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Improving Accessibility through Training in Tourism

To ensure equal rights for all people, including the disabled who represent about 10 % of world population and whose number is rapidly increasing, people aged 65 or over and all their relatives, we have to create a more accessible society, including more accessible tourism services. The main aim of the project is to improve accessibility of tourism services through tailored training for tourism employees on working with disabled and elderly guests, and to increase the competitiveness of tourism facilities and tourism workers on the labour market. For this purpose we will analyze training needs in Slovene tourism sector, transfer and adapt training modules on accessible tourism and work with clients with special needs, train the trainers who will further train tourism employees, disseminate results among all potential users and finally exploit the results for improved accessibility. To ensure effective realization of aims and objectives, a consortium of 8 partners was established. ŠENT (Slovenian Association for Mental Health) will coordinate the project and will be responsible for its successful implementation. NTA (National Tourist Association of Slovenia) will complement the role of ŠENT by acting as a linkage between social services and tourism sector. Three foreign partners, TANDEM (Italy), CVT SBIE (Greece) and COU/CENTRIA (Finland), possess materials, experience and know-how in the field of social tourism that will be transferred to Slovenia. European Network for Accessible Tourism ENAT and two Slovene public institutions, Ministry of Economy with Directorate for Tourism and Ministry of Labour, Family and Social affairs with Directorate for Disabled, are all important stakeholders and social partners. They will participate as associated partners and project supporters. Final training modules will be published in a project manual and presented at a final conference in Slovenia. The project will also be presented at one of ENAT's international events where synergies will be sought with similar other projects and activities. Number of trainers with increased knowledge on accessible tourism will rise, as well as number of staff, trained to handle disabled and elderly guests. Project results will also be used after the end of the project, when ŠENT and NTA will continue with activities and training in the field of tourism for all thought Disabled Friendly actions.

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7 Partners Participants