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The aim of this project is to establish an interdisciplinary master program in rehabilitation sciences at Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST). Higher education in rehabilitation sciences is almost lacking in the region. Additionally, the entry level (bachelor degree) in this field in Jordan focuses heavily on the theory basis with no equivalent clinical reasoning and sound practical ...
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Refugees Education Support in mena CoUntriEs

Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

...rkey and Germany) are experiencing a very critical situation due to the high number of refugees present on their territory: most of these are Syrian citizens, and include a high percentage of former University students who had to interrupt their academic curriculum.The main specific objective of RESCUE is to help the Partner Country Universities in structuring an effective response to this proble ...
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The project aims to ensure that the universities in Jordan and Syria can offer a high quality education compatible with European standards and meets the market needs of the emerging knowledge-based society by strengthening environmental teaching. Also, EGREEN aims to introduce the concept of environmental and climate change issues in order to graduate professional leaders who can meet market needs ...
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Pathway in Forensic Computing

Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

The FORC project seeks to build capacities to develop an integrated curricula in forensic computing as pathways within the undergraduate degrees of the faculties of Information Technology and Law, using a student-centred adaptive learning approach based on the bologna processes. It aims to develop a pathways, integrated within the current curricula, to bring continuity and achieve harmony across ...
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...hD project approaches SE based on the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge, the SWEBOK, as 15 key knowledge areas and 7 closely related disciplines. Introducing such a broad based discipline in any university is a major challenge, and the PWs@PhD project supports the development, modernization and internalization of higher education in the target countries by helping them to train the university ...
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The project is aiming the development of an adaptive curriculum in engineering education that is based on digital learning resources for mobile devices, responds to the requirements for modernization and accessibility of the Jordanian high education system to improve the educational integration of disadvantaged learners in the educational system - groups in risk whose special needs or socioeconomi ...
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The project aims at modernization of Higher education methodologies with cooperation of EU experiences, by establishing well equipped center, which engage technology with teaching process and it will be used to train Professors, Lecturers, Trainers whom already exist in Partner countries and Trainees in best practices of ICT in education. The project aims to ensure that universities in Jordan and ...
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...ed at HEIs in beneficiary countries. In this context, this project aims at developing and implementing interdisciplinary teaching modules and training courses on the socio-economic impacts of REEE on university teaching level. While the teaching materials target graduate and post-graduate students, the training courses are designed to train the teachers involved in the process. The teaching module ...
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Master in Health Informatics

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

This project proposes the development of an MSc degree program that covers the core and new trends in Health Informatics (HI) and incorporate expertise at EU institutions and six MENA universities. The program will use modern learning and research approaches to support the program curriculum on new HI trends. Improving the efficiency of the care process, and enhancing the quality and outcome of me ...
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MIMIr is primarly designed to aid, assist and soccour partner universities in South Neighbouring Countries to understand the status quo of their innovation and research, performance, efficacy, and practices and devise pathways to overcome impediments, hindrances, fiascos and pitfalls that prevent them from achieving recognised stature in the international landscape. The core tread to accomplish th ...
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The HiCure project seeks to build capacities to develop an integrated curricula in Health Informatics as pathways within the undergraduate degrees of the faculties of Health and Information Technology, using a student-centred adaptive learning approach based on the bologna processes. It aims to develop two pathways, integrated within the current curricula, to bring continuity and achieve harmony ...
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The ENEPLAN project was conceived to address the lack of interdisciplinary approaches in higher education on energy planning and RES development in Mediterranean areas, by increasing the capacities of future professionals through innovative ICT-based educational approaches, able to integrate different disciplines (spatial planning, environment, engineering, landscape) and foster collaboration with ...
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Smart Control Systems for Energy Management: New Master Degree

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

The Middle East countries are going through a period of change where governments are forced to address the need for greater access to economic opportunity. With a challenging economic environment and a growing social demand, governments believe that subsidy reform especially in energy and food might help reconcile social protection and secure fiscal positions. With almost $17 billion spending ever ...
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Promotion of Innovation Culture in the Higher Education in Jordan

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

INVENT project responds to one of Jordan’s priorities in promoting innovation and R&D to boost economy. It responds to the need for a professional profile able to work with an interdisciplinary approach that integrates knowledge and expertise in R&D on one hand, and in innovation-driven business on the other hand. The basic results of the project activities are the establishment of Centers for tr ...
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Towards a National Qualifications Framework for Jordan

