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Green IT Network Europe (GreenITNet)
Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

GreenITNetInformation and communication technologies (ICT) have become a driving force of economy and society sustaining growth and prosperity. On line data processing has in the last decade developed into a truly new infrastructure. ICT is ubiquitous and will become more so in the coming years. Also ubiquitous however has become the question of the sustainability of ICT. ICT has been singled out as a fast growing consumer of energy with a sizable carbon footprint. Already ICT consumes 8% of electricity in urban areas. Energy costs have become the largest proportion of ICT costs sometimes questioning the availability of the electricity needed.Since a few years the sustainability of ICT, "Green IT", has become a major issue. Knowledge institutions, governments, and industries form the ICT sector and other sectors have turned actively to reduce the energy consumption of ICT. As the first results of these Greening OF ICT activties become available a second essential factor becomesclearly visible. Reducing CO2 emissions and energy consumption of almost all sectors of society and the economy also depend on ICT. It has been estimated that "smart" deployment of ICT (increasing power use) can decrease the use of electricity with a factor 5 or more.The opportunity for Greening the economy and society BY ICT turns Green IT into a truly global issue, with ramifications on all levels of economy and society, involving a myriad of stakeholders. For regional governments development of effective policies to stimulate stakeholders to implement Green IT actions have become a major new area of activity. GreenITNet offers the opportunity to assess a wide range of actions and analyse policies and policy instruments to explore, develop and implement Green IT. Policy development not only has to fit opportunities in sectors as different as households, buildings, mobility, industrial processes, and the ICT and energy infrastructure itself, it also has to grasp many differentopportunities and restraints of a technological, institutional, social and economical nature. Throughout Europe a number of regional authorities has taken up the challenge. The vastness of the task requires strong cooperation and exchange of experience to pool resources and expertise. The main objective of GreenITNet is to support 10 partners (Riga, Manchester, Rome, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Catania, Oresund, Malta, Kranj, Czestochowa) and a large network of other cities and regions to develop a systematic Green IT policy framework and select a number of good practises and effective policies. The project organises a process of systematic exchange and assessment of Green IT policies and delivers a repository of policies. GreenITNet makes an important start to turn policy making for energy efficient ICT and ICT as an enabler to fight climate change into mainstream regional policy involving many stakeholders, enduring well beyond the life time of the project. Achievements: GreenIT Net project in the first months of operation has created a strong partnership - an inter-regional network of municipalities, business support structures, regional development institutions and IT networks committed to greening their territories by using information and communication technologies (ICT) in Latvia, Italy, the Netherlands, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom. Using international meetings in Riga and Catania, more stakeholders were attracted to the green usage of ICT and identifying the best practices in the fields of municipal infrastructure, transport and buildings. Partners have committed their politicians, high level senior servants and experts for the work in the project presenting varied experiences and high level competences that all were setting the procedures to work together. Partners experimented by using various information and communication tools to benefit from technologies. For larger consultations and webinars Microsoft Lync was chosen, for small meetings – Skype stayed as an efficient tool. The most outstanding experience in informing mass media recognised by all the partners has been the exchange seminar “Going Green, Green Mobility in Catania. Innovation, environment, culture and sharing solutions with European added value” in June, 2012. The seminar not only gathered interested parties from Sicily and partner institutions, but also has provided Sicilian, Italian and international viewers with information about the project and the planned results by printed press, TVs - TELEJONICA, SESTA RETE, TELE D, TIRRENO SAT, RAI 3 and social media and the YouTube clips (amongst them,, ). The project partners have been working to strengthen the engagement of the politicians in the activities of the project thus ensuring better opportunities for elaboration and transfer of the good policies and practices. The Steering Group of the project is chaired by Ms Olga Veidina, Head of Committee of Social Affairs, Riga City Council and the Representative of Riga to the Energy Cities. The seminar in Catania was opened by Mr Raffaele Stancanelli, Mayor of Catania. At the exchange events politicians not only delivered speeches, talked to media, but also engaged in the discussions with the experts.

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  • 78.3%   1 390 027,70
  • 2007 - 2013 Interreg IVC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants