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Dialogue Interculturel, REseaux et Mobilité en MEDiterranée

Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

By fostering university cooperation, DIRE-MED seeks to establish a long-lasting relationship of mutual trust, understanding and intercultural awareness among Mediterranean countries promoting the mobility and exchange of people and in longer term, a major economic and cultural integration of the region. DIRE-MED aims at:- Creating a framework of cooperation to facilitate the exchange of students, ...
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Modelling and Computation of Shocks and Interfaces (ModCompShock)

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

"The proposed ITN entitled "Modelling and computation of Shocks and Interfaces" will focus on the training of young researchers in the general area of nonlinear hyperbolic and convection dominated PDEs with emphasis on innovative modelling and computational methods.The research program of the proposed ITN is centered on an important field (in terms of both history and scope), that is placed at th ...
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Internationalisation is a key element in raising Higher Education Institutions profile and in contributing to their modernisation. It enhances creativity and innovation in all activities and services they provide. At European level, policies for Higher Education and their resulting initiatives have significantly intensified over the last years. Among the tools available for EHEIs, the Erasmus+ Pro ...
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HYDRALAB+ Adapting to climate change (HYDRALAB-PLUS)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

HYDRALAB is an advanced network of environmental hydraulic institutes in Europe, which has been effective in providing access to a suite of major and unique environmental hydraulic facilities from across the whole European scientific community.A continuation project will prepare environmental hydraulic modelling for the upcoming urgent technical challenges associated with adaptations for climate c ...
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The current healthcare systems are built around the traditional paradigm of patients suffering from a single acute illness. They are therefore largely unprepared to face the increasing demands for health services arising from the expansion of an older population with specific medical needs related to multiple chronic disorders. As a consequence, the medical conditions of a large and growing seg ...
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For a Better Tomorrow: Social Enterprises on the Move (FAB-MOVE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

The project “For a Better Tomorrow: Social Enterprises on the Move (FAB-MOVE)” brings together researchers and practitioners in order to explore the question of how social enterprises can grow and flourish. These objectives will be achieved through a carefully crafted network of academic and non-academic partner organisations co-operating worldwide.Managers and practitioners of social enterprises ...
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The multi-disciplinary CUPESSE project carries out a comparative analysis of both the demand and supply side of youth unemployment in eleven Member States of the EU and Associated Countries (i.e. Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom). These ten countries represent the main empirical scope of the project, but whenever ...
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European Multicentre Tics in Children Studies (EMTICS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: May 31, 2017,

This project will undertake pre-clinical and cohort studies that address susceptibility factors for paediatric and adolescent tic disorders, with a particular focus on comorbid obsessive-compulsive symptomatology, from clinical, epidemiological, genetic, microbiological and immunological angles. EMTICS aims to elucidate the complex aetiology of the onset and clinical course of chronic tic disorder ...
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In African Communities of Practice (CoPs), international collaboration and the pursuit of scientific endeavour has faced a major barrier with the lack of access to e-Infrastructures and high performance network infrastructure enjoyed by European counterparts. With AfricaConnect, the proposed AfricaConnect2 and regional developments, this situation is changing rapidly. In the project Teaming-up fo ...
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Flare Chromospheres: Observations, Models and Archives (F-CHROMA)

Start date: Sep 24, 2013, End date: Jan 1, 2017,

We propose a focused space-based and ground-based multi-mode, multi-wavelength study of solar flares - the most intense energy release events in the solar system. We will center our attention on the flare chromosphere, from which most of the radiation originates. This work calls on space-based and ground-based observations, plus theoretical and modeling expertise. The project will have two major o ...
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...pport systems integration schemes and control the production models. Industrial mathematics is among the next generation methodologies in R&D and knowledge management. This presents a challenge for university education, curriculum development, training practices and research collaboration. With the main aim to contribute addressing these challenges, the project develops and integrates a research t ...
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Water4Crops provides a combination of technical improvements in the field of bio-treatment and agricultural water use within a transdisciplinary identification of novel agri-business opportunities. Water4Crops aims at: a) developing innovative biotechnological wastewater treatments for improved water recycling, b) initiating the co-creation of alternative combinations of bio-treatment, recycling o ...
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The airways diseases asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease affect over 400 million people world-wide and cause considerable morbidity and mortality. Airways disease costs the European Union in excess of €56 billion per annum. Current therapies are inadequate and we do not have sufficient tools to predict disease progression or response to current or future therapies. Our consortium, Air ...
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European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime (EFFACE)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

