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National Authorities for Apprenticeships: Development of Apprenticeship Learning in IVET in Romania (DAL – IVET)
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The on-going changing society marked by demanding expectations and challenges raised the policy-makers awareness that only joints efforts provide appropriate measures and actions for sustainable economic growth and fair competitiveness. The Lisbon declaration, the Bruges Communiqué emphasized the role of education and training as main instrument that stand as basis for an enforced human capital, “Rethinking Education” urges European Member States to take immediate action and “re-think”, adapt education and training systems to the labour market real needs. The Recommendations of July 9, 2013 of the Council of the European Union on the National Reform Programme 2013 of Romania and on the Convergence Programme for 2012-2016 also emphasise the need to increase the employment rate, the youth employment and activity. They all form overarching issues that are acknowledged at both European and national levels, being assumed by the EU Member States through ET 2020 Strategy. The needs identified in the initial VET system refer mainly to better matching the training offer and the competencies of the graduates to the labour market needs and the improvement of the social partner and employers’ participation and accountability in initial education and training. The project general aim is to create the starting point for the development and introduction of a more flexible, work-based learning and training opportunity for young people who want to train for a labour-market relevant qualification by enrolling in an apprenticeship pathway in initial VET in Romania. The specific objectives of the project are also developing the basis of a legal framework for introducing apprenticeship in IVET, improving the skills and competencies of the teachers and trainers involved in work-based learning, through a pilot training programme, enhancing the accountability of the key actors involved in IVET and raising awareness of all relevant stakeholders that could contribute to this new pathway. The results envisaged in general terms consist in the feasibility study, a master plan for the implementation of the feasibility recommendations, a training programme, two conferences and dissemination materials and tools, two visits of exchange of good practices. The target group will include different categories of public: policy makers, stakeholders and social partners, representatives of the inspectorates and of regional / county authorities. The project activity will have an important impact at system level first of all by creating the premises of the introduction and implementation of a flexible and attractive apprenticeship pathway in IVET, then at regional and local level by better addressing the needs of the companies, increasing IVET graduates employability and raising their and the public’s confidence in the new form of training and in the end , improving IVET the and relevancy credibility and image of IVET in Romania.

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