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MO.DE.LE - MOdèle de DEveloppement des systèmes Locaux pour le soutien des Entreprises (MO.DE.LE)
Start date: Jun 30, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The insufficient competitiveness of SMEs and micro-enterprises is the cause of the delay in developing the territories involved in the RFO. There are different reasons for this competitive insufficiency: • peripherality • reduced dimensions • weak market orientation • dependence on major industrial groups • difficulty to obtain credits • insufficient capital • inability to undertake innovative investments. The growing reduction of public financial resources destined to combat these factors decrease the intervention potential of regional public administrations and a worrying scenario is defined: obstacles to developments are increased and the range and quality of regional policies is diminished. Overall objective / Objectif général The general objective of the Operation is to reinforce the competitiveness of SMEs and micro-enterprises in the regions involved. This objective is to be achieved through three specific actions: • favour credit access for SMEs by innovative means; • increase the ability to attract investments that are compatible with local production systems; • improve the efficiency of Public Administration in the programming and management of local development policies and instruments. Since these problems are transnational in nature and are widespread throughout the European Union, it is necessary to confront them on a wider scale than the regional level. By facing these different realities, the Interreg IIIC allows for: • the positive and negative particularities of the territories to be highlighted; • new solutions to be developed as the result of the experiences of the different partners. Expected results / Résultats attendus The main results that are expected are: • Preparation of fund guarantee and venture capital models for SMEs that are compatible with European law. • Preparation of investment attraction instrument models such as financial aid for investments that can be supported and integrated by the areas. • Preparation of programming and Public Administration management instrument models such as procedures, new forms of organisation, aid systems in favour of SMEs in order to facilitate material and or non-material investment projects.

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  • 72.6%   3 401 146,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC South
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants