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Learning Outcome of Amateur Culture
Start date: Oct 1, 2009,

The idea of the project is to promote a valuation of amateur culture from the perspective of livelong learning with the purpose to improve the learning quality and outcome of the voluntary cultural activities, and thereby to make them more attractive and transparent for the actual and potential participants. The main output is first of all the development of two types of interrelated on line tools, one type for the learners’ valuation of the personal learning outcome, and another for the providers’ valuation of the organisational learning. Each type will consist of a series of a Danish, a German, a Flemish and a Slovenia edition used by the four national umbrella associations participating in the project. The framework of the tools’ questionnaire is formed by a humanistic learning theory that defines learning as an interrelated unity of the tree dimensions: Competence, knowledge and personal formation (Bildung); and these dimensions are constituted of six or more elements, and each element is measured by at least five questions. The two types of tools can valuate the same learning process from two different angles. The providers can compare the learners’ outcome with the providing association’s objectives, and the documentation can improve the work with monitoring, quality assurance and management of the adult learning. The data will be saved at a common database by the same domain; and it means that the data can be used for research on several levels, from a single organisation, to a group of local associations or a group of thematic associations, to a national and most important to a transnational European level. This network of national associations that uses the common transnational database can easily and by relative small costs be expanded with new umbrella associations from other European countries after the conclusion of the project. The second main output of the project is the initiation of a transnational course programme for active in Europe’s amateur culture associations. An integrated part of the courses will be exchange of experiences regarding innovative products and best practise in different learning areas, including an introduction to the methodology and practical use of the personal and organisational valuation tool. The courses are first targeting teachers, tutors, facilitators and other pedagogical staff by offering Grundtvig-in-training courses, and secondly targeting board members and other leaders by offering Grundtvig workshops, but thirdly learners and other active shall be targeted by offering courses among other things as Europe for Citizens seminars, and Active Youth courses. The third main output is the tree English project publications. The first is the report on valuation of learning qualities and outcome in voluntary cultural amateur activities including results of questionnaires and interviews in the partnerships associations The second is the compendia on best practise with focus partly on the main aims of active citizenship, cultural cohesion, personal fulfilment and employability; partly on a broader view on learning as composed of the tree interrelated dimensions: competence, knowledge and personal formation; partly an aim of social inclusion of people of all ages, including those with special needs and disadvantaged groups ; and last an improving possibilities of transnational European activities as part of the ordinary activities of the cultural associations. The third is the compendia on European week courses on learning dimensions of amateur culture, including annexes on announcements, organisation and economy. The consortium represents the most significant umbrella organizations of amateur culture in each participating country. This implies first a huge network and surface of contact, and secondly a potential strong impact of the project results on the activities of the voluntary cultural area.
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