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30 European Projects Found

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How different, so much similar

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

YE “How different, so much similar” will take place in Vrnjacka Banja in Serbia from 12 to 22 May 2012. Participation in this project will take 42 young people from 8 countries (RS, BA, MK, AL, TR, CZ, IT and PT). The host organization of the YE is NGO “IUVENTA".These projects will deal specifically with the promotion of diversity in Europe and raise sense of tolerance and understanding other cul ...
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Many Rorna organisations are working in the sphere of formal education, but there is also a need to increase activities with Roma youth in the field of non-formal education.Providing opportunities for Roma young people most actively involved in international youth organisation3 arid 'n international youth work to develop their leadership and communication skills became one of the main way for them ...
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Partnership for a healthy lifestyle

Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

...e taking place in Berovo, Macedonia, lasting eight days from 10th until 17th September 2011. It involves eleven countries (Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia, Moldova, Turkey, Lithuania, Romania, Spain, Italy), one or two representatives per organization. Young Mountaineers from Macedonia would have the role of hosting organization. Total number of participants financed by the Programme i ...
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Focus on Conflict

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

...ict management and mediation. The training course will take place in Kaliste, Macedonia and it will gather 27 participants coming from Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Slovenia, Estonia and Greece. It will base on non-formal learning and include theoretical insights, discussions, work in intercultural teams as simulations and it will provide the participants an ...
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Seeing every day the need for a dialogue, respect and understanding that today’s Europe faces, defined space for training course that will collect 27!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! young people from different parts of Europe which will explore religion, identity and culture and start an inter-religious dialogue which will fight Islamophobia. Therefore this training course with gather youth workers, lea ...
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 FINISHED in broaden European dimension.No of participants: 26; Countries involved: Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Greece, Turkey, Portugal, Romania, Italy and UK.In this project we are a hosting organization.
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Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

Activity dates:09-18/02/2012Where:Vrnjacka banja/SerbiaPartner countries:RS,RO,BA,MK,PL,TR,XK,IT,GR,AL,MD,PT,ME,IL,LVHost organization:NGO"THE WORLD OF WORDS" UNDERTAKE! INITIATE! APPLY!is a TC (which participates 30 participants from 15 countries)whose main project goal is to support the development of basic knowledge and experience in the domain of entrepreneurial business and entrepreneurial ...
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Catch the moment

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

Volunteering plays important role in sectors as varied and diverse as education, youth, culture, sport, environment, health, social care, consumer protection, development policy, equal opportunities and external relations. Volunteering is an active expression of civic participation which strengthens European values such as solidarity and social cohesion. Involvement in voluntary activities can pro ...
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Street pARTy 3

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

The “Street pARTy” youth exchange is continuation of the two previews youth exchanges “Street pARTy” 1 & 2 which took place in Ukraine, 2008 and in Serbia 2009, This exchange is an international meeting focused on developing mutual understanding of European citizenship, improving youth mobility in the Neighbouring partner countries, raising intercultural learning process of young people and their ...
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The Youth Exchange “XX” will connect 60 participants coming from Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Spain, Estonia, Poland, Slovenia and Latvia and provide them a unique opportunity for 9 – days to discover and learn about European cultural heritage of all participant‘s countries. Moreover the participants will be directly involve in one of the oldest cultural traditio ...
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Create plan for action

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

... Action (YiA) Programme taking place in Kavadarci, Macedonia, lasting eight days from 3th until 10th April 2012. It involves ten countries (Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Armenia,Estonia Lithuania, Romania, Spain, Latvia, Bosnia and Herzegovina), three representatives per organization. Young Mountaineers from Macedonia would have the role of hosting organization. Total number of participants finance ...
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The training course Don`t risk - Human trafficking exists will take place in Ilidza, Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina. from 19 to 28 February 2012. Participation in this project will take 30 youth workers from 15 countries. The host organization of this training course is an NGO R.Y.I. "Be my Friend".The main aim of the training course is to provide a chance to young leaders and workers working ...
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Safety Net

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

Non-formal education often serves as a safety net in ensuring education to both who have not enrolled in the formal schools and also to the dropouts of the formal system. TC "Safety Net" was designed to enable young unemployed people committed to the social or environmental change for work as non-formal education facilitators and rise their interest and motivation to contribute to non-governmental ...
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Give me 5 minutes of your time!

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

Activity dates:15-24/6/2012Where:Vrnjacka banja/SerbiaPartner countries: RS, MK, BA, AL, TR, PL, ES, IT, DEHost organization:NGO"THE WORLD OF WORDS" GIVE ME 5 MINUTES OF YOUR TIME is YE which participates 46 participants from 9 countriesThe problem of violence-encompassing anything from domestic abuse to violence defining relations between entire groups,communities and nations,stems largely from ...
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We speak out loud!!!

