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18 European Projects Found

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Promoting CLIL implementation in Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The submitted project proposes the partnership of five European schools with considerable experience in delivering CLIL courses and an affiliated University, collaborating in an attempt to exchange their expertise in research, educational practices, and their diffusion via ICT tools. Partners will exchange views and share ideas, revise and share experiences concerning research findings and best pr ...
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Pětka v Evropě

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

We are a school with a long tradition. Our school cooperates with the founder of the school, sports Club AC Tepo Kladno, choirs and another public and non-public organisations to develop their talents, interest for collective action, we build in them self-discipline, and resistance to stress of competitive environment and, on the other hand, we support the friendship and cohesion. We enlist stud ...
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El aprendizaje de lengua extranjera a través de su propia cultura.

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Language is something alive, something that changes every day, which is malleable and unpredictable. Language is adapted to the way of life of the people in a community, their schedules, customs, holidays, climate, history ... and so on. And all this factors, at the same time, are reflected in the language. That is the reason, we can find many differences between American English and British Engli ...
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European training events for staff working with art based learning

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

JSKD as a national organization provides professional support for artists in the field of amateur culture. Amateur culture and its creators are, compared with professional institutions, more integrated into the local environment, have the impact on social cohesion, promote intercultural dialogue and have other social impacts. For all amateur artists JSKD offers professional support which is provid ...
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Pollution! Find a STEM sollution!

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Pollution! Find a STEM solution! is a two year long cross-curricular project that grew out of indentified need for further development of STEM and ICT skills. Pisa 2012 results make evident that students’ knowledge is poor and motivation for math and similar subjects is low. Implying priorities of European Commission, like e-learning, will raise motivation and also develop basic skills and improve ...
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Evropa bez hranic

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

We are a school with a sixty-year tradition. We are engaged in sports, music, and in the last three years, we focus on international cooperation. That is how we improve language learning, cultural and also historical awareness of pupils. The quality we provide value pupils, their parents and the school's founder, who participates with us in many events, even project days. We can also boast of obta ...
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The project aims to improve the quality of life for residents of urbanized areas, thus improving the attractiveness of the area, which must come from the concrete and actual needs of residents for the proper guidance of medical and social services. ...
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Strengthening of regional identification,- Supporting the cross-border awareness,- Modelling specific regional qualities,- Transregional presentation of the region with its “brands” and qualities,- Reflection of needs and wishes of the inhabitants,- Treatment of common history,- Cultural revitalisation of marginal region,- Cultural exchange.
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Creating competitive regions in which companies choose specialist personnel from the pool of qualified workers or reach for know-how and tools to meet the needs for personnel.- Businesses benefit from the potential of a working woman for the needs of professional fields.- Development, planning and implementation of interregional educational programs.- Counselling the firms in Styria and Slovenia r ...
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Take Action

Start date: Dec 10, 2012,

The project “Take action” aims to contribute to the development of youth entrepreneurship and generally creative activity of young people.This youth exchange will bring together 49 young people, mainly with fewer opportunities from 7 different European countries: Estonia, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Spain, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Turkey for 10 day in Luxembourg to awake the desire in young people t ...
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Learning Outcome of Amateur Culture

Start date: Oct 1, 2009,

The idea of the project is to promote a valuation of amateur culture from the perspective of livelong learning with the purpose to improve the learning quality and outcome of the voluntary cultural activities, and thereby to make them more attractive and transparent for the actual and potential participants. The main output is first of all the development of two types of interrelated on line tools ...
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Saving Europe's cultural heritage from the ravages of disaster : Europe has an immensely rich cultural, architectural and artistic heritage with many artefacts dating back thousands of years. Such treasures are irreplaceable and when they are threatened by natural disasters, we rely on experts to rescue them as best they can. This project looks at the role of new technologies in such emergency ope ...
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The project intends to encourage more efficient and effective use of human resources in the social entrepreneurship sector (and social economy as whole) by ensuring more qualitative and sustainable VET, i.e. educational and training provision for the social entrepreneurship sector, so that it will become more competitive and able to follow the global changes. This will be achieved mostly through ...
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Gender mainstreaming in IT : The aim of this project is to achieve equal opportunities for men and women in adult education, following the principles of gender mainstreaming, primarily in the IT sector This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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Playwright training in Austria and neighbouring countries : Through cooperation with qualified writing guides and a new training concept, young authors will be able to produce professional scripts for film, theatre and television. This project started in 2002 and lasted 30 months.
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The objective of the project was a systematic and integrated approach to strengthening the competences of young people for a more effective transition from education to employment, and a contribution to the improved position of young people in the labour markets of Slovenia and Croatia by exchange of know-how and experience and by the implementation of joint cross-border activities. ...
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The main project objective was as follows: improving the conditions needed to start a business in the local area by establishing and launching an incubator in Lendava, setting up services to assist micro, small and medium enterprises from both sides of the border, organising joint cross-border activities and fairs to encourage entrepreneurship, and developing support and information infrastructur ...
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The EU states have as a main cultural policy goal to promote art and culture to the entire population, but are confronted with the recurring problem of large residual groups of non-users, especially among social marginalised. The most appropriate way to meet this problem is by “citizen help citizen”. Therefore the partnership, including five national umbrellas for voluntary arts and culture, inten ...
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