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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease, typified by a loss of quality of cartilage and changes in bone at the interface of a joint, resulting in pain, stiffness and reduced mobility. BAMOS project particularly addresses the challenges in OA treatment by providing novel cost effective osteochondral scaffold technology for early intervention of OA to delay or avoid the joint replacemen ...
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...durationTwo years (120 ECTS credits).Brief descriptionThe following universities participate in the programme EMJMD-EMLex: Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany), Université de Lorraine (France), Universidade Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem Budapest (Hungary), Universidade do Minho (Portugal), Uniwersytet Śląski (Poland), University of Stellenbosch (South Africa), ...
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RISE Women with disabilities In Social Engagement (RISEWISE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

Women with disabilities have more difficulties to find an employment and to integrate in social day life activities than men with disabilities.This project focuses on the collective of women with disabilities from different perspectives, trying to identify needs and best practices in several EU countries, representing different cultural and socio-economic environments, for the integration and impr ...
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FLEXPOL aims to develop a pilot line for the production of a cost effective antimicrobial (AM) adhesive film for its use in hospitals. The obtained adhesive film will inhibit growth of a wide range of microbes and will be suitable for high-touch surfaces, providing a durable protection with good resistance. It will assure the highest level of hygiene and patient safety, reducing the use of disinfe ...
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2D-INK is targeted at developing inks of novel 2D semiconducting materials for low-cost large-area fabrication processes on insulating substrates through a new methodology, which will exceed the properties of state-of-the-art graphene- and graphene oxide based inks. Achieving this would represent an important step forward in the processing of 2D semiconducting materials and will provide the key pa ...
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The Calypsos partnership project aims to propose European regional and national institutions responsible for education in prisons an educational intervention strategy, which comprises innovative learning situations which enable inmates’ increased rates of school success. At the same time, it seeks to engage stakeholders involved in education in prisons in EU countries through high-impact activitie ...
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PhD on Innovation Pathways for TES (INPATH-TES)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

Following the EC SET-Plan Education and Training Roadmap, the concept of this proposal is to develop a joint PhD programme between universities and research centres, on the topic of Thermal Energy Storage (TES). The goal of INPATH-TES is to create a network of universities and research institutes to implement a joint PhD programme on TES technologies. The final result of such a network is to educa ...
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Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 1 (HBP SGA1)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest scientific challenges of our time. Such an understanding can provide profound insights into our humanity, leading to fundamentally new computing technologies, and transforming the diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders. Modern ICT brings this prospect within reach. The HBP Flagship Initiative (HBP) thus proposes a unique strategy that uses I ...
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Graphene-based disruptive technologies (GrapheneCore1)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

This project is the second in the series of EC-financed parts of the Graphene Flagship. The Graphene Flagship is a 10 year research and innovation endeavour with a total project cost of 1,000,000,000 euros, funded jointly by the European Commission and member states and associated countries. The first part of the Flagship was a 30-month Collaborative Project, Coordination and Support Action (CP-CS ...
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The aims of the TRANSLITERACY project are to understand how teenagers are learning outside the school and to introduce those experiences into it. The ethnographic identification and analysis of the (trans)media skills will be at the centre of the research program. Once identified the informal learning strategies applied by young people outside the formal institutions, the team will translate them ...
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"The overall aim of this proposal is to create a transnational interdisciplinary research and training network between European and Latin American Universities and Research centres in order to promote transfer of knowledge and to produce innovative research in the field of the multilevel governance of cultural diversity in a comparative perspective. The governance of cultural diversity is a key is ...
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This project has as main objective to complement the views of students at post-graduate level with different skills in order to allow them to have an adequate overview on the characterization, purification, bio-transformation, encapsulation and utilization of bio-molecules from food regional biodiversity.The exchange and internationalisation of culture as a key issue for the globalisation of the a ...
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Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond (GRAPHENE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

