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20 European Projects Found

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The EC has recently published the Proposal for a Regulation on Union guidelines for the development of the trans - European transport network -COM (2011) 650/2, that defines the long term strategy for the Ten-T policy up to 2030/2050 and proposes Corridors relevant for the SEE area. By creating a multilevel formed by Transport Ministries, Regions, Universities, Chambers of Commerce, transport stak ...
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Danube WATER integrated management (WATER)

Start date: Jun 29, 2012, End date: Jun 28, 2014,

Improving water monitoring and the warnings system, environmental data dissemination on the Romanian-Bulgarian border counties. Processing and conditioning the liquid organic wastes radioactively contaminated from the nuclear plants Cernavodǎ and Kozloduy.
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The current trade and goods traffic relations in Central Europe (CE) are strongly oriented towards Western Europe. However, through the accession of the South-Eastern European countries to the EU new sales and supply structures arise which have to be strengthened in the fields of trade as well as in goods traffic and logistics. The main direction of impact of the FLAVIA project is to substantial c ...
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The CA aims to contribute to the integration and strengthening of European research on Renewable Energy Sources and associated power converters, controllers and combined use. The proposal is a step forward in securing a leading role for Europe in sustainable energy systems, strategically important to some EC Programme objectives: large scale implementation of Distributed Energy Resources (DER), en ...
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Improving customer support across Europe : The Project has developed a model of customer support that brings a number of environments together that would not normally interact. It has set up a help desk which can be used for all manner of public services. This project started in 2002 and lasted 28 months.
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The rapid development of microelectronics devices and their assembling technologies is accompanied by the dramatic change of the knowledge required from all technical personnel (engineers, technicians, skilled or even unskilled workers) employed in this field. The main aims and objectives of the projects are to adapt and integrate the innovative content and results already existing at some univers ...
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This project is aimed at adapting and integrating innovative performance-centred training approach and courses from previous Leonardo da Vinci and Socrates/Minerva projects, into vocational education and training organisations and SMEs in micro-systems Technologies. The focus is on the transfer of innovation in two new countries: Romania and Bulgaria and in the multidisciplinary area of micro-syst ...
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EU to remain competitive must invest more in R & D and be in line with its main competitors, and European companies are required to reduce these differences that separate them from their U.S. and Japanese major competitors if they remain at the forefront of the technology and innovation. Innovation is the engine that directly contributes to the prosperity and individual and collective welfare, and ...
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The e-Learning implies, both for e-Trainers and e-Learners, a series of basic competences related to Telework. Providing Education and Training Operators with a package of basic Telework knowledge can positively favour the access of the single Education and Training Operators or of whole organizations to the use of e-Learning.TES (Telework Education System) Project was an excellence project realiz ...
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Career assistance in bio-science : The project will oversee the application of EU standards to bio-science training. Mechanisms will also be set up to assess the needs of the labour market and at the same time offer help to those aiming for careers in the field. This project started in 2000 and lasted 36 months.
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The e-GoV project will develop, pilot and introduce an open and distance ‘professional training’ model based upon e-learning processes targeted at the e-Governement sector, which will be further integrated into an online platform for the delivery of services addressed to public administration and operators of e-Government. In addition, the project will trial a permanent observatory for e-Governmen ...
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The HELPS project will define and develop a Distance Learning Technological, Methodological and Organisational System for new, highly-specialised professional figures in the E-learning sector. These specialists will be involved, in particular, in e-Learning Systems Management, in the production and management of e-Learning projects, and in e-Learning content production (expert in e-Authoring & exp ...
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The European Japanese Exchange Project in Nuclear Disciplines covers the mobility programme of students at the Master level ofNuclear Engineering and other Nuclear Disciplines related to the application of nuclear technologies and radiation sciences. Theproject includes exchanges of students and faculty members between five European and three Japanese institutions. All institutionsare already mutu ...
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The EUROWEB project aims to provide students with excellence in scientific and technological domains, based on both theoretical foundations and practical experience with an international perspective, and prepare them to participate in building and managing complex and large systems and infrastructures (including software-intensive systems). The project aims to nurture and strengthen an EU- Western ...
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The Moldovan HEIs have QA structures in place, but their activity remains at a very formalistic level. A pre-project needs analysis conducted by the UL demonstrated that the main reasons for the low impact of QM structures at HEIs are a lack of training in self evaluation, a lack of understanding of the idea behind a quality culture, a very low level of students’ involvement in QA, a lack of dialo ...
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EOLES project (“Electronics and Optics e-learning for Embedded Systems”) aims at creating an “E-LEARNING 2.0” ENGLISH-SPOKEN 3rd YEAR BACHELOR CURRICULUM.The created curriculum will be available for students living all over the world and especially in North Africa and having already the first two years of a Bachelor degree in Physics. This SPECIALISATION YEAR is oriented towards the EMBEDDED SYST ...
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1. Preparation phase will consist of study visits at the European Union universities (EUU) and training workshops in the partner country with regard to the competence based teaching and development of curriculum based on the needs of labor market. As a result HE institutions will have the opportunity to get to know with the experiences and methodologies of the EUU in this aspect. Additionally, dur ...
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The AESOP multidisciplinary and intersectorial Erasmus Mundus consortium co-coordinated by the University Paul Sabatier-Toulouse 3 (France) and the University of the Western Cape (South Africa) is composed of 11 European and 9 South African university partners, as well as six additional associate members. AESOP involves 8 thematic fields and encourages the collaboration between different sectors a ...
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...ved in formal, informal and non formal contexts. 4. Guidelines for the accreditation of organizations carrying out Expertise Checkup and training addressed to EXEMs The consortium is composed by one University, one Chamber of Commerce, two VET providers, three organizations of public interest promoting energy efficiency, one consultancy.
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...ts, and lab and experimental/application based studies instead of purely theoretical ones. 4 Establishing Interdepartmental Engineering labs at AMI, JPI, NSU, SACI, TARI. 5 Train current teachers and university staff on new courses, methodologies and equipment.6 Establish long term links between project partner universities and industries. Achievement of the following outcomes are foreseen at the ...
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