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11 European Projects Found

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SME's Commitment in Apprenticeship

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Background: The apprenticeship and work based learning at European and national level is recognized as a very good factor of integration into the labor market. However, in France there is a decline in recruitment of apprentices, while countries such as Romania and Portugal with a very strong SMEs face the challenge to grow and involve more businesses in their apprenticeship system, while Finland ...
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YEBISU empowers employees

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

YEBISU empowers employees The project "YEBISU empowers employees" aims to find instruments to improve the entrepreneurial behaviour of employees. To this end the project intents to develop a set of units of learning outcomes as well as the assessment tool to measure these outcomes for entrepreneurial behaviour on the levels 1 - 5 of the EQF. The units of learning outcomes are meant for the compet ...
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2016 Financial support to the EQAVET

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

Developing a set of activities aiming to promote VET visibility and raise awareness of VET are highly important. Our propject will promote the use of the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework at national level (RO), will foster mutual learning between Quality Assurance National Reference Points (QANRPs) representatives (the project will organise a peer learning activity for QANRPs ) and ...
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The on-going changing society marked by demanding expectations and challenges raised the policy-makers awareness that only joints efforts provide appropriate measures and actions for sustainable economic growth and fair competitiveness. The Lisbon declaration, the Bruges Communiqué emphasized the role of education and training as main instrument that stand as basis for an enforced human capital, “ ...
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The project aims i.a. to create a starting point for the development and introduction of a work-based learning and training opportunity for young people as well as developing the basis of a legal framework for 11 introducing apprenticeship in IVET. The results will comprise i.a. a feasibility study, a master plan for the implementation of the feasibility recommendations, a training programme as we ...
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The RO-GE experts joint Working group includes representatives of the Romanian Ministry of Education, of the National Centre for TVET Development, of the Academy of Esslingen Baden-Württemberg, of 4 School Inspectorates, 4 VET chools and their German partner companies (Daimler AG, Schaeffler Romania, Star Transmission, Marquardt Schaltsysteme S.C.S., aditec Brasov, DWS Sibiu, Christiani, Draexlmai ...
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Training on competence based assessment for VET teachers

Start date: May 31, 2011, End date: May 29, 2014,

The main objective is to develop and implement training programmes for VET teachers in competence based assesment. Achievements: The aim of the project »Training on competence based assessment for VET teachers« was to develop the competencies of 600 VET teachers in the ...
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General objectivesupport the regional cooperation in VET in accordance with the diversified needs of the countries for mutual learning, regional exchange of experience and good practice and for encompassing the specific phases of national reforms in VET. Achievements: T ...
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The aim of the project were to develop the capacity of French vocational education establishments in the field of self-assessment taking into account the preexisting national education framework related to vocational education and training - especially the “lycée des métiers” label- as well as the schools target oriented contracts and development. The project were in compliance with the European f ...
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Main aims and objectives of the project:To contribute to the Lisbon goal of making Europe the world’s leading economy by promoting the quantity and enhancing the quality of international entrepreneurs, by• encouraging (young) people in Europe to pursue an internationally oriented entrepreneurial career, by making clear and transparent in the European context the competences they need for internati ...
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Green competences for Ecotourism

Start date: May 31, 2015,

...arest.The Experts Group was established at the proposal of the Romanian Ministry of National Education and the National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (NCTVETD), having the goal to explore the emerging needs in “green competences” and priorities for developing respective vocational education and training provisions in the Danube Region.At the meeting partici ...
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