European Projects
La protezione dell'ambiente nelle isole del Medite.. (PROMED)
La protezione dell'ambiente nelle isole del Mediterraneo attraverso la valorizzazione di un sistema culturale arboreo
Start date: Apr 30, 2011,
End date: Mar 31, 2013
The general objectives of the project are fighting the erosion on the islands of Gozo, Malta, Pantelleria and Linosa and developing and increasing the sources of eco-friendly income alternative to seaside tourismi. The specific objectives are reversing the country abandonment, increasing green cover during drought, safeguarding the system of dry-stone walls, rationalization of water resources, acquisition of high-income products development of turist routes, maintenance of results after the conclusione of the project. The palnned activities, besides the management and coordiantion and communication, are the study of territories by identifying risk areas, the optimization of the vineyard planting, the enhancement of its products to make the system profitable and therefore able to maintain itself over time, the creation of an experimental station for the continuation of activities related to Malta. The results will be the territories organization in risk areas ehere local authorities will promote the planting of the vineyard, the correct use of the different varieties in accordance with the local characteristics, the definition of winemaking procedures able to guarantee the profitability of the system, the settlement of a Maltese experiemntal station able to pursue applied research and experimentation beyond the end of the project, the promotion of new tourist routes.Il progetto si pone gli obiettivi generali di lotta all'erosione nelle isole di Gozo, Malta, Linosa e Pantelleria e di sviluppo e incremento di fonti di reddito eco.compatibili alternative al turismo balneare, nonchè gli obiettivi specifici di inversione di tendenza all'abbandono delle campagne, aumento della copertura verde nei mesi siccitosi, salvaguardia del sistema dei muretti a secco, razionalizzazione delle risorse idriche di ottenimento di prodotti ad alto reddito, sviluppo di percorsi turistici, mantenimento dei risultati anche dopo la conclusione del progetto. Le attività previste, oltre alla gestioen e coordinamento e alla comunicazione, sono lo studio dei territori con individuazione delle zone a rischio, l'ottimizzazione dell'impianto del vigneto, nella corretta utilizzazione dei diversi vitigni in funzione delle peculiarità locali, nella definizione di protocolli enologici in grado di garantire la remuneratività, del ssitema, nella creazione di un centro sperimentale maltese in grado di proseguire le attività di ricerca applicata e la sperimentazione anche oltre il termine del progetto, la promozione di nuovi percorsi turistici. Achievements: The PROMED project experimented with the cultivation of vines and the valorisation of its products as profi table system to prevent soil erosion in Sicilys offshore islands as well as Malta. The areas at risk were identifi ed through the analysis of soil use, weather patterns, and on-site surveys, and the design partnership identifi ed the Sicilian and Maltese areas in which the vines, chosen on the basis of optimum growing conditions,were planted. The whole island territories of Linosa and Pantelleria were surveyed as was a large part of Malta. Following the on-site surveys, wine-making trials were carried out at the Dalmasso winery at Marsala as well as by chosen wine producers directly who both made and bottled the PROMED wines. The wines were exhibited at numerous international wine fairs among which the 2012 and 2013 Vinitaly, one of the most important wine trade-fairs in Europe. The results deriving from the implementation of a Territorial Informational System in the Linosa, Pantelleria and Malta islands has allowed the defi nition of wine-producing protocols, one of which has already been recognized by MIPAAF, the Ministry for Agricultural, Food, and Forestry Policy, that guarantees system profi tability. The project has also created a Maltese experimental station at Buskett, where the personnel has been trained to use the technical protocols in the cultivation of the vines and the transformation of the grapes according to the methodologies xperimented by the project. • 60.000 sq m the area involved • 9 grape varietiesi • 42 experimental wines • 610 analysis and technical wine-tastings • 1 recognized winemaking protocol • 1 experimental station at Buskett (Malta)