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Sotenet Skills 3 goes with Eurocom Smart
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SOTENET-network consists of eight Finnish Vocational Colleges which have carried out Sotenet Skills 3 mobility projects and they will continue the work to offer students of Vocational Qualification in Social and Helath Care possibilities to work in European countries to learn language skills, to gain cultural awareness and to learn the contents of the curriculum as well as new working methods. Sotenet network offers its students language preparation and practical support before mobility periods during preparation days and on common Moodle-learning environment. In the beginning of the mobility period the receiving partner organizes short culture and language preparation for the students. During mobility the students are in contact with their professional teachers and student mates on Moodle-learning environment receiving feed-back. Students receive tuition from teachers and work place tutors in the target country. All the students carry out their skills demonstrations or parts of them during the work placement period abroad. The skills demonstrations will be assessed at the work place by the host teacher and work place tutor, the grades will be recognized and validated in the sending organisation. The students will be provided with Europass mobility certificates, Europass supplement certificates. There have been profitable student exchanges during years between the European Eurocom Smart network colleges, but the working life has expressed the difficulties in understanding the learning goals and evaluation sheets of arriving students, so it is important to clarify the common learning outcomes for the students and to design common evaluation sheets in order to evaluate and validate the learning outcomes, eliminate differences between participating countries and to transfer the credits to the home institutions. Another important aspect is to improve and secure the quality and quantity of mobilities by implementing the Ecvet tools. Working with the Ecvet processes before, during and after the student exchanges will give the teachers and mentoring staff tools to assess, recognize and validate learning outcomes. In this respect it can be made more transparent which knowledge, skills and competences the single student should reach. The main activities during five days' project weeks to six European colleges comprise of the description of knowledge, skills and competences, the suggestions of activity units as well as the detailed work on the structure/content of the assessment documents, the learning agreement and the learning outcomes. At the same time the involved staff members and educational institutes will learn to use the Ecvet toolkit which will enhance the internationalization of the participating partners from Colleges and the World of Work. Therefore the project will take an important role in the improvement of the partners professional, language and social skills, which are needed in building up careers. We regard our role in providing the professional educational support on a diverse international level as a result our focus is on the support of students as well as the VET staff. Previously gained experiences and competences are to be integrated and improved as best practice examples in order to strive for excellence in the future.
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