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e-GoV – E-Government Village

The e-GoV project will develop, pilot and introduce an open and distance ‘professional training’ model based upon e-learning processes targeted at the e-Governement sector, which will be further integrated into an online platform for the delivery of services addressed to public administration and operators of e-Government. In addition, the project will trial a permanent observatory for e-Government and a virtual meeting point targeted at all relevant stakeholders. End project results will comprise a model e-Government Village; a management system for the development of training products and e-learning courses and outline training targeted at two new professional profiles, namely, ‘Administrator of Services in e-Government for Marketing of the Territory’ and ‘Expert in e-Government Communication’. Primary project beneficiaries include decision makers and managers & employees within public administration. Vocational training organisations will also benefit from the project results. Dissemination activities will rely upon the establishment of a dedicated web portal, the development of several CD-Rom and an e-Book presenting the project outcomes and the organisation of Thematic Conferences in each participating country.
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9 Partners Participants