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2016 Financial support to the EQAVET
Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Developing a set of activities aiming to promote VET visibility and raise awareness of VET are highly important. Our propject will promote the use of the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework at national level (RO), will foster mutual learning between Quality Assurance National Reference Points (QANRPs) representatives (the project will organise a peer learning activity for QANRPs ) and will boost the institutional development of the Romanian QA National Reference Point. The results/products of this project are:- a Policy briefing of the PLA on Promoting visibility and raising awareness of VET comprising key messages on the theme for system and provider developments- a Compendium of good practice on Promoting visibility and raising awareness of VET, comprising a collection of examples of good practice such as: campaigns to raise public awareness on VET benefits, platforms to promote VET, career guidance and curricula elements to support education&training orientation for gymnasium students, companies’ initiatives aiming to promote and support VET developments/students, promotion of VET graduates ‘success stories etc;- an Updated website of the Romanian QANRP (GNAC), with relevant national and European VET documents, in both English and Romanian (where appropriate);- a national information session – for awareness raising and dissemination / exploitation of results. - five promotional materials – 2 flyers (each one, 1 page A4, folded in 3, with text on both sides – full colour) that will disseminate the project aims, objective and scope (the 1st one) and the main results of the project (the 2nd) and 3 newsletters -each issue of the newsletter will have 8 pages format A4 – full colour and the content will focus each on one major outcome of the project
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