Environmental crime is a threat to environmental, social and economic sustainability and is in conflict with key commitments and strategies of the European Union, including the Europe 2020 Strategy. EFFACE will propose effective and feasible policy options for the EU to combat environmental crime. The recently adopted Environmental Crime Directive, the Ship-Source Pollution Directive, and the new ...
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Clearing large civilian areas from anti-personnel landmines and cluster munitions is a difficult problem because of the large diversity of hazardous areas and explosive contamination. A single solution does not exist and many mine action actors have asked for a toolbox from which they could choose the tools best fit to a given situation. Some have built their own toolboxes, usually specific to som ...
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The FIBRA network has as main target to link the research and development activities for fibre crop innovations carried out by universities and institutions in both EU and China. This proposal is set up to promote the communication between experts about the key issues of fibre crop production, processing and application, while attention towards quality and efficiency improvement, and product diver ...
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RationaleThe inability of pre-clinical studies to predict clinical efficacy is a major bottleneck in drug development. In severe asthma this bottleneck results from: a lack of useful and validated biomarkers, underperforming pre-clinical models, inadequate and incomplete sub-phenotyping, and insufficient disease understanding.HypothesisThe use of biomarker profiles comprised of various types of hi ...
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Optimization of Perennial Grasses for Biomass Production (OPTIMA)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

OPTIMA will integrate an ambitious biology system approach for perennial grasses such as switchgrass, miscanthus and giant reed in the Mediterranean environment. Moreover the perennial species cardoon, which has been proven to be particularly adapted to the Mediterranean climate, will be used as a control species.The main objective of the OPTIMA project is to identify high-yielding perennial grass ...
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Vigna Energetica (VIENERGY)

Start date: Mar 17, 2013, End date: Sep 16, 2015,

The project aims to reduce dependence on traditional energy sources andto develop new technology for the production of energy from renewable sources. These objectives will be achieved through the estimation of the quantities of residual biomass of the wine industry in Sicily and Malta, the verification of an additive of agriculture origin for the production of e-diesel and the characterization of ...
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The project aims at developing an integrated civil protection network between the Sicilian and Maltese bodies involved in the risks forecast, prevention and mitigation processes and moreover in the planning and management of emergencies, to be further extended to the cross border countries. The project aims at structuring an integrated system of interventions, targeting the identification and prev ...
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Associative fabric and Knowledge Transfer (TATRAC)

Start date: Dec 24, 2013, End date: Jun 24, 2015,

The overall objective is to strengthen the role of associations in Tunisia and in Italy, through the transfer of scientific knowledge in order to establish sustainable links between the actors of scientific research and stakeholders from various development activities according to their areas of expertise (social, cultural, economic and political). The specific objective of the project is to tra ...
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SMArt systems Co-design (SMAC)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

Smart systems consist of heterogeneous subsystems and components providing different functionalities; they are normally implemented as "Multi-Package on a Board". To fully exploit the potential of current nanoelectronics technologies, as well as to enable the integration of existing/new IPs and "More than Moore" devices, smart system miniaturization and "Multi-Chip in a Package" implementation are ...
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Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Mar 1, 2015,

The target of the overall E2SG project is to devise and design mechanisms and policies to assemble, monitor and control smart grids, i.e. a set of interconnected nodes whose primary goal is to generate, exchange and consume electrical energy in the most efficient and reliable way by exploiting distributed information that is sensed, transmitted and processed over the same set of nodes and links. F ...
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The consortium e-HEROES aims at exploiting the existing data gathered on severalEuropean and international space missions, and to produce new value-added dataproducts to provide the best estimate and prediction of the threats thatmissions of exploration will encounter in reaching beyond the Earth orbit, tothe Moon, to Mars and beyond. The scope of the project is to characterise theenvironment in s ...
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The project idea is to create operational tools to support local administrators and operators of maritime traffic, useful to limit the harmful effects of operating pollution generated by shipping industrial, commercial, recreational fishing and the Strait of Sicily. These instruments, including a system for measuring biophysical risk of loss of biodiversity of the Strait of Sicily and economic eva ...
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Green IT Network Europe (GreenITNet)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

GreenITNetInformation and communication technologies (ICT) have become a driving force of economy and society sustaining growth and prosperity. On line data processing has in the last decade developed into a truly new infrastructure. ICT is ubiquitous and will become more so in the coming years. Also ubiquitous however has become the question of the sustainability of ICT. ICT has been singled out ...
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Ultra Wide Context Aware Imaging (PANORAMA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 1, 2014,

