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Cultural (garden) heritage as focal points for sustainable tourism (CULTTOUR)
Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CultTour aims at implementing strategies to preserve/valorise cultural garden and open space heritage sites by giving it a modern use in tourism, conserving the "genius loci" of the site. The need for professional tourism offer and well-educated staff according to international standards is constantly growing in SEE. This need is addressed by scenarios/strategies for well-adapted tourism development, based on the principles of sustainability and regional economy. Feasibility studies for the restoration and re-use of cultural heritage with a special focus on sites including a garden/park will be done. Financing of subsequent project chains will be prepared by working out business plans and addressing potential investors. To identify regional needs, pilot sites will analyse regional action, interfaces to urban/infrastructure/environmental planning and will do public participation. Common marketing/dissemination will support the economic dimension of the project. CultTour covers a wide range of topics: Cultural garden and open space heritage in the whole SEES will be assessed. A common methodology/tools for future conservation strategies will be defined, addressing the operative level of conservatory work, cooperation with nature conservation and architecture, as well as quality management in tourism. Feasibility studies and model re-utilisation concepts for pilot sites will be a core activity, as a basis for stable and long-term income from tourism. Sector-specific modules for gardeners, constructors, handcraft and tourism staff will be offered as post-graduate programme for professionals and an online university course for landscape architects. To root the project in the regions, workshops on conservatory aspects and concrete regional tourism aspects will be held, integrating the urban/regional/ environmental planning of the municipality. Dissemination of project results in European expert networks will be organised for future co-operation in SEE. Achievements: • Analytical tool designed to assist decision-makers in planning development projects for garden and open space heritage site• Common re-utilisation model for making gardens and open space heritage tourist-attractive • Fundraising options for developing the tourist potential of gardens and open space heritage• Guidelines and good practice examples of managing garden and open-space heritage• Legislation gaps in garden and open space heritage conservation and recommendations for improvement• Methodology for garden and open space heritage assessment• Recommendations for amendments in regional development plans of Alexandroupolis• Recommendations for amendments in regional development plans of Avrig• Recommendations for amendments in regional development plans of Bari and Taranto• Recommendations for amendments in regional development plans of Veliko Tarnovo• Recommendations for integrating cultural garden or open-space heritage into regional governance• Template for developing a business plan for gardens and open space heritage sites• Template for developing a re-utilisation conceptFor more information see:
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  • 85%   2 271 506,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South East Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

11 Partners Participants