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5 European Projects Found

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Intercultural dialogue is our task!

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

Ova se osmodnevna obuka / trening "Međukulturni dijalog je naš zadatak!" bavi sljedećim temama: rad s mladima, međukulturni dijalog, prihvaćanje različitosti, međukulturno učenje, izazovi i prijedlozi u provođenju međuetničkih / međureligijskih / međukulturnih aktivnosti, vođenje, timski rad, transformacija konflikta, komunikacija, pisanje projektnih prijedloga, program Mladi na Djelu, razmjene ml ...
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Ova se osmodnevna obuka / trening "Europa za mlade - mladi za Europu!" bavi temama Europske svijesti i politikama za mlade uopće i sa sljedećim temama posebice: (ne)zaposlenost mladih, vjeL?tine zapoL?ljivosti mladih, Youthpass i kljuĔne kompetencije, Europsko trLliL?te rada, Europske institucije i strategije povezane sa zapoL?ljavanjem mladih, Europsko građanstvo i identitet, Budućnost Europe, dr ...
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The Youth Exchange “Re-creating Europe: Creativity is fighting racism and xenophobia” is an immediate follow-up project of the YE “It's the diversity that counts!” and the YE “Reillustrating Europe: Jokes & cartoons fighting racism and xenophobia” which were realized in 2010 and 2012 in Prijedor, Bosnia-Herzegovina. According to the results of the evaluations gained it is in the interest of promot ...
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The Seminar "Sharing & Learning & Improving: Youth peers for Human Rights Education in Action" is following the development of an 2009 started project line by our association “Mreža” which was dedicated to the promotion of peer education in different fields of youth work, especially in the field of Human Rights Education (HRE). Following this development the current project is dedicated to the dis ...
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Senol from Turkey cam for 20 days to do a job shadowing in Slovenia. We introduced him in all aspects of our media projects where young people with fewer opportunities are involved. He learnt about planning, practical work, motivation of participants, specifics of working with youngsters from different social & cultural background ... He was introduced also to some other projects that are dealing ...
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