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21 European Projects Found

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Ceramics and its dimensions

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

Our cultural heritage leads to tomorrow’s creativity: Ceramics and its dimensionsIn ceramics no development can be looked upon as national, it is common European heritage. Generating routes from Past to Future, the project brings together 16 partners from 11 countries: museums, universities, research institutes, companies: Documenting the past it shows the scope in usage of ceramics. Past and Pres ...
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The framework includes support for students and teachers of vocational education and training in the health and social care professions and enhancement of the quality of their mobility in the European environment. The project aims at identifying best and innovative practices as guidelines in modern sectors providing home care, social nursing and care for the elderly.Our organization will utilize ...
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Deltagerne i projektet er elever i Social- og Sundhedsuddannelserne fra SOSU-skolerne øst for Storebælt. Det drejer sig om skolerne: Bornholms Sundheds- og Sygeplejeskole, SOSU C, SOPU København og Nordsjælland, SOSU Nykøbing F, SOSU Sjælland og UC Diakonissestiftelsens Social- og Sundhedsskole. Vetpro-projektet: Implementering af internationalisering i de grundlæggende Social- og Sundhedsuddannel ...
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You're up in Europe

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

In a world that is rapidly coming to terms with the realisation that countries need each other to establish a healthy economy and prosperity, we believe that students can contribute their skills to this goal and learn a tremendous amount when interning with companies or institutions in another European country. We want to seize the opportunity of international cooperation and see the positive resu ...
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The framework includes support for students and teachers of vocational education and training in the health professions and enhancement of the quality of their mobility in the European environment. The Lifelong Learning process especially the VET traineeship and staff training in both directions (sending and receiving) makes further qualification mandatory. Our organization will utilize through ...
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European Vocational Competencies Through Work Based Learning II

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Participating parties in the project‚ EVC II‘ , are colleges and enterprises in the region of Düsseldorf, Germany, providing training in the dual system. The project will be coordinated by the EU-Office of the District Government of Düsseldorf (GEB). It focusses on the implementation of vocational work placements into both curricula and apprenticeships as a means of individual support for students ...
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Revista IES Biel Martí

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Preparation of a trilingual school magazine The project has as a main objectives to improve the linguistic competence of our students and opening our centre to the outside, boosting not only the knowledge of the context that surrounds us, but also the contact with other realities out of the island. Our proposal goes directed to use the subjects of Spanish language, English language and Catalan la ...
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Uczniowie PZS Bieruń na drodze do rozwoju umiejętności zawodowych IT

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project of the internship in Italy (Rimini) entitled „PZS Bierun students - on their way to development of profesionals skills in IT branch” has been planned for a group of 21 students of Vocational Technical High School for Computer Science in Powiatowy Zespół Szkół in Bieruń. In the framework of the project there are planned two mobilities: in April 2016 and in March 2017. The project resp ...
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Sotenet Mobility with Eurocom Smart

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Sotenet - a school network consisting of 8 Finnish colleges offering vocational qualification in social and health care, practical nurse education has worked for 15 years to improve the quantity and quality of students' work placement perods in European partner countries. During the last years Sotenet network has developed student preparation before work placement periods and student tuition has ...
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World Wide Workspace Menso Alting

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

As one of the best performing MBO schools in the Netherlands, we believe that educating young people to become the future generation of our society always includes a major effort to teach them about the world we live in. Not only will globalization become a bigger part of our own society in the years to come, but our students need to realize that they can play a pivotal role in Europe, through the ...
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Besides the VET students of all professions trained at the BbS Syke an increasing amount of VET students envisaging the extracurricular qualification European Management Assistant will be fostered. In combination with the learners´ mobility they can acquire the module "International work experience". The results of membership in the Europe an EREIVET network is basis for the VET traineeship mobili ...
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Eurocom Smart

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2016,

VET staff training abroad (in Eurocom SMART network): There have been profitable student exchanges during years between the European network colleges, but the working life has expressed the difficulties in understanding the learning goals and evaluation sheets of arriving students, so it is important to clarify the common learning outcomes for the students and to design common evaluation sheets i ...
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In the project „Student from PZS Bieruń – a future mobile worker on the European job market” 50 students learning at technical secondary school took part (25 students in 2015 and 25 students in 2016). Among the students are - 30 attending technical school of mechanical engineering - 20 attending technical school of economics. The students took part in four-week practical experience scholarship in ...
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Sotenet Skills 3 goes with Eurocom Smart

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

SOTENET-network consists of eight Finnish Vocational Colleges which have carried out Sotenet Skills 3 mobility projects and they will continue the work to offer students of Vocational Qualification in Social and Helath Care possibilities to work in European countries to learn language skills, to gain cultural awareness and to learn the contents of the curriculum as well as new working methods. So ...
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Sustainable Transfer in West Brabant

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

In the period 2009 - 2015 ROC WB highly deployed on internationalization. Investment in time, money and attention at various levels has also deliverd many results in the Call 2014. The current policy documents written in 2010 lifted internationalization to a strategic level and provide an agenda, where many gains were realized on. The image of ROC WB as a groundbreaking organization, with great ...
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VET staff training (in Eurocom SMART network): There have been profitable student exchanges during years between the European network colleges, but the working life has expressed the difficulties in understanding the learning goals and evaluation sheets of arriving students, so it is important to clarify the common learning outcomes for the students and to design common evaluation sheets in order ...
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VET traineeship (in MA-QuEM IVT mobility): Besides the VET students of all professions trained at the BBS Syke an increasing amount of VET students invisaging the extra-curricular qualification European Management Assistant will be fostered. In combination with the VET traineeship in MA-QuEM IVT mobility they can acquire the module "International work experience". The results of membership in the ...
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Within the tourism sector awareness has grown for people with special needs towards the facilities and services offered, more specific concerning obtaining suitable accommodation, the accessibility of hotels and other relevant establishments. Hotel personnel also should be made aware of the adaptations and services needed by people with special needs (children, older people, people with disabiliti ...
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 FINISHED The “Innovation importers” consist of a Civic Partner and a VET Partner per country - (Strovolos Municipal Multifunctional Foundation (CY), KEK SBIE (EL), Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EL), FDO (ES), CECE (ES), PECS CARITAS (HU), PECS IZKOLA (HU), Vilnius University Centre of Gerontology (LT) and SDMC (LT).
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As Europe's demographic profile is aging and more elderly people are being looked after in care institutions, the project partners have identified the need for accessible and comprehensive training for those taking care of the elderly. The partners intend to develop computer-based training material that allows potential and existing employees in this sector to self-train in order to meet national ...
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...ation. NTA (National Tourist Association of Slovenia) will complement the role of ŠENT by acting as a linkage between social services and tourism sector. Three foreign partners, TANDEM (Italy), CVT SBIE (Greece) and COU/CENTRIA (Finland), possess materials, experience and know-how in the field of social tourism that will be transferred to Slovenia. European Network for Accessible Tourism ENAT and ...
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