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

The wider objective of the project is to support the structural reform of the higher education system in Jordan, develop a qualifications framework for higher education in line with national priorities, and implement at different institutional levels. NQF-J shall provide a QF for higher education for implementation at institutional level and, importantly, set up the basis for a comprehensive NQF, ...
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The reason of this project is to assess and describe the need for introducing vocational education at higher and tertiary levels and for establishing a Vocational Centers in Jordan universities and transfer of the EU experience in vocational training system and teaching.This project will focus on developing a vocational training program by constructing a vocational training center in Jordan univer ...
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Sustainability of societies in a restricted or fragile environment forms a perpetual question, past and present underpinning questions of the rise and fall of civilisation. Today, the eroded Maltese islands support one of the densest human populations in the world. When first colonised in the 6th millennium BC, pristine soil and forest covered the landscape, but within centuries the landscape was ...
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Complex wetting phenomena (COWET)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Static and dynamic wetting of solid surfaces by liquids is a focus of numerous theoretical, computational and experimental investigations. Most of the research and training activities are focused on the wetting of simple solids by one-component liquids. However, a wide variety of industrial processes mostly include wetting/spreading of complex multiphase liquids over heterogeneous, structured or ( ...
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Middle East Research and Innovation Dialogue (MERID)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The MERID project (Middle East Research and Innovation Dialogue) proposes a comprehensive action to intensify and encourage research and innovation cooperation between the EU and the Middle East region, directly involving partners from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine, directly involving partners from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine. The project intends to build up ...
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The project GRAIL has been build with 15 partners from 9 different countries with the aim of finalising the solutions given previously to the valorization of glycerol and transform then in valuable products in a biorefinery approachThe overall concept of GRAIL project is the use, exploitation and further development of the state of the art in the field of bio-based products from glycerol and the d ...
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Our project aim is to bring both European Countries and neighbour countries where is cost of Mediterranean countries. The countries will be fever opportunities about joining of this programmes before and They could never been in our country. We will provide to learn eacother and their cultures and it will help developing of solidarity among the countries and its citizens.Our project called ‘’D ...
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An Adaptive, highly Scalable Analytics Platform (ASAP)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

This project proposes a unified, open-source execution framework for scalable data analytics. Data analytics tools have become essential for harnessing the power of our era's data deluge. Current technologies are restrictive, as their efficacy is usually bound to a single data and compute model, often depending on proprietary systems. The main idea behind ASAP is that no single execution model ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

VeLASSCo will provide new visual analysis methods for large-scale simulations serving the petabyte era and preparing the exabyte era by adopting Big Data tools/architectures for the engineering and scientific community, leveraging new ways of in-situ processing for data analytics and hardware accelerated interactive visualization.Regardless of its origin, in the near future the challenge will not ...
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Description Helping Europeans manage their weightIn some EU countries, about two in three adults and one in three children are overweight. With DAPHNE, researchers and businesses join forces to help people manage their weight and increase physical exercise using emerging technologies and information systems. The project will use a new gen ...
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Political and Social Transformations in the Arab World (ArabTrans)

Start date: Apr 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Goal:To describe, explain and understand the root causes, the evolution and future outlook of the ‘Arab Spring’ or ‘Arab Revolution’Overview:Since January 2011, the Arab World entered into a historical process of rapid and deep change of its political and social structures. This process of political transformations shows some striking similarities with the political revolution in post-Communist Eu ...
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Cross Border

