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Praxiserfahrung in vorschulischer Bildung im Rahmen sozialpädagogischer Ausbildungsberufe in Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Practical experience in preschool education for socio-pedagogical careers in Europe" The aim of the project is to enable ten future child care workers to get international practical experience as well as to compare and evaluate theories of pedagogical concepts in the field. The professional requirements demanded of child care workers have risen dramatically due to societal changes. Flexibility, broad theoretical knowledge and field evaluation of this knowledge is expected. In most European countries the training of child care workers takes places in colleges, in Germany in professional schools. For future child care workers a placement abroad gives them the opportunity to extend their knowledge and experience at European level and to gain valuable intercultural competences. All of which can be used to support their future socio-pedagogical careers in Germany.
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