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19 European Projects Found

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Boosting European Games Industry (BOO-Games)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Once the economic force of Creative Industries (CI) was showcased by several studies,the development of strong digital+interactive media strategies is still high on the agenda throughout Europe. Especially the digital games market is a fast growing market within CI:The global demand for digital games is expected to grow 10% annually in the next years.Today the production of is an interna ...
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Regional administration of lake restoration initiatives (LakeAdmin)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

The economic values of clean and safe water are well established. Lakes, ponds and reservoirs can provide water for drinking, irrigation, recreation, fish, natural and cultural values and other ecosystem services. Domestic and national tourism in lake districts are often of high local and regional economical importance. However, in spite of remarkable investments in wastewater treatment, the quali ...
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The potential of producing bio-fuel from microalgae has been recognized as an alternative to fossil fuels, especially under the form of liquid fuel (diesel, ethanol), which can be used in the transport sector. The use of microalgae as a biomass resource for production of biodiesel has drawn a lot of attention from researchers, governments and the private sector. To foster the development of microa ...
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Mediterranean Eco Industrial Development (MEID)

Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

The project aims to realize the M.E.I.D. model to plan, build and govern sustainable Industrial Areas (IAs).The model goals to enhance capacities and decision tools of Competent Authorities to integrate environmental friendly solutions into the Regional and Interregional Development Strategies related to Industrial Policy. Thanks to the integration approach, SMEs will be the first beneficiaries, i ...
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InFLOWence works on the strengthening of the competitive potentials that one territory has when the FUNCTIONAL LINKS between centre and subcentres are valorised by creating the appropriate integration process.TOOLS and INSTRUMENTS of participation and CAPACITY BUILDING processes are implemented and diffused.Proj's approach is applied and validate both at institutional and economic level through ag ...
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The main project objective is to foster the competitiveness of MED SMEs promoting a new public-private partnership to support innovation based on a more open approach of knowledge and technology transfer and a strong public-private cooperation. The main activities are: innovation providers’ quality certification system analysis of existent public-private mechanisms of cooperation to fund innov ...
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Connections between harbours and hinterland (SEATOLAND)

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: Nov 29, 2012,

Integration based on a more efficient junction between harbour and the inland system together with improved accessibility can be the key to success in undertaking the support of inshore areas. The project aims at developing strategies to increase the competitiveness of some areas, by improving accessibility between inshore and inland areas, acting not only on infrastructures but also by creating ...
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Sustainable growth and economic development depends on Creativity and Innovation as the main drivers for competitivenes. In this context the CreaMED Alliance is an iniciative aimed at fostering Creativity and Innovation between MED Regions at both, public and private level, as a route to a Regional Sustainable Development by encouraging mutual policy learning, synergies and cooperation in order t ...
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Incubators for Cultural Enterprises (I.C.E.)

Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Oct 31, 2011,

Referring to Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain and Malta, the project focuses on SMEs involved in art-related sector and the actions will be finalized to: 1. creation and promotion of a stable network between UNESCO sites territories in the Med space and enterprises finalised to have an exchange of experiences and know-how, promotion of economic initiatives, realization of an innovative system of man ...
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Mediterranean Intermodal Transit (TRANSit)

Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

Ports in the Southern Mediterranean area play a key role in freight transportation, acting as the main gateways to the mainland. Their significant placement in the freight supply chain triggered the idea for an integrated management of the ports freight operations along with the provision and support of intermodal and multimodal services to transport operators (sea, road and rail).The main objecti ...
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Reinforcing social, economic and territorial cohesion, by making ICT products and services more accessible within less-developed regions, becomes an economic, social, ethical and political imperative, according to the Lisbon agenda. It is consequently crucial that successful policy practices, recognized by the European Commission as “best practices” are transferred from the regions that have alrea ...
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Responsible Industries of the Mediterranean (RIMED)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

For centuries the Mediterranean has been characterised for its important industry and trading sectors and has been considered the cradle of the civilisations whos main activity is the commercialisation and exchange of products that are produced in Mediterranean countries. But in the latest decades the tourism and services sectors have grown to be much stronger than these traditional sectors. In so ...
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The MedCOAST.Net Project aims to the implementation of collective policies of urban coastal area management, with emphasis on access for all, sustainable development and environmental management, as well as safeguard of the natural and cultural resources or urban coastal areas, support of their comparative advantages, improvement of knowledge, raise of awareness, rejuvenation of declining urban co ...
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The MEDMISSION project aims at exploiting the common cultural heritage of Mediterranean cities through the creation of a Sustainable Cultural Network on the traces of the Ap. Pauls missionary path for the expansion of the Christianity taking advantage of ICT technologies and exploiting synergies with local key economic sectors in Mediterranean basin. Main objectives of the project are: • The prote ...
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The main objective of the project WDCNET is to realize a radio frequency wireless network, linking all public services suppliers (municipalities, schools, welfare) in geographically isolated areas, able to transport data and information valuable and helpful to citizens. The wireless technology grants a high performance and reliable network with minimum environmental impact, on which implementing a ...
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Intelligent Ports System (iPORTS)

Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

Ports in the Southern Mediterranean area are lagging behind in the challenge of promoting regional development, as well as secure interregional, cross-border and transnational cooperation. The main objective of the project iPORTS is the use of ICTs and telematics for ports in order to regain their competitive edge and become intelligent and secure development gateways by: • Developing a strategic ...
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Le projet a pour objectif de permettre à des jeunes de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée de vivre, dans le cadre du SVE, une expérience concrète, dans une organisation impliquée dans le domaine culturel, dans un autre pays que le leur. En moyenne, la durée des services est de 10 mois, ils se déroulent dans 7 pays différents de l'espace euro-méditerranéen. Les jeunes seront impliqués dans toutes les a ...
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ENERGEIA tackles the topic of supporting entrepreneurship in the energy sector. Developing entrepreneurship out of research outputs and competences is a key action that will contribute to reach Europe2020 objectives - in terms of energy consumption from renewable sources and energy savings - direct impacts on EU economic development, wealth creation and employment. Data on the energy sector in Eur ...
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Start date: May 1, 2009,

Suspended Spaces explores islands regions in Mediterranean Europe with a special interest in city harbours. It will provide a dynamic forum. The proposed actions are an archeological exhibition, a contemporary art exhibition, and a workshop.A catalogue, leaflets, posters, banners and the screening of debates are foreseen.
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