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Dynamic Assessment of Functioning and Coaching of Children Oriented at Development & Inclusive Learning

The project focuses on assessment & coaching. Develop and try out a universallyapplicable model for functional and dynamic assessment and coaching “fromassessment to practice” of children with learning difficulties/disabilities and theirenvironments (schools, families), leading to a more adequate individual educationalprogramming (IEP), useful to facilitate learning development and participation of allchildren in inclusive education.Target group:Children and youth experiencing barriers of learning (because of disability, learningdifficulties, ethnic minority or socio-economic deprivation); teachers and professionalsdealing with assessment & counselling; parentsKey Activities:1. collect and exchange information regarding best practices of dynamic andfunctional assessment and consultative models regarding inclusive learning.2. create an experts group to develop a common model of a “Daffodil”assessment linked to coaching of inclusive educational intervention, based ona model of cognitive modifiability of learning potential, dynamic assessment,functional assessment, a child’s differential needs on various levels andcontextual approach3. field test a pilot version of the Daffodil model in each of the participatingcountries4. field test of a common training5. organize an international course on the subject of dynamic, functional,contextual & inclusive assessment & coaching6. publishing articles, books & multimedia materials for professionals7. disseminate results via existing Inclues website, e-mailcampaign, and associations of school guidance psychologistsExpected outcomes:1. a book and DVD describing a model of dynamic, functional, contextual &inclusive assessment (EN)2. a series of articles, in a scientific and in a practitioners’ journal, in EN, NL, HU,RO, PT, SE3. a model of a training course & framework (EN, PT, NL, SE, HU, NO) “Fromdynamic assessment to inclusive education & learning activation”4. guidelines describing a framework for a consultation model in order to linkdynamic assessment results to educational intervention, available in EN, FR,ES, NL, HU, RO, and PT5. A leaflet to disseminate the project, the website and the outcomes6. International seminar to disseminate outcomes of the project involvingpartners' countries and other countries, especially countries where some pilotprojects in dynamic assessment and inclusive education are in the beginning,as Brazil and Angola
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7 Partners Participants