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Fostering Creativity and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area as key elements for Regional Sustainable Development: CreaMED Alliance (CreaMED)
Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: May 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Sustainable growth and economic development depends on Creativity and Innovation as the main drivers for competitivenes. In this context the CreaMED Alliance is an iniciative aimed at fostering Creativity and Innovation between MED Regions at both, public and private level, as a route to a Regional Sustainable Development by encouraging mutual policy learning, synergies and cooperation in order to provide a framework for developing Regional Innovation Policies within the Mediterranean Area Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startCreaMED aims at fostering Creativity between MED Regions as a route to Regional Sustainable Development. By creating an alliance partners learn each other encouraging the creation of synergies and promoting the Interregional Cooperation in order to provide a favourable environment for Creativity in the MED area. During previous stages partners developed a Regional Analysis on the Identification of Regional Policies based on Creativity&Innovation and a Set of Recommendations&Improvement Measures, mainly addressed to Public Authorities. Following, Regional Seminars as well as the International Conference were carried out to disseminate major project achievements so far. As a result, 11 Reports were produced. Additionally, partners undertook their Creativity Workshops and complete the implentation of their pilot experiences (10 per region involved). Finally the Creativity Experts Committee has been created, bringing about 12 international experts on creativity and innovation.Latest project activities and outputsDuring the final period (a very short period, only 3 months), partners were working on the completion of their pilot experiences (86 SMEs trained) the reporting of such activities and the preparation of closure actions. The implementation of Creative pilot projects is detailed in the corresponding deliverable. The 4th Newsletter, mainly focussed on Pilot Experiences, was issued with the updated version of the Communication and Capitalization Plan, for which all partners prepared their contributions. Partners prepared as well their -cooperation agreements- model to engage new members in CreaMED alliance. So with the aim to enlarge the alliance, partners worked in the enrolment of new partners to ensure the sustainability of CreaMED most ambitious purposes. As a result 24 new members have been engaged so finally the Alliance counts on 35 members (5 members more than what was initially foreseen in the proposal).Next key steps for the projectNext steps to be taken deal with management tasks: the administrative and financial closing of the project, with the delivery of last deliverables and final report of the project, as well as the presentation of last payment claim of the project.
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  • 77.4%   1 005 000,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants