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 FINISHED organizations have a long-standing and complementary experience on the project’s focus. IIt is made of local/regional authorities (Newry and Mourne, Veneto Lavoro and the Development Agency of Santa Cruz of Tenerife) dealing with employment and local development, higher education (University of Latvia, CARDET), adult education and business support providers (Forcoop, IPZ, Prizma, FCI), led by a ...
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For several years now, the European Prison Rules helped to operationalize all activities dedicated to detainees. Among the latter is sport. Its place and role in prisons vary from one country to another. It is the same for the supervision of these activities and the initial and continuing training of sports supervisors.We took advantage of a survey and several previous projects focusing on prison ...
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The Calypsos partnership project aims to propose European regional and national institutions responsible for education in prisons an educational intervention strategy, which comprises innovative learning situations which enable inmates’ increased rates of school success. At the same time, it seeks to engage stakeholders involved in education in prisons in EU countries through high-impact activitie ...
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Deine Chance - Lerne in Europa

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Background and project objectives (aims):Globalisation and internationalisation increasingly shape our education, our economy and our society. The vocational training must respond to this development with its interface (function) role bitween the education and employmentsystem. Therefore, the internationalisation of our three vocational colleges (1550 students) is an important goal in the school's ...
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Deine Chance - Lerne in Europa

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Background and project objectives (aims): Globalisation and internationalisation increasingly shape our education, our economy and our society. The vocational training must respond to this development with its interface (function) role bitween the education and employmentsystem. Therefore, the internationalisation of our three vocational colleges (1550 students) is an important goal in the school' ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

The Santa Cruz de Tenerife Adult Education Centre (CEPA Santa Cruz de Tenerife) has more than 1.600 students registered, figure which makes it the largest Adult Education Centre in the Canary Islands. The population it serves presents a high unemployment rate (over 30%) and a very low professional qualification rate.Employability reports indicate that in the coming years, service and hospitality i ...
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Das Berufsbild der Erzieherin/ des Erziehers im europäischen Vergleich

Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016,

The co-ordinating institution of this project is the BBS III Celle – certified European school. Up to now this vocational college has also co-ordinated the mobility for a further sending institution. At the moment this is the Katholische Fachschule Elisabeth-von-Ratzau-Schule in Hildesheim. Both schools would like to allow thirty students of the Fachschule Sozialpädagogik (vocational training cour ...
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...t arises from the concerns that the three State Language Schools (EOI) which have joined in the consortium share on the field of improvement and methodolgy. These three EOI of the island of Tenerife (Santa Cruz de Tenerife , La Laguna and Los Cristianos) have developed a European training programme which include mobilities for teachers of the three centres . The main objective of the plan is to im ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

E- Reading is indeed a project in which the ITCs are just an excuse to work on our students' linguistic competence. A group of Cad teachers have gathered together to create this project we are now showing you thanks to which, different subject matters, are trying to reach the same goal: we, the E-reading team, aim at, through the training we might receive abroad, being the force which starts the L ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2016,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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The NanoPhoSolar project aims to overcome the limitations relating to the efficiency and performance of a range of photovoltaic (PV) systems by developing a transparent NanoPhosphor down converting material capable of absorbing Ultra Violet (UV) and short wavelength visible light and re-emitting in the more useful longer wavelength visible spectrum(range 525-850nm).This will enable the efficiency ...
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El proyecto se enfoca a la mejora de la conectividad entre Canarias en general y de Tenerife en particular y su entorno cercano con el fin de fortalecer el tejido económico y empresarial mediante el intercambio y actividades de internacionalización. Para ello, se realizarán análisis, actualización y ampliación de estudios de conectividad, un plan de marketing conjunto para impulsar la infraestruct ...
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Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015,

No âmbito da actual conjuntura, as zonas comerciais nas importantes cidades da Macaronésia estão menos dinâmicas, assistindo-se a uma crise no tecido comercial e a uma desqualificação urbanística, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à degradação do património. Observamos as dificuldades do comércio alicerçadas em diversos factores como a concorrência dos centros comerciais, condicionamentos na circul ...
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Creación de un sistema de inteligencia empresarial que permita promover la participación del sector privado en Canarias, Senegal, Cabo Verde y Mauritania en las oportunidades de negocio que ofrecen las licitaciones internacionales y los programas de ayuda al desarrollo, fomentando el acceso a los procedimientos competitivos de manera consorciadas y estableciendo alianzas estratégicas entre Pymes d ...
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"Practical experience in preschool education for socio-pedagogical careers in Europe" The aim of the project is to enable ten future child care workers to get international practical experience as well as to compare and evaluate theories of pedagogical concepts in the field. The professional requirements demanded of child care workers have risen dramatically due to societal changes. Flexibility, b ...
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... Expected Results: Resultados previstos:Impacto económico y social de la implantación de la ruta marítima directa entre Santa Cruz de Tenerife y Agadir (mayor dinamismo socioeconómico y empresarial asociado al comercio y las actividades relacionadas).
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Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...icular situation. On the 15th and 16th of June the second seminar was held in Figueres, Spain. This seminar was a cooperation between the county council of Alt Emporda and the Development Society of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Theme of this seminar was "Integrated approach to migrants; inclusion into the labour market, education, human capital and economy". During the seminar both organizers presente ...
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Objetivos principales:El desarrollo de un programa regional para la implantación del Modelo de Zonas Comerciales Abiertas que favorezca e impulse la puesta en marcha de todas aquellas actuaciones propuestas en el marco de los proyectos Adecot y Adecot Plus, dotando de los recursos financieros, técnicos y humanos necesarios para que dichas actuaciones puedan ser ejecutadas e implementadas con excel ...
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Start date: Oct 19, 2010, End date: Oct 18, 2013,

El Proyecto GESPORT pretende implementar un Programa de cooperación de gran envergadura y desarrollar una Red de cooperación sostenible que propicie una integración regional a mayor escala en el ámbito portuario. Para ello, GESPORT apuesta por el refuerzo de las relaciones marítimas entre las regiones y países participantes, así como por el intercambio de mejores prácticas en la gestión portuaria, ...
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Start date: Sep 30, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

El proyecto N@R, Negocios Atlánticos en Red, tiene por finalidad el fomento e implantación del uso de las TICs en las relaciones comerciales de las pymes. Sin duda, los negocios a través de la red son cada vez más frecuentes, y es por ello que la tendencia futura será la de utilizar este tipo de sistemas en las transacciones comerciales. Nuestro proyecto pretende implantar una metodología de trab ...
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Start date: Sep 30, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

El proyecto TRANSCREA quiere hacer frente al déficit en actividades, gasto y personal dedicado a la I+D y a la innovación empresarial en las tres regiones de la Macaronesia Canarias, Azores y Madeira. La meta de TRANSCREA es mejorar la calidad, cobertura, profesionalidad y eficacia de los servicios de apoyo a la creación de empresas de base tecnológica y, a través de ello, aumentar la actividad em ...
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Start date: Sep 30, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

ECOMAC es un proyecto que nace para la mejora de la gestión ambiental de las empresas de la Región Macaronésica. Un SGA permite a una organización alcanzar y mantener un funcionamiento de acuerdo con las metas que se ha establecido, y dar una respuesta eficaz a los cambios de las presiones reglamentarias, sociales, financieras y competitivas, así como a los riesgos medioambientales. Son varias la ...
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Start date: Sep 30, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2011,

Se pretende avanzar en la implantación de la sociedad de la información integrada con el territorio y la comunicación de municipios/entidades de los tres archipiélagos Azores, Madeira, Canarias, seleccionados entre los que participaron en los ya ejecutados proyectos GABITEC I, II y III, donde se incluyeron además de Grafcan como jefe de fila, 42 entidades entre las 4 convocatorias. Se contemplan ...
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The insufficient competitiveness of SMEs and micro-enterprises is the cause of the delay in developing the territories involved in the RFO. There are different reasons for this competitive insufficiency: • peripherality • reduced dimensions • weak market orientation • dependence on major industrial groups • difficulty to obtain credits • insufficient capital • inability to undertake innovative inv ...
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Knowledge Networks (KN)

Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

...oject 'Knowledge Network: Governance in Action' officially started with a kick-off meeting in Cergy Pontoise in May 2005. The actual exchange of knowledge started in June 2005 with a panel meeting in Santa Cruz de Tenerife on 'methods to solve unemployment'. This panel meeting was followed by a conference in Granollers in November 2005, titled 'Community Centres, Spaces of Participation and Knowle ...
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SRNs ultimate aim is to ensure that Structural Fund programmes are delivered more effectively. It is achieving this by creating an arena in which partners can exchange experience and identify good practice that can improve the delivery of Structural Funds and be used in the development of new projects. The network is focusing on delivering programmes in sub-regional areas – those containing fewer ...
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City Parking in Europe (City Parking)