In many application domains all over the world there is a trend from “single-view imaging” towards “multi-view imaging”. Some examples are the introduction of 3D/4D imaging in Healthcare, High Definition TV and beyond in Broadcasting, multiple connected Surveillance Cameras for monitoring a scene. These applications have in common that they all involve an explosive growth in the generation of imag ...
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The co-ordinated and integrated approach of HYDRALAB aims at structuring the access to unique and costly hydraulic and ice engineering research infrastructures in the European Research Area. The network of HYDRALAB is unique in the hydraulic research community and has large experience in co-operating since its start in 1997. It began by informing and co-ordinating the activities of the partners in ...
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The ERG project focus on the solar energy supply chain, starting form photovoltaic cells (PV) and proceeding with energy extraction (harvesting) techniques, high efficiency power conversion and finally managing the energy distribution inside a smart grid, with the target of different classes of applications, from house to small area, as well as application specific “local grid” (healthcare, automo ...
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International Research on Quality in Healthcare (InterQuality)

Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

International Research Project on Financing Quality in Healthcare InterQuality gathers the interest for financing systems' effect on quality of healthcare of researchers from seven EU countries and US. The study, based on administrative and survey data, is designed for 36 months. It will take into account needs of four different patient groups (sectors), affected by: hospital, outpatient, pharmace ...
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The proposed integrating project LOWINPUTBREEDS aims to develop integrated LIVESTOCK BREEDING and MANAGEMENT strategies to improve ANIMAL HEALTH, product QUALITY and PERFORMANCE in European organic and ‘low input’ milk, meat and egg production through research, dissemination and training activities. The consortium includes 11 academic centres of excellence and 6 genetics/breeding companies (4 SMEs ...
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Secure Web OS Application Delivery Environment (webinos)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

The webinos project will define and deliver an Open Source Platform and specific components for the Future Internet, which will enable web applications and services to be used and shared consistently and securely over a broad spectrum of converged and connected devices, including mobile, PC, home media (TV) and in-car units. Promoting a "single service for every device" vision, webinos will move t ...
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The study of marine ecosystems is vital for understanding environmental effects, such as climate change and the effects of pollution, but is extremely difficult because of the inaccessibility of data. Undersea video data is usable but is tedious to analyse (for both raw video analysis and abstraction over massive sets of observations), and is mainly done by hand or with hand-crafted computational ...
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Our main objective is to contribute to the efficient technology and knowledge transfer from university to industry for increasing economic growth. R&D Industry aims at SMEs, which are unable to achieve proper knowledge transfer from university due to their limited resources. We will identify SMEs R&D lacks and support them to benefit from newest university´s research achievements. In addition, the ...
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The aim of MEDIWAT is to provide innovative and sustainable technical, operational and managerial solutions for tackling problems caused by water resources -quality worsening and -shortage in Med insular context. The main deliverables will be: 1) a web database and advisory platform through which realizing and maintaining an inter-islands network of expertises and cooperation 2) two strategic mas ...
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ORTs as a gateway for Access inner regions (PORTA)

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: May 29, 2013,

The project concerns the congestion of shipping systems because of bottlenecks at the access of urban ports, deepening: 1. infrastructural and intermodal criticality in interregional/local transportation networks 2. economic influence and environmental impacts of shipping in the coastal metropolitan systems and their hinterland 3. integration of urban/transport policies between the issues o ...
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The project brings together an 8-member partnership for the setting up of a permanent and fully operational HF radar observing system, capable of recording (in real-time with hourly updates) surface currents, winds and waves in the Malta Channel. The system consists of HF radar installations on the northern Malta and southern Sicilian shores at selected sites and combines stations to elaborate and ...
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Sicily and the Maltese Islands form a critical link for the ecological connectivity of the central Mediterranean migratory route between Europe and Africa. However, human pressure through intensive agriculture, urbanization and the development of residential tourist complexes has resulted in the degradation of the cross-border corridor area and fragmentation and decline in its ecological value, wi ...
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The general objectives of the project are fighting the erosion on the islands of Gozo, Malta, Pantelleria and Linosa and developing and increasing the sources of eco-friendly income alternative to seaside tourismi. The specific objectives are reversing the country abandonment, increasing green cover during drought, safeguarding the system of dry-stone walls, rationalization of water resources, acq ...
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Volcanic clouds disperse a great amount of volcanic ash that constitutes a great hazard to aviation. The accidental encounter between volcanic ash and airplanes causes damages to control surfaces, windshields and landing lights, loss of visibility and failure of critical navigational and operation instrumentations and in the worst case the failure of the engine. It is hence very important to defin ...
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