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18 European Projects Found

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THREE 2016

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

...a consortium including 5 Secondary school (four VET institutes, and one focused on Foreign Language and Arts), and representative of working life- chambers of commerce, trade union, enterprise- and a training provider. The consortium is coordinated by IIS J.F. Kennedy.The project will involve 110 students of the penultimate year before the diploma; the mobility will be of 5 weeks, in summer 2017, ...
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Erasmus+ mobilities for Hordaland 2015

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

... more relevant and competent professional expertise, changes in demographics, and increased globalisation all require new and innovative professional competences and relevant vocational education and training. International cooperation is an integral part of the Hordaland County Council’s (HCC) strategy for regional development. The strategy aims to create a sustainable, attractive and competitive ...
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Vocational training and enterprise: a winning alliance for growth 2015

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project "VET-PRICE 2015" moves from the need to expand the knowledge and skills of young people training in Vocational and Technical Education, through an internship experience abroad lasting five weeks, in order to improve job opportunities. It is also a response to the training needs of the productive sectors of the Province of Treviso, hit hard by the crisis, through action that will lead ...
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Work In Progress

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,, restaurant and catering – Cookery/ Confectionary / Food and Drinks Service Hospitality. The traineeship is integrated in the school educational curriculum and it is recognized as a compulsory training within the dual school-work scheme. The training abroad lasts five weeks, the first week is dedicated to preparation and settling in and the other four are full time on the job training. The pr ...
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Training, Human Resource, European Education 2015

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project THREE is addressed to 100 students of a network of Secondary schools located in the area called “Bassa Padovana”, in Veneto Region. The project is presented by a Consortium including the schools, companies, employers’ associations, workers’ organisations and local authorities. These technical and vocational schools have an articulated educational offer, where professional profiles have ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

...all percentage of young people which actually engages in transnational mobility activities remains low and compares unfavourably with higher education. Nevertheless, it appears with clarity that this training component is largely underdeveloped compared with other subjects in the VET-curricula. Some main barriers must be addressed if learning mobility is to be extended. The project seeks to addres ...
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RE-NERGY 2014 – Building the sustainable economy

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The RE-NERGY Project, with the proposal of 5 weeks transnational mobility, renews its commitment in the field of vocational training by focusing on new themes, but always starting from the needs of the cluster, as a response to the training needs of the productive sectors of the eastern provinces Piedmont (especially Alessandria Province). The focus then becomes polarized toward the handicraft s ...
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Coop4Live - Training, Human Resource, European Education

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016, explore new ethic and cooperative business models and ethics in which value team different skills and professionalism. These schools manage the School-Work Alternance: the students attend a path training that involves the integration between theoretical / practical teachings and work experiences in companies. The need is to boost employment through a new model of sustainable development, starti ...
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Erasmus+ mobilities for Hordaland 2014

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

...ergy, sustainable development, access to skilled and competent labour force, innovation and development in the economic sector. As a school owner, HCC is continuously working to adapt education and training to fit the needs of the region, and to encourage young people to finish and complete their education and training. These objectives are to a large extent in correspondence with EU’s 2020 strate ...
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Economical, Ecological and Social Construction (ConEct)

Start date: May 5, 2012, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

... Achievements: The action has had a positive impact on organizational, local, regional and international levels between vocational education and training, and SMEs. A strong, active and committed partnership was established, the quality and amount of student and expert mobilities increased significantly (totally 422 mobilities were carried out ...
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...ise would be able to enhance cross-border and international transport and logistics, freight forwarding, customer servicing and thus tighten cross-border economy links. There exist vocational schools training transport and logistics in border areas. Still, companies employing vocational school graduates are often dissatisfied with the cross-border and international logistics and freight-forwarding ...
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Project importanceTransportation volumes in the Baltic Sea region have been growing significantly due to the rapid growth of the Russian and Baltic economies. Especially strong growth has been taken place with oil and chemical transportation.Increased transportation volumes may pose increased risks to health, people and environment. However, there is only limited information on the Dangerous Goods ...
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The BSR is characterised by large areas of unspoilt countryside. Because of strong economic problems just in these rural areas tourism seems to be a promising opportunity to support regional development. Sustainability considered as a guiding principle can ensure that such a development will lead to economical benefits without threaten the nature and the social structure. Consequently a lot of sus ...
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LogOn Baltic improved spatial integration by transferring knowledge in ICT and logistics competence. The main objective is to produce and disseminate information for regional development agencies on how to support enterprises in the participating regions in their effort to improve ICT and logistics competence, thus improving regional development.Objectives of the project: identifying development a ...
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...tines. Future workshops could develop joint laboratory procedures and best practice. Experience, information and suggestions from the different parties should be pooled to establish one training system, which could be implemented throughout the region.
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...s already existing at some universities of Central East European region acquired partly from previous Leonardo da Vinci Projects and partly from other innovative projects into a public, multi-lingual training system.There are three kinds of partners in the project:• Receiving Partners (training centers, industrial associations and schools), whose tasks are to identify and analyze targeted user req ...
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This project was designed to research such collaboration by undertaking practical e-work tasks through an internet platform and then testing their results. The aim has been to find assistance and solutions of a kind that every student and teacher can develop in an international setting, in order to enhance internationality in an inexpensive way and link cooperative project tasks with normal school ...
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Getting the excluded back on track : A peer mentoring service to support excluded or marginalised people in their attempts to gain access to training, education or employment was developed. Peer educators have been trained to work with the target groups. Evaluation of the efficiency of the methods as a tool for successful (re)integration of the target groups into vocational training and employment ...
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