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Federation for FIRE Plus (Fed4FIREplus)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

...broad range of experimenter communities covering a wide variety of Internet infrastructures, services and applications.Fed4FIRE+ will continuously upgrade and improve the facilities and include technical innovations, focused towards increased user satisfaction (user-friendly tools, privacy-oriented data management, testbed SLA and reputation, experiment reproducibility, service-level experiment or ...
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Experimentation in mesocosms is arguably the single most powerful approach to obtain a mechanistic quantitative understanding of ecosystem-level impacts of stressors in complex systems, especially when embedded in long-term observations, theoretical models and experiments conducted at other scales. AQUACOSM builds on an established European network of mesocosm research infrastructures (RI), the FP ...
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SMART-Plant will scale-up in real environment eco-innovative and energy-efficient solutions to renovate existing wastewater treatment plants and close the circular value chain by applying low-carbon techniques to recover materials that are otherwise lost. 7+2 pilot systems will be optimized fore > 2 years in real environment in 5 municipal water treatment plants, inclunding also 2 post-processing ...
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 FINISHED • to validate the treatment and storage capacity of soil-aquifer systems in combination with oxidative pre-treatments • to demonstrate the combination of constructed wetlands with different technical post- or pre-treatment options (ozone or bioreactor systems) as a wastewater treatment option• to evidence reductions in operating costs and energy consumption• to test a robust risk assessment fr ...
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MicroElectronics Cloud Alliance

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

mCloud Alliance brings together 18 higher education institutions (HEIs) and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to develop Cloud-based European infrastructure and organisation for education in microelectronics providing a range of open educational resources (OERs), remote access and sharing of educational and professional software, remote and practice-based learning facilities. Neither university ...
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The project consist of 16 universities: four from program countries PL, DE, BG and IT; four from KZ, four from AM, four from IL; two stakeholders of related field: 1-from KZ and 1-from IL and spin-off company- ECM from DE. The overall objectives of the proposal are: To support the modernisation of the higher education (HE) in microelectronics in the targeted Universities in AM, KG and IL through ...
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Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 1 (HBP SGA1)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest scientific challenges of our time. Such an understanding can provide profound insights into our humanity, leading to fundamentally new computing technologies, and transforming the diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders. Modern ICT brings this prospect within reach. The HBP Flagship Initiative (HBP) thus proposes a unique strategy that uses I ...
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"MARS will support managers and policy makers in the practical implementation of the WFD, of related legislation and of the Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Water Resources by conducting new research and synthesising existing knowledge concerning effects and management of multiple stressors in surface water and groundwater bodies; by advising the 3rd RMBP cycle and the revision of the WFD; and by d ...
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Europe has invoked the SET-Plan to design and implement an energy technology policy for Europe to accelerate the development and deployment of cost-effective renewable energy systems, including photovoltaics. With lower cost of solar electricity, PV could significantly contribute to the achievements of the 20-20-20 objectives.The Joint Program on PV of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA-P ...
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...ngs together high-level key expertise from the European creative industries, technology-based enterprises, the cultural heritage sector and higher education.Europeana Space will build 3 Spaces, the Technical, Content and Innovation Spaces: physical and virtual environments to enable the creative re-use of cultural content. They will contain online guidelines and tools, a technical framework; a p ...
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Europeana Sounds

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

The Europeana Sounds is Europeana's 'missing' fifth domain aggregator, joining APEX (Archives), EUscreen (television), the Europeana Film Gateway (film) and TEL (libraries). It will increase the opportunities for access to and creative re-use of Europeana's audio and audio-related content and will build a sustainable best practice network of stakeholders in the content value chain to aggregate, en ...
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"The research programme will integrate diverse levels, methods and disciplinary traditions with the aim of developing a comprehensive policy agenda for changing the role of the financial system to help achieve a future which is sustainable in environmental, social and economic terms. The programme involves an integrated and balanced consortium involving partners from 14 countries that has unsurpa ...
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Energy Efficient Safe SHip OPERAtion (SHOPERA)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The 2012 guidelines on the attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships (MEPC.212(63)) represent a major step forward in implementing the REGULATIONS ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF SHIPS (resolution MEPC.203(62)). There are, however, serious concerns regarding the sufficiency of propulsion power and of steering devices to maintain the manoeuvrability of ships in adverse conditions, hence ...
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NEWLED will develop high efficiency and high brightness monolithic and hybrid all-semiconductor WHITE light-emitting GaN-based diodes. Power losses due to phosphor conversion and the problem of different ageing rates of the GaN LED pump will be eliminated by the development of phosphor free structures with increased brightness (power emitted per surface per angle). NEWLED will enhance the efficien ...
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Federation for FIRE (Fed4FIRE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

