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33 European Projects Found

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Dialogue Interculturel, REseaux et Mobilité en MEDiterranée

Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

By fostering university cooperation, DIRE-MED seeks to establish a long-lasting relationship of mutual trust, understanding and intercultural awareness among Mediterranean countries promoting the mobility and exchange of people and in longer term, a major economic and cultural integration of the region. DIRE-MED aims at:- Creating a framework of cooperation to facilitate the exchange of students, ...
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The Regional Federation (FR) MFR is an association of 18 MFR training institutions forming young adults in alternation in the following fields: agriculture, environment, personal services, businesses and crafts. This association is managed by a Board of Directors (BO) whose 15 members come from departmental Federations (FD), which is composed of directors of MFR institutions. They are elected and ...
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Artificial sniffer using linear ion trap technology (SNIFFLES)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

The research will develop a universal gas sensor using modular technologies to function as an artificial sniffer. It will detect a range of substances, including but not limited to people, drugs, explosives (including weapons) and CBRNe. The technology will complement trained sniffer dogs. The technology proposed is based on linear ion trap (LIT) mass spectrometry (MS). MS techniques have been in ...
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Fundamental trends in the European Union and the world at large provide an increasingly important policy agenda for financing sustainable energy in terms of energy efficiency, innovation in energy exploitation and development of renewable resources. The long-range forecasts for investments and energy market are determined by highly interconnected environmental, geological and technological researc ...
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Graphite-like 2D nanolattices of dielectrics and semiconductors with enhanced anisotropic electronic properties are good candidates to pave the way to the ultimate scaling and performances of future nanoelectronic devices. Graphene, the most studied representative of the 2D graphitic materials, has overshadowed research on other potential 2D nanolattices with totally unexplored physical properties ...
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Fluid Mechanics of Flagellar Propulsion (FLAGELLA)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: May 31, 2013,

"The locomotion of microorganisms in fluids is a theme of major importance in biology. It affects many processes such as mammalian reproduction, the marine life ecosystem, and the dynamics of bacterial infection. Locomotion is typically achieved by the periodic deformation of flagella (short and flexible organelles) that drive the fluid motion around the microorganisms, and generate propulsive for ...
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"The present proposal aims at the development of SPG&CHP systems based on Polymeric Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Hydrogen (PEMFCH). A drawback in the state-of-the-art systems is the too low operating temperatures (70-80°C) of PEMFCHs for cogeneration purposes. Operating temperatures above 100°C would have several advantages including easier warm water distribution in buildings, reduced anode poi ...
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Gas Flows in Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (GASMEMS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2012,

Gas flows in microsystems are of great interest for various applications that touch almost every industrial field. This diversity is typified through the following examples: fluidic microactuators for active control of aerodynamic flows, vacuum generators for extracting biological samples, mass flow and temperature micro-sensors, pressure gauges, micro heat-exchangers for the cooling of electronic ...
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"The present project aims at presenting an interdisciplinary way of looking at the history of the African grain in Roman age, in particular from the 1st century BC to the 5th century AD, starting from the data that can be found at archaeological level. The project of starting a new research arises from the lack of a comprehensive study, sufficiently updated and complete, considered all noticeable ...
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"The transport amphoras are of great importance for the investigation of the commercial activities in ancient times since they use for the transport of wine, oil, meat, fish, and other perishable organic materials. Moreover, they are tangible traces of the movement of goods and peoples and their intermingling. However, their investigation in Central Europe has not been taken up to the same extent ...
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"The focus of my research project is the development of new solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) methodologies that allow the determination of the structure of solid or semi-solid samples. Materials of this type are central to many interesting biophysical questions but, because they are typically insoluble and non-crystalline, they are not amenable to structure determination by traditional ...
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Random walks on hyperbolic groups (RWHG)

Start date: Oct 1, 2009, End date: Nov 30, 2010,

"The project lies at the confluent of different mathematical fields: probability theory, algebra, and geometry. There is a contribution of A. V. Vershik in a special Springer volume about the future of mathematics in the 21st century that points out the prospects and challenges that are comprised in the interplay of probability theory and algebra. Here random walk theory, a branch of probability t ...
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Start date: May 31, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2010,

Le projet PROMO-TERROIR vise à valoriser la filière agroalimentaire du territoire transfrontalier à travers la mise en place dune procédure de certification, dactions de promotion conjointes, dactions relatives à léducation à la consommation et au développement de circuits courts de distribution.
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"The aim of the AEROCHINA2 Coordination Support Action (CSA) is to foster the cooperation between a number of industry, university and research organizations in the aeronautics sector in Europe and China in the field of multi-physics modelling, computer simulation and code validation, experimental testing and design methods for the solution of multi-physics problems of interest to the aeronautic s ...
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Background The lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) is a small bird of prey, 27–33 cm in length with a 63–72 cm wingspan. The species breeds from the Mediterranean across Asia. It is a summer migrant, often wintering in Africa. It is rare to find the bird north of its breeding range. Both the population and range of the lower kestrel is declining in Europ ...
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Start date: Aug 31, 2006, End date: Apr 29, 2008,

Le projet SEMCLIMED (SEMence, CLImat et MEDitérannée) propose une série dactions qui ont pour finalité évaluer les effets du changement climatique sur la biodiversité de la flore du bassin méditerranéen, proposer des mesures de conservation active des espèces et habitats menacés et augmenter la conscience publique sur lampleur social et écologique du réchauffement de la planète. La nécessité de pr ...
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Start date: Sep 30, 2006, End date: Mar 30, 2008,

