the confidence of unemployed individuals and of making them more aware of their non-formal skills. The self-evaluation project has developed a framework of self-evaluation activities, strongly emphasising the need for common cornerstones in the pr ...
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Different experiences in MED projects foretell the emergence of a new economic and societal model based on cultural anchoring, open network organizations, innovation mixes (blending advanced technologies with traditional crafts), social learning, and shared values related to sustainability. CreativeMED thus capitalises the outcomes these projects, considering cultural (TEXMEDIN, SOSTENUTO, CHORD, ...
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...ovel or undergoing major restructuring area of studies. The outputs of the USAEE-TN provided evidence and identified new areas of the emerging Biosystems (or Agricultural and Biological) Engineering University studies in which coordinated work at European level is urgently needed. Based on these outputs and aimed at the exploitation of the corresponding achievements made by USAEE-TN within the li ...
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Partners in the QUAVETS developed a project whose aim was to support improvements in quality in vocational education and training and build bridges between providers of education. The main objectives of the partnership, in accordance with the EU policies for EQF and NQFs, were to investigate and compare competencies and qualification required, as well as the concept of quality of education and tr ...
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The project has promoted and exploited CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) in Cyprus, Malta, and Portugal.The lack of exploitation of CALL in CY, MT, and PT was well documented in several reports, e.g. The EU commissioned report “The Impact of Information and Communications Technologies on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and on the Role of Teachers of Foreign Languages” (2002) p5: “the us ...
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The project focuses on modularisation in prevocational training. Modules are self-contained units in respect of content and time. They might be linked one to another to compose a set of skills and qualifications. The concept of modularisation is suitable especially for disadvantaged young people, since they are able to achieve a certificated qualification in a limited amount of time.The comparably ...
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The project focuses on modularisation in prevocational training. Modules are self-contained units in respect of content and time. They might be linked one to another to compose a set of skills and qualifications. The concept of modularisation is suitable especially for disadvantaged young people, since they are able to achieve a certificated qualification in a limited amount of time.The comparably ...
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Tools for CLIL Language Teachers

Start date: Jan 1, 2012,

CLIL and LWUTL teachers depend on developing own resources (EURYDICE 2005 report “Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe”) and as is concluded in the ICC report “The Impact of New Information Technologies and Internet on the Teaching of Foreign Languages..”: “There will be a shift from passive consumption of ready-made programmes to independent building of content, tailor made for spec ...
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 FINISHED project aims to built on the work already carried out by the Technical Working Group on Quality and by the Thematic Monitoring Group 3 and proposes the valorisation of existing quality practices and approaches at institute and project level, through the development of a sustainable portal, an advanced information system-showcase of quality models and approaches and the networking of st ...
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This project will support an established European network of international Agribusiness MBA programmes, which currently provide training for practising managers and graduates in business management for the Agribusiness sector. It is felt that existing MBA programmes need to improve and expand their learning base to reflect EU enlargement and the challenges and opportunities that this represents to ...
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The project focuses on assessment & coaching. Develop and try out a universallyapplicable model for functional and dynamic assessment and coaching “fromassessment to practice” of children with learning difficulties/disabilities and theirenvironments (schools, families), leading to a more adequate individual educationalprogramming (IEP), useful to facilitate learning development and participation o ...
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... process will end in March 2011 with a list of people that will benefit from one semester, or one, two or three years of study abroad for students, six months for post-docs, and one month abroad for university staff. Attention will be given to equal opportunity and gender balance. Adjusting the demand and supply will help the universities involved on both sides to improve their educational progra ...
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Research shows that inclusive practices in classroom are important for students with special needs (learning disabilities-LD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-ADHD). Therefore, implementation of inclusive practices has been becoming even more important. Yet, classroom teachers lack necessary training and skills to provide appropriate practices for students with special needs. As a result, ...
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The overall objective of this project is the dissemination of training material for farmers resulting from three previous projects - 1 Leonardo, 1 Grundtvig, 1 DAC project. In this way we hope to contribute to farmers and adults training as well as to spread the results derived from previous projects to more EU countries. The project aims at:a) the enrichment of the training material for farmers ...
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Start date: Jul 15, 2011,

The project objective is to develop cooperation between Asian and European higher education institutions, through the exchange of students and staff. As the consortium offers a wide range of thematic fields, most individual mobility demand will find the right educational programme or the right research team. The exchanges will contribute to enrich the educational environment in both sides and to p ...
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