Start date: Sep 16, 2014, End date: Sep 15, 2016,

Cross Border project aims to develop and enhance the process of search for a job or career of youth from urban and rural areas in difficulty in order to make their EVS a springboard for their future. Quality support (training courses, tutoring, follow-ups, individual interview, tripartite maintenance, linguistic workshops, workshop on youth pass, CV workshop...) with key partners (receiving and s ...
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"Renewable energy has been widely recognised as a growth area, and thus included in the ten themes of the FP7 for research and technological development. At this moment it is wind energy that is firmly in the spotlight because this is the only feasible source of renewables to be utilised economically in quantities. Traditionally, medium and large wind turbines use doubly-fed induction generators ( ...
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NanoStreams co-designs a micro-server architecture and software stack that address the unique challenges of hybrid transactional-analytical workloads, which are encountered by emerging applications of real-time big-data analytics. To this end, NanoStreams brings together embedded system design principles, application-specific compilers, and HPC software practices.The processor technology that unde ...
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Manufacturing process variability at low geometries and power dissipation are the most challenging problems in the design of future computing systems. Currently manufacturers go to great lengths to guarantee fault-free operation of their products by introducing redundancy in voltage margins, conservative layout rules, and extra protection circuitry. However, such design redundancy may result into ...
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Over the last decade a sharp decline in interest and participation in science has been identified in young people across Europe. Should this continue, the capacity to innovate both in industry and research will suffer in the long term. A critical issue in addressing this problem is providing young people with relevant contexts and practical experience of scientific concepts through classroom sci ...
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Eye-hand coordination in space and time (EYEHAND)

Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

"Loss of arm function can have a severe impact on a patient’s life and results in a loss of productivity. As a remedy, scientists are currently developing brain-machine interfaces, which ultimately would allow patients to control a cybernetic arm by thought, through signals recorded from the brain. Even though many basic real-life situations, such as interacting with other people and navigating tr ...
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BACKGROUNDThe prevalence of overweight and obesity in Europe is high and contribute to mortality and the burden of many chronic diseases, especially within groups of lower social-economic status. Obesity is largely determined by modifiable lifestyle dependent risk factors such as reduced physical activity, sedentary behaviour and an unhealthy diet. There is growing evidence that influences on indi ...
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The MOSAIC project aims to foster R&D cooperation between Europe and Mediterranean Partner Countries under European and third country programmes. MOSAIC focuses on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and how ICT can support common EU-MED societal challenges among which Health and wellbeing, Food and agriculture, Clean Energy, Green Integrated Transport and Risk Management for critical ...
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Project in brief Pollution is one of the most important threats that the Mediterranean Sea is facing, partly due to the shipping operations and activities. It is worth mentioning that today more than 30% of all international sea-borne trade by volume originates from, is directed to Mediterranean ports or passes through its waters, and that nearly 25% of the worlds sea-transported oil transits the ...
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Project in brief Although the Mediterranean territories have any cultural and economic similarities, there is a gap in the mobility of students and professionals compared to other areas of the world with less comparable features. The gap is even wider when looking at the intensity of mobility of young people within European Union. Specific EU funded initiatives, such as ERASMUS and Leonardo da Vin ...
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GOvernance for Achieving Local Strategies for tourism (GOALS)

Start date: Dec 30, 2013, End date: Dec 29, 2015,

Project in brief According to ARLEM report on sustainable tourism*, the Mediterranean region is the world’s eading tourist destination, although there are considerable disparities within it. It receives 30% of tourist arrivals and 25% of the total income from global tourism, with 80% of the visiting tourists coming from Europe. Whilst tourism plays a key role in the region’s economic development a ...
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The Mediterranean region is currently being affected by increasing environmental and cultural deterioration. Although it is still one of the foremost tourist areas in the world, the Mediterranean is progressively losing attractiveness. In order to regain competitiveness, Mediterranean countries need to modernise the management of touristic assets, investing in new technologies and innovative polic ...
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Sustainable Mediterranean Old Towns (SMOT)

Start date: Dec 19, 2013, End date: Dec 28, 2015,

Project in brief Due to their age and heritage, many cities in the Mediterranean basin have historical districts similar to open-air museums and the preservation of these values for future generations is a key issue to be addressed. However, this responsibility should not only concern the conservation of monuments but also the adoption of measures for the protection of the environment, introducing ...
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Project in brief The rapid pace of urbanization in the Mediterranean area over the last decades have raised a series of issues mostly related to air quality, energy efficiency, waste recycling, pressure on natural resources, pollution and social welfare of urban inhabitants. While cities population will continue to grow in the next years, it is of fundamental importance to ensure the transition fr ...
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...g graduates and researchers• Reinforced collaboration between education and production systems to boost technology transfer• Improved access to research infrastructures and facilities for joint university-enterprise R&D projects• Pilot incubation schemes and technology transfer frameworks implemented• Mobility scheme developed involving young entrepreneurs and Technology Transfer• Offices staff
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