Le projet sinscrit dans le domaine du transport de matières dangereuses et vise à définir et harmoniser toutes les actions nécessaires pour la sauvegarde de lenvironnement dans la filière du transport de cargaisons avec un risque élevé de pollution. A partir des résultats obtenus par le projet Medocc SESTANTE, MADAMA se propose de définir de nouvelles politiques et des solutions innovatrices afin ...
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REPS - Réseau Européen de la Pierre Sèche (REPS)

Start date: Oct 31, 2003, End date: Oct 30, 2006,

European rural areas that have a dry-stone heritage face serious problems such as the abandonment of farming activities and skills, depopulation, usage that is incompatible with preservation of heritage, etc. Heritage can become a focal point for local development but interregional cooperation is still essential. The main problem is the disappearance or gradual loss of the skill of dry-stone build ...
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« Tethys » sintéresse à la gestion des ressources naturelles, et plus particulièrement leau, dans une perspective de santé publique. Le projet vise à concevoir et expérimenter une plate-forme numérique de management de la connaissance des cultures et des territoires méditerranéens, appliquée aux problèmes de santé publique liés à la gestion des ressources naturelles. S'appuyant sur le capital scie ...
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Construire et rendre opérationnelles des méthodes et des pratiques de coopération transfrontalère visant à élaborer et développer d'une facon intégrée et participée le domaine du tourisme culturel et la promotion des savoirs et des saveurs des territoires concernés. Achievements: ...
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The aim of the REDINTER network – Rede Europeia de Intercompreensão - is tofederate the majority of European institutions either currently or previously working inthe field of mutual understanding, with the following objectives:a. developing and fostering the consideration of policies to promote mutualunderstanding (within and between the different families of languages, andbetween unrelated langu ...
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ECEtt-ToI describes, step by step, how MECETT (the learning method based on benchmarking and exchange of good practices) has been transfered form the field of treatment of addicted persons to the fields of social work, education, psychiatry and one energy company. The rate of satisfaction of the 150 learners and their managers is very high (over 90% agree on the added value of MECETT).
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L'objectif général du projet a été celui d'augmenter les compétences des enseignants, des formateurs, des tuteurs d'entreprise, des opérateurs du système éducatif de l’école secondaire supérieure, de l'orientation, de la formation initiale et continue, des Parties Sociales, des Associations professionnelles, des PME du secteur économique «mode» (textile et chaussure), par des moyens en mesure d’e ...
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EuroguideVAL or «Implementing the Common European Principles through improved Guidance and Counselling based on a common framework for guidance professionals” Accreditation of prior learning (APL) becomes a major challenge within the EU as shows the number of projects linked to this one and the existing active virtual community of CEDEFOP which is also linked to the promoters. In this context the ...
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The english version of the contents description is being translated and should be available as of mid November. Please consult until then the original version in FR.
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Technical experts in Europe: a clearer definition of expectations for the more effective exploitation of competencies : Involving trainers and professionals in numerous countries, the Valeurtech project defines the requirements and expectations of SMEs for technical experts undergoing training. As a result, students can prepare more effectively for their course of study and make better use of the ...
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The project is based on a previous project’s results and is aiming at establishing a network of social entrepreneurs and enterprises. The previous project was measuring the different needs of the management and the training contents offered to them. This project aims at making European social enterprises professional. The project group aims also at establishing a strategy for promoting mobility of ...
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The proposed project is an ambitious, far reaching network about the status of EU studies today, as well as the idea of Europe as it is transmitted by schools, national politicians, media, films, etc. The results of the proposed work will unable the consortium to make practical suggestions for improvement and produce a large amount of quality output for dissemination. The Network of European Studi ...
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L01 - Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia

Start date: Jul 15, 2009,

The AVERROES project consortium includes Nine Maghreb Universities : Tunis, Sfax, Sousse, Oran, Bejaïa, Constantine, Rabat, Tetouan and Marrakech and 11 EU Universities : Montpellier (3), Marseille 2, Perpignan, Genoa, Nice, Balearic Islands, SupAgro Montpellier, Cadiz and Liege. The project will be co-ordinated by the University of Montpellier 2 which has a long lasting experience of European pro ...
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Europe and South East Asia are two areas where multiple cultures meet and many languages are spoken, often in the same city. All partners in this project are experts on multilingualism and multiculturalism by academic training as well as by the nature of their local society, with different Asian and European perspectives. We aim to bring these different academic and cultural perspectives together ...
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Le projet ISTeMag s'adresse à des institutions d'enseignement supérieur du Maghreb. L'objectif général du projet vise, sur une période de 3 ans, à l'optimisation de l'accès à l'IST des universités bénéficiaires.Les objectifs spécifiques du projet consistent à:- établir un bilan détaillé des conditions d'accès à l'IST pour les enseignants-chercheurs et les étudiants des universités maghrébines- cré ...
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Project objective:Europe and South East Asia are two areas where multiple cultures meet and many languages arespoken, often in the same city. All partners in this project are experts on multilingualism andmulticulturalism by academic training as well as by the nature of their local society, with differentAsian and European perspectives. We aim to bring these different academic and cultural perspec ...
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OPTIMALE addresses one of the key challenges of a multilingual and multicultural Europe: how to ensure that Its universities continue to produce the high-level professionals that the Community translation services and the translation Industry need, to adapt to rapidly changing societal and market conditions. As recent reports have highlighted, the rapid technological changes of the past decade, fa ...
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