Start date: Mar 31, 2005, End date: Oct 29, 2007,

The Humboldt University of Berlin in cooperation with Berlin located companies has initiated the idea for this project to help cities in Europe overcome their problems of inner-city parking. Within the project the partner cities should share knowledge and experience of developing stationary traffi c policies, strategies and projects, to learn about new, effective solutions. Local and municipal pub ...
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Decline or loss of attractiveness of central urban areas is a common challenge of the 'Urbe Viva' partnership. Decline is related to a variety of economic and social factors, the most visible being an inflation of suburban shopping centres. To address this issue, it is necessary to adopt integrated approaches, as tested in countries such as the UK, Sweden, Belgium or France. Such approaches aim to ...
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El proyecto TIC-PYME pretende implantar servicios avanzados de información y comunicación en áreas especialmente alejadas de los polos tradicionales de desarrollo que compense la falta de oferta accesible en dichas áreas. Se ha escogido como colectivo beneficiario el de las PYME, por cuanto se constituye como el principal agente dinamizador y fijador de población de tales territorios.
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Start date: Mar 31, 2005, End date: Mar 30, 2007,

O projecto GASTRA pretende promover o turismo gastronómico, considerado um instrumento do desenvolvimento sustentável. Procurar-se-á aproveitar a experiência da parceria no campo da actividade turística com base na gastronomia. Este projecto surge da necessidade de salvaguardar os destinos turísticos do movimento de massas que representa o turismo. Assim, a parceria pretende chegar a um público al ...
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e-PRODAT aims to encourage the development and exchange of knowledge and experience among agencies and other public bodies regarding the protection of personal data used by governments and public administrations in the provision of public services, especially when linked to e-government or provided via the Internet, and to draw up recommendations for best practices in this field. Overall objective ...
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This project is intended to encourage a welcome for SOHO/SOLO (workers who wish to change lifestyle by moving to the countryside, and who partly telecommute from home using information and communications technology) in rural parts of the Atlantic Area. Five types of actions are planned: 1.Welcome the demand and simplify SOHO/SOLO job searches. 2.Create supply by developing local projects. 3.Integr ...
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Atlantic Territorial information system for mobile (SMITA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2006,

This project aims at including the mobile and wireless technologies (WEB, WAP, SMS/MMS, JAVA applications) in a territorial information system to involve the local stakeholders in the use of new technologies. The project seeks to use these applications to promote culture and tourism. The following actions will be taken:- Set up a working structure (Management committee) to manage the project;- Des ...
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The objective of the project is to test the effectiveness of an open air shoping center, to be created in the urban areas of the ultra-peripheral regions and the establishement of common policies of touristic promotion to take profit of local resources in the towns that take part in this project
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The UDIEX thematic network, with the linked qualificationsproject Action Learning Exchange Programme (ALEP),has proved to be one of the most innovative of the URBACTprojects. It was considered that there was not enoughexchange on policies addressing issues of inclusion, diversityand integration and hence the UDIEX ALEP project wascreated to change this.This method of linking the exchange elements ...
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This project is na iniciative of the Chamber of Commerce of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the Chamber of Commerce of Las Palmas, PROEXA and the General Direction of Reports to Africa of the Gouvernment of Canarias, with institutions from Senegal, Mauritania and Cabo Verde. is target to business men from Canarias and Africa with the objective of sharing market informations to ful ...
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The TEC-TRIPE project consists on implanting, in the scope of the ports of the Macaronesia, an advanced system of information that consists ondeveloping and implanting several computer science systems destined to the harbor sector and to the maritime transport, whose general aims are: to integrate the community of the sector; to make arise latent markets; to modernize the processes of businesses u ...
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The Tourist Platform DiscoverMacaronesia, under the web technology of Oracle contains all the necessities that the tourism industry needs for the management, supplying and sales of its products and services. The objective is to integrate under a same platform and, with an only access of login, all the necessary services for the operation, purchases and sales of his products. The platform is made u ...
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SERVINTE es un proceso basado en nuevas tecnologías y tutorizado de apoyo a las empresas de Madeira, Azores y Canarias, en sus primeros esfuerzos de exportación e internacionalización con intrumentos, ayudas y servicios adicionales para obtener dicho fin, donde se equilibren aspectos cualitativos y cuantitativos, y con vocación de continuidad más allá de la vida del proyecto.
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Objective: to create and to develop a Network of Business and Competences of the companies of the Ultraperipheral Regions of Macaronésia, fomenting and fortifying the Interregionais Clusters that strengthens its competitiveness and its regions.
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