This Flagship aims to take graphene and related layered materials from a state of raw potential to a point where they can revolutionize multiple industries – from flexible, wearable and transparent electronics, to new energy applications and novel functional composites.Our main scientific and technological objectives in the different tiers of the value chain are to develop material technologies fo ...
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School and University students studying science and technology often encounter barriers to their understanding of complex concepts. However, unlike in the arts, students are frequently poorly motivated to overcome these barriers. Focusing on 'performance' JuxtaLearn will provoke student curiosity in science and technology through creative film making and editing activities. Computational identif ...
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"The main aim of TRANSBIO is the implementation of an innovative cascading concept for the valorisation of sub-products from fruit and vegetable processing industry using environmental friendly biotechnological solutions like fermentation and enzyme-conversion strategies to obtain valuable bioproducts like plastics (PHB), nutraceuticals / platform chemical succinic acid and enzymes for detergent a ...
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The proposal aims at strengthening research partnerships through staff exchanges and networking activities between 2 European research organisations from Germany and Spain, and 2 research organisations from Argentina and Brazil. The scientific objective is to create a co-evolvement process towards a successful management model for SMEs that combines the European innovation and organizational learn ...
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Development of a new generation of CIGS-based solar cells (NANOCIS)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

The main objective of NanoCIS is the establishment of a cooperative partnership between research organizations through a joint program of exchange of researchers for developing a new generation of photovoltaic (PV) solar cells. This new generation of PV solar cells will be based in approaches involving the use of new materials with high conversion efficiencies and low-cost fabrication techniques.T ...
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"This project aims at Improving Human Health and Animal Production in developing countries through Integrated Control of Neglected Zoonoses in animals, based on Scientific Innovation and Public Engagement. Neglected zoonoses, such as anthrax, rabies, brucellosis, bovine TB, zoonotic trypanosomiasis, echinococcosis, cysticercosis and leishmaniasis, are major causes of ill-health in developing coun ...
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The next generation of Platforms as a Service (PaaS) for cloud providers demand consistency, availability, and simpler programming abstractions, such as transactional consistency. Obtaining these three properties simultaneously is, however, a significant challenge. In CumuloNimbo, we propose to achieve this goal by building a stackable and modular execution platform that can be installed as a serv ...
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OBJETIVOS: Promover la planificación y utilización conjunta de equipamientos, programas y servicios sociales innovadores, a nivel transfronterizo, para la detección precoz de futuras necesidades de dependencia y la promoción del envejecimiento activo y saludable. ACCIONES: Acciones principales: 1. Comité transfronterizo de expertos en prevención y detección de la dependencia, 2. Diseño conjunto de ...
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Most countries in European Union are suffering severe water scarcity caused by a negative balance between water resources and water demands. A sustainable management of hydrological resources results totally necessary, as it is established by the European Water Framework Directive (60/2000/EC), which makes compulsory for every water management authority in EU to prepare a river basin management pl ...
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OBJECTIVOS: O objectivo geral deste projecto é a criação e a dinamização de um Pólo de Competitividade e Tecnología (PCT) sustentável na área da Nanotecnologia na Euroregião Norte de Portugal-Galiza. ACÇÕES: i) Mapeamento estratégico de competências de I&DT em Nanotecnologia na Euroregião. ii) Estabelecer plataformas de cooperação transfronteiriça permanentes (Pólo) iii) Constituir uma unidade de ...
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30% of European workers experience back pain, and it is the most frequently reported work-related disorder. The proposed work seeks to provide a cure for lower back pain by developing porous scaffolds and technology which will repair a damaged intervertebral disc (IVD) by enabling its regeneration to a natural healthy state or better. Injectable acellular and cell-loaded bioactive polymer-based sc ...
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"In contrast to the reductionist approach of Western medicine that is based on modern anatomy, cell and molecular biology, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses a unique theory system and an individualised and holistic approach to describe health and disease, based on the philosophy of Yin-Yang balance and an emphasis on harmony of functions. These two medicine systems disagree with each other i ...
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The GISELA objective is to guarantee the long-term sustainability of the European – Latin American e-Infrastructure and thus ensure the continuity and enhancement of the Virtual Research Communities (VRC) using it. The project will focus on:•\tImplementing the Latin American Grid Initiative (LGI) sustainability model rooted on National Grid Initiatives (NGI) or Equivalent Domestic Grid Structures ...
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"The idea is to spread know-how in the production, dissemination and retrieval and use of health information in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries, on the basis of the European and LAC experiences, the analysis of the different socio-cultural landscapes and the specific health information needs of the areas involved. The project will strengthen awareness about the benefits of the new pub ...
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El objetivo final del proyecto radica en la implantación de una red, a nivel del SUDOE, de actores de la investigación (Universidades, Centros de Investigación, Institutos de investigación públicos o privados), de Polos de competitividad y de autoridades públicas locales y regionales, con vistas a intercambiar y a capitalizar las prácticas adecuadas en materia de acompañamiento de los investigador ...
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Objectivo:criação de um Centro Multipolar que visa encontrar alternativas de valorização de recursos marinhos e resíduos da indústria pesqueira, aquacultura e alimentar (processamento de peixe e algas).Acções: Identificação dos recursos marinhos com maior potencial de valorização e dos principais resíduos das indústrias do sector; estudo de alternativas de valorização, como extracção de compostos; ...
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El objetivo del proyecto TECNA es demostrar, mediante un proyecto piloto, a las empresas en general, y muy especialmente a las PYMES de sectores relacionados con los sistemas mecánicos y maquinaría, las posibilidades que pueden aportar los nanomateriales. A través de un proyecto piloto se mostrará que los "nanocomposites de matriz termoplástica" permiten ofrecer nuevos materiales superiores a los ...
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O Projecto visa a Constituição de uma Rede de Partilha de meios, informações e conhecimentos como forma de promoção da inovação no sector Agro-Alimentar. Constituição de uma Base Tecnológica de apoio à rede, assente nas novas tecnologias; Constituição formal de uma Rede de Cooperação ao nível da inovação; Difusão de informação, investigação e transferência tecnológica ...
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OBJETIVO: Promover la intensificación y diversificación de las relaciones entre entidades científicas y empresariales con vistas a explorar oportunidades de innovación biotecnológica en la Eurorregión Galicia-Norte de Portugal.ACCIONES: Analizar la cultura emprendedora y detectar oportunidades de negocio; desarrollar potencial humano; identificar agentes transfronterizos para la creación y consoli ...
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Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2010,