...ties and promoted internationally. This framework will provide simple, efficient, and cost effective experimental processes built around experimenters' and facility owners' requirements. Insight into technical and socio-economic metrics, and how the introduction of new technologies into Future Internet facilities influences them, will be provided by harmonized and comprehensive measurement techniq ...
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Technology Transfer in Computing Systems (TETRACOM)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The mission of the TETRACOM Coordination Action is to boost European academia-to-industry technology transfer (TT) in all domains of Computing Systems. While many other European and national initiatives focus on training of entrepreneurs and support for start-up companies, the key differentiator of TETRACOM is a novel instrument called Technology Transfer Project (TTP). TTPs help to lower the barr ...
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Europeana Creative

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

... by realising a set of concrete objectives. (1) The project will establish the Europeana Labs Network of online and physical spaces for experimentation and engagement. The labs will provide access to technical and business services, and experimentation content to support the development of new projects, beginning with four co-creation lab spaces and a common website. (2) The new Europeana Content ...
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"A sustainable and efficient freight transport in Europe plays a vital role in having a successful and competitive economy. Freight transport is expected to grow by some 50 % (in tonne-kilometres) by 2020. However rail has, in many areas, been displaced from a dominant position as road transport services have grown and developed in capability and levels of sophistication that have not been matche ...
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Digitised Manuscripts to Europeana (DM2E)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

The projects aims to technically enable as many content providers as possible to integrate their content into Europeana. Since different providers make their data available in different formats, a tool has to be developed that converts metadata from a diverse range of source formats into the EDM (Europeana Data Model). During the project, this will exemplarily be done for the autograph database Ka ...
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Europeana Awareness (EAwareness)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Europeana Awareness is a Best Practice Network, led by the Europeana Foundation, designed to:•\tpublicise Europeana to users, policy makers, politicians and cultural heritage organisations in every Member State so as to encourage the use and contribution of content, raise awareness of cultural heritage as an economic driver and promote knowledge transfer•\tpromote its use by a broad public for a v ...
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A Geospatial Knowledge World (GEOCROWD)

Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

GeoWeb 2.0 is the geographic embodiment of the Web 2.0 moniker for the next generation Web, i.e., the next generation of geographic information publishing, discovery and use. With the proliferation of the Internet as the primary medium for data publishing and information exchange, we have seen an explosion in the amount of online content available on the Web. In addition to professionally-produced ...
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PA Transport of the EUSBSR calls for coordination of national transport policies and actions to ensure a harmonised transnational development of the transport system. The ensured thematic focus and established links between the above initiatives helped achieve certain stage of coordination and complementarity. However, fuller integration of the approaches, which would enable better development and ...
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OpenLab: extending FIRE testbeds and tools (OpenLab)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2014,

Experimentally-driven research is key to success in exploring the possible futures of the Internet. An open, general-purpose, shared experimental facility, both large-scale and sustainable, is essential for European industry and academia to innovate today and assess the performance of their solutions. OpenLab brings together the essential ingredients for such a facility. We extend early prototypes ...
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POLYCAT provides an integrated, coherent and holistic approach utilizing novel polymer based nanoparticulate catalysts in pharmaceutical, crop protection and vitamin syntheses in conjunction with the enabling functions of micro process technology and “green” solvents such as water or ethyl lactate. This provides a discipline bridging approach between fine chemistry, catalysis and engineering. This ...
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Strong cooperation in the scientific area is needed in the Baltic Sea region in order to ensure the competitiveness of the region. There is a new cluster of large-scale research infrastructure (Lund, Hamburg, Berlin and Geesthacht as EU countries and Gachina in Russia) and some more are planned or already under construction (the European XFEL in Hamburg, ESS and Max IV in Lund, Solaris in Krakow). ...
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Understanding how freshwater ecosystems will respond to future climate change is essential for the development of policies and implementation strategies needed to protect aquatic and riparian ecosystems. The future status of freshwater ecosystems is however, also dependent on changes in land-use, pollution loading and water demand. In addition the measures that need to be taken to restore freshwat ...
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CultTour aims at implementing strategies to preserve/valorise cultural garden and open space heritage sites by giving it a modern use in tourism, conserving the "genius loci" of the site. The need for professional tourism offer and well-educated staff according to international standards is constantly growing in SEE. This need is addressed by scenarios/strategies for well-adapted tourism developme ...
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The project aims at reinforcing RTD and cooperation capacities of the Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University in the area of applied nanoelectromagnetics. This new research discipline comprising the classical electrodynamics of microwaves and present-day concepts of condensed matter physics is covered by the FP7 Theme 4 'Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Produ ...
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Enlightenment and Global History (ENGLOBE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2009, End date: Oct 31, 2013,