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

Project Action 3.1, YE "We speak out loud" will bring together 61 persons (50 participants and 11 youth leaders) from Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Romania, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia, Macedonia, Turkey and Albania. Project will be held on 02-11 June 2012 in Vlora, Albania. Main aim of YE: To equip participants with new skills in reporting youth activities and using media tools to promote volun ...
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Youth Mobile Books

Start date: Aug 3, 2013,

...ece, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Albania, and Macedonia in Struga, Macedonia from 10 - 18 November 2013. The live books will be young people with fewer opportunities, particularly: youth from poor family, Roma young people, young people from rural areas, minority youth, refugees, migrants, disabled young people, migrants and early school leavers who are frequently confronted with prejudices and stereot ...
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...ange. The project will bring together 31 youth workers, leaders and actors active in the field of youth work coming from 15 countries (Macedonia, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Albania, Lithuania, Russia, Malta, Serbia, United Kingdom, Poland, Turkey and Italy) and provide them an opportunity to take part in different scale of activities as discussions, presentatio ...
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Activating the Inactive young Volunteer will be a 7 day training course for international youth workers which support them in developing the skills to recruit, train and manage young people as volunteers within their own organizations; and to support those volunteers in developing their creative and entrepreneurial skills. The training will focus on volunteers from all social and cultural backgrou ...
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An Action 3.1 Training Course under the name: "European Islam - Tradition, Cultural Diversity and Contemporary Challenges" to be held in Pristina, Kosovo, for a period of six working days (22/10/2012-29/10/2012). Partner promoter countries: Kosovo, Estonia, FYROM, Albania, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, United Kingdom. Total number of participants: 27. The applicant, Better Life ...
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Training course, Action 3.1 “Leaders of Future: Developing Leadership Skills” will be implemented from Together for life association from 12 October 2012 in Albania and will bring together 26 participants from different organisation from EU and SEE. This activity is a seven day training programme focused on providing youth leaders, peer leaders and youth workers with skills concerning leadership, ...
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People coming from minority backgrounds are facing many prejudices, stereotypes. The source of this behavior we can find in fact that the society is not aware of minority issues and has no information about the lives of people coming from minority backgrounds. Lack of information can very easily lead to misunderstandings and potential conflicts.To change the perception of majority as life conditio ...
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NGO „IUVENTA“, as hosting organization, will coordinate a 9-days TC, taking place in Vrnjacka Banja (Serbia) on the theme of Migration in Europe and its consequences to youth and youth work, planned to involve 31 participants from 15 different countries in Europe This project aims at the empowerment of members of various NGOs with knowledge about migration.Today the world has more than 200 million ...
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Bridging Divided Communities

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

...spire and motivate 36 youth leaders, workers and experts in the field of youth work coming from Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Albania, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Croatia, Romania, the Nertherlands, Italy, Germany, Estonia, Poland, Turkey and Republic of Macedonia to work together on developing new tools for working with those who are invisible in way to create more inclus ...
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I don't know - I will ask

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

Project is based on development of communication skills, cooperation, dealing with prejudices, differences, with own power and responsibilities. Main goal of the exchange is: introduction in basic concepts of non-violent communication, its application in everyday events and new approach. Participants will learn how to take responsibility, and how to use their own power. Necessary element for devel ...
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Give Voice to Minorities Youngster

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

Center for Social Development is the hosting organization in this training course .6 participants from EU , 6 from SEE countries and 1 from Turkey are foreseen to be present while this activity will be held in Durres and will last 7days in September , 2012. This project gives a chance to youth workers and young people from European countries to share experiences, to learn from each other, but ...
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Mens sana in corpore sano

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

NGO „IUVENTA“, as hosting organization, will coordinate a 9-days YE, taking place in Vrnjacka Banja (Serbia) on the theme of Sport and healthy lifestyle. Exchange will take place in October 2012 and will bring together 47 young people from 9 European countriesThe idea of the project: sport belongs to everybody, not just the bestGuiding principle - put on your white shirt as a symbol of peace, frie ...
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Unemployed vs. Employed Tour

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

... brainstorming exercise. The study visit will connect 24 participants coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Serbia, Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Croatia, Italy, Czech Republic, Romania, Netherlands and Slovenia and will be host by Macedonian organization Kvantum.
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Involved Youth for Better Future

Start date: Aug 2, 2012, community and make changes. Also non-formal education, practical case-studies, role play exercises and discussion will be used. 300 marginalized youth from different groups and ethnicity from the Roma community are expected to participate in the final performance of street animation, aiming to send various messages for awareness rising. From 20-29 August In Struga, Macedonia, the training cour ...
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YE Specter of similarities

Start date: Dec 1, 2012,

YE “The specter of similarities ” will take place in Struga in Macedonia. Participation in this project will take 56 young people from 8 countries. The host organization of the YE is PAN EUROPEAN Centre.These projects will deal specifically with the promotion of diversity in Europe and raise sense of tolerance and understanding other cultures. The problem of prejudices and conflicts are nowadays ...
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All the colours of the rainbow

Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

...e youth exchange will be to impress upon youngsters that poverty has many different sides. The workshops will take place over one week and participants will include both representatives from the Roma communities and/or minority communities as well as volunteers and other member of civil society. The seminar will be divided into two sections: poverty from lacking economic resources such as adequa ...
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