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Elderly Care Vocational Skill Building and Certification

The proposed ECVC project will utilise the existing e-learning curriculum developed by the LdV ECV project ( in order to introduce and implement the “Elderly Care Vocational Certificate” in the Health and Welfare educational field. The aim is to introduce a low-cost but effective qualification of “post-secondary pre-tertiary” (ISCED 4VOC) level within a VET and civic rehabilitation system. This new educational opportunity will empower the local communities with elderly care skills which are increasingly demanded due to the ageing of the population all over Europe. The system will enable existing employees as well as new entrants to acquire a sound qualification in elderly care though EQF-based validation of competencies developed by work-based learning.The project will adapt and transfer existing innovative products and will undertake further development to implement a sustainable system, as follows: (a) Inclusion of the Hungarian language in and migration of the “ECV e-learning software” from DVD to the internet using a free platform Learning Management System (LMS)(b) Enhancement of the “ECV Network” to establish the “ECV Forum” embracing the local community stakeholders of the elderly care sector(c) Adaptation of the “Social Workers Qualification Assessment” developed by the Vilnius University, to cater for the validation of competencies in elderly care (d) Establishment of “ECVC Learning Centres” at elderly care provider organisations where the trainees will use the “ECV e-learning software” during normal work-shifts gaining in parallel practical experience and vocational exposure(e) Appointment of “VET Institutions” eligible to empower the ECVC Learning Centres and to provide seminars to the student-trainees preparing them for the ECV Certificate(f) Establishment of the “ECV Civic Information Centres” to initiate and supervise the learning-practicing-certification-rehabilitation cycle of ECV skills at the local community(g) Establishment of the “ECV European Foundation” to act as a post project social observatory for elderly careThe project consortium consists of the “Innovation exporters” Trisys Ltd (CY)-former promoter of LdV ECV and Amalgama Information Management Ltd (CY)-developer of the ecv e-learning software. The “Innovation importers” consist of a Civic Partner and a VET Partner per country - (Strovolos Municipal Multifunctional Foundation (CY), KEK SBIE (EL), Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EL), FDO (ES), CECE (ES), PECS CARITAS (HU), PECS IZKOLA (HU), Vilnius University Centre of Gerontology (LT) and SDMC (LT).
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10 Partners Participants