EELA-2 aims to build, on the current EELA e-Infrastructure, a high capacity, production-quality, scalable Grid Facility providing round-the-clock, worldwide access to distributed computing, storage and network resources for a wide spectrum of applications from European and Latin American scientific communities. The project will provide an empowered Grid Facility with versatile services fulfilling ...
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The main idea was that the final products would have a long-term influence in terms of vocational training in the whole territory of the European Union. Exploitation of unified pack of vocational trainings in all countries would result in elimination of formal and informal barriers concerning easy-flow of employees and equalize differences in professional qualifications level. Moreover the project ...
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OPTIMALE addresses one of the key challenges of a multilingual and multicultural Europe: how to ensure that Its universities continue to produce the high-level professionals that the Community translation services and the translation Industry need, to adapt to rapidly changing societal and market conditions. As recent reports have highlighted, the rapid technological changes of the past decade, fa ...
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Start date: Jul 15, 2013,

The project aims at promoting knowledge transfer, research and innovation as means of steady and sustainable development in both EU and Asian countries involved and key factors in global competitiveness. Most of industrialised countries recognize the relevance of knowledge circulation and transfer for sustained and sustainable economic growth. Mobility is a rising way of investing in education ...
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The project aims at uphold the higher education reforms and modernization process in place in Eastern Neighboring Area, by addressing quality assessment and support of graduates’ employability in the country of Armenia. Despite important steps in moving towards further integration of employment policy into the overall policy framework (2008-2012 Sustainable Development Programme-SDP) youth unemplo ...
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Background: The prevalence of mental illness is constantly increasing, depression will become the 2nd largest cause of the global health burden by 2020 (WHO) with major impacts on children and families (3-11% “forgotten” children). Improving the mental health and well-being of children and young people is one of the 5 priorities set out in the EU Pact for Mental Health at the EU high level in 6/20 ...
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The MOLAN Network focuses on motivation to language learning and brings together anumber of partners representing different sectors, such as schools and higher educationinstitutions. The Network activities will progress in three stages. In the first stage, theproject will look into successful institutional policies and practices across Europe andenhance exchange and dissemination of such practices ...
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The project aims to develop the professional skills of managers and engineers from the construction industry, in addition to public authority employees, with regard to the award and management of construction contracts that are, increasingly, international in nature. The project will offer courses in the effective management of large international construction projects. The project will begin by g ...
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The english version of the contents description is being translated and should be available as of mid November. Please consult until then the original version in FR.
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