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Curriculum development: Highway/Road Construction Engineering and Vehicle Engineering
Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

There is a high need to develop and strengthen a specialization in highway/road construction engineering and vehicle engineering at five technical universities of Uzbekistan. The main objective of the project is to produce a new generation of engineers capable of leading the design and execution of projects in the highway/road construction and vehicle engineering fields. The specific goals of the project are:1 Reform six existing courses at JPI, NSU, SACI, TARI for master programs in highway/road construction engineering. 2 Develop six new courses at AMI, JPI, TARI for master programs in vehicle engineering. 3 Introduce new computer-based teaching methodologies aimed at elaborating more interaction between teachers and students, and lab and experimental/application based studies instead of purely theoretical ones. 4 Establishing Interdepartmental Engineering labs at AMI, JPI, NSU, SACI, TARI. 5 Train current teachers and university staff on new courses, methodologies and equipment.6 Establish long term links between project partner universities and industries. Achievement of the following outcomes are foreseen at the end of the three-year project period:1. 6 reformed MSc courses in Highway/road construction engineering with all necessary teaching materials.2. 6 new MSc courses in Vehicle Engineering with all necessary teaching materials.3. Interdepartmental Engineering Laboratories and test facilities with special equipment and instrumentation for laboratory measurements and analyses established at 5 Uzbek universities.4. 60 Uzbek teachers, lecturers and assistant lecturers teaching in Highway/road construction and Vehicle engineering are trained and their knowledge and skills are updated. 5. 200 engineers working in highway/road construction and Vehicle Engineering are trained in newly designed training courses at 5 Uzbek universities during the project lifetime. 6. Close links between academic and industry partners are established.

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