"ENGLOBE (""Enlightenment and Global History"") is a projected network of researchers concerned with Europe’s role in the process of globalization. Its thematic aims are located in the newly emerging supra-disciplinary field of Global History which provides a highly useful mode of reflection on the cultural and historical dimension of globalization processes. The Enlightenment has a double signifi ...
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Rail Baltica Growth Corridor (RBGC)

Start date: Jun 10, 2010, End date: Sep 9, 2013,

The RBGC is led by the City of Helsinki and coordinated by the Aalto University Small Business Center. The project has in total of 21 partners from 6 BSR countries. Target groups of the RBGC are City and regional authorities, Transport service providers, Logistics centers, Intermodal terminals, Public transport authorities, Universities and other research centers. RBGC's partner composition is bas ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

Description ‘‘Digitising Contemporary Art’ (DCA) is a 30-month digitisation project for contemporary art, i.e. art made after 1945 - a kind of cultural heritage still largely missing from Europeana which is a single access point for European culture.  DCA will create a digital body of high-quality reproductions of 26,921 artworks - paintings ...
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Increasing concerns about sustainable development and the growth of urban areas have brought forth in recent years a renewed enthusiasm and need for the use of quantitative models in the field of transportation and spatial planning. This project proposes to improve urban simulation models and their interaction with transport models. Unified operational models that favour a microscopic approach, su ...
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HiPER is a multi-national laser facility designed to allow Europe to take a leading position in the pursuit of Inertial Fusion Energy, whilst offering an internationally unique capability for science in extreme conditions. It will open up entirely new areas of research, providing access to physics regimes which cannot be explored on any other science facility. It has been formally endorsed by 6 Eu ...
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n reduction of the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea today (PRESTO)

Start date: Jun 8, 2011, End date: Mar 7, 2013,

...operating staff of the WWTPs, plant designers and university staff who train the future wastewater engineers. Main actions:- development of educational course and materials for the three Belarusian technical universities (Brest, Minsk and Polotsk) - workshops for operative, administrative and educational experts on modern waste water treatments technologies 3. To increase awareness in the BSR abou ...
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The food and drink industry is the single largest manufacturing sector in the EU and is mainly comprised by SMEs and microenterprises (99.1% of European food and drink businesses). The European food industry is in the lower part of the innovation performance ranking, and is losing relative importance in the global food market. This situation was a primary reason for the initiation of the ETP Food4 ...
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GEO capacity building initiative in Central Asia (SEOCA)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: Feb 29, 2012,

"Central Asia is an important Europe's partner facing critical environmental challenges. Possessing certain experiences and capabilities of EO data application for solving environmental, economic, societal and other development problems, this region is better prepared for the uptake of GEOSS technologies than many other clusters of developing countries. Thus, the goal of SEOCA is to promote Europe ...
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Baltic Sea Innovation Network Centres (BaSIC)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Jan 23, 2012,

BaSIC aims to build a “Baltic Sea Archipelago of Innovation” (recommendation of BaltMetInno). The objective is to create a seamless working environment for fast growth innovative SME all over the Baltic Sea Region, embedded in a reliable network of leading Science Parks and clusters. Emphasis is given to identify, select, train and coach SME-gazelles; to provide them harmonized access to markets ( ...
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Longlife will develop practices, innovative technologies, unified procedures and guidelines for and subsequently the design of a prototype of a sustainable, energy efficient and resource saving residential building in the Baltic Sea Region. The above mentioned knowledge will be transferred, according to Gothenburg, between Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Russia and can and should be applie ...
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Mediterranean Intermittent River Management (MIRAGE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

"The implementation of the WFD in catchments with temporary rivers presents a significant challenge for watershed managers. The MIRAGE project will, for the first time, comprehensively investigate the applicability of specific management options under the characteristic flush and drought conditions of temporary streams. Through investigations in seven basins, MIRAGE will provide a framework for ma ...
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VISIT - Vertically Integrated Systems for Information Transfer (VISIT)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2011,

The proposed STREP focuses on strategic, high-value photonic components and subsystems for scalable economic broadband access and local area networks. The central objective is research on, development, test and exploitation of system-enabling optical transmitters having a completely novel design and/or largely improved functionality as compared to the state of the art.Three key design and performa ...
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