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SATELLITE will function as anchor for the entire CIVITAS Network, coordinating and supporting ongoing and future CIVITAS2020 projects. SATELLITE will address the MG5.5b call topic by helping cities gain better access to innovative solutions to properly address transport challenges they are facing. SATELLITE will make sure the latest innovations resulting from European urban mobility research reach ...
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Citizen Led Air pollution Reduction in Cities (CLAiR-CITY)

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2020,

CLAiR-City will apportion air pollution emissions and concentrations, carbon footprints and health outcomes by city citizens’ behaviour and day-to-day activities in order to make these challenges relevant to how people chose to live, behave and interact within their city environment. Through an innovative engagement and quantification toolkit, we will stimulate the public engagement necessary to a ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

GrowSmarter aims to:• Improve the quality of life for European citizens by better mobility, housing and the quality of urban infrastructure while improving the citizens economy by lower energy costs and creating as much as 1500 new jobs (on the demonstration level).• Reduce the environmental impact by lower energy needs by 60 % and increased use of renewable energy thus reducing GHG emissions eve ...
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Public bodies face the lack of appropriate easy-to-use tools to support them in the definition, simulation and evaluation of suitable strategies for sustainable heating and cooling tailored to local conditions for achieving the ambitious targets set-up in their local plans. In light of this, PLANHEAT main objective is to develop and demonstrate an integrated and easy-to-use tool which will support ...
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EMPHASIS is a participatory research project addressing native and alien pests threats (insect pests, pathogens, weeds) for a range of both natural ecosystems and farming systems (field crops, protected crops, forestry, orchards and amenity plants).The overall goal is to ensure a European food security system and the protection of biodiversity and of ecosystems services while developing integrated ...
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... the goal of ‘no net loss of BD and ES’ can be evaluated. In response to these requirements, ESMERALDA aims to deliver a flexible methodology to provide the building blocks for pan-European and regional assessments. The work will ensure the timely delivery to EU member states in relation to Action 5 of the BD Strategy, supporting the needs of assessments in relation to the requirements for plannin ...
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Transportation sector undergoes a considerable transformation as it enters a new landscape where connectivity is seamless and mobility options and related business models are constantly increasing. Modern transportation systems and services have to mitigate problems emerging from complex mobility environments and intensive use of transport networks including excessive CO2 emissions, high congestio ...
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The coordination action SITEX-II aims at implementing in practice the activities along with the interaction modes issued by the FP7 program SITEX project (2012-2013), in view of developing an Expertise function network. This network is expected to ensure a sustainable capability of developing and coordinating joint and harmonized activities related to the independent technical expertise in the fie ...
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The potential of geographic information (GI) collected by various actors ranging from public administration to voluntary initiatives of citizens is not fully exploited. The advancements of ICT technologies and shift towards Linked Open Data give floor to innovation.The establishment of SDIs has largely been driven by the "traditional" GI community and the national and European policies governing t ...
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Be(e) the change

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

The training course “Be(e) the Change” will be held in the ecological center Kapraluv Mlyn in Czech Republic. The activity will take place on 6-13 November 2016 and it will involve 30 participants coming from 16 partners.The project idea comes from YEE’s campaign “The Right to be(e)” that is ongoing for three years now. With this training course we would like to learn and develop more tools of cr ...
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...ct, mainly to what concerns E&T, supporting Infrastructures and Regulatory aspects (and integrating – for the R&D needs – the outcomes of other research projects in a common frame of National and Regional needs); on the other hand, it investigates the existing National and Regional supporting structures – with a particular attention to the ones in Romania and in all the participating New Member St ...
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... of the strategic research agenda of JPI Urban Europe. Thirdly, it will diffuse the initiatives, projects and results of JPI Urban Europe (and other European programmes) to all urban actors at local, regional, national and European level.It is expected that by means of this multi-level, multi-actor, integrated and inclusive approach, research activities can be increased, new concepts and solutions ...
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"In line with the Lisbon strategy and 2020 perspective “Petrus” initiative coordinates since 2005 universities, WMOs, training organisations and research institutes efforts to develop cooperative approach to education and training (E&T) in the geological disposal with the purpose of expanding this cooperation under PETRUS3.PETRUS3 project aims at continuation of the European Cooperation in this ar ...
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The objective of PLATENSO is to provide a proposal towards establishing the legal base for a European Entity on Socio-Economic matters linked to nuclear technology and to develop recommendations for research strategies in PLATENSO countries. Thereby the capabilities of research institutes in Central and Eastern European countries to take part in EU research with respect to governance, social and s ...
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"Education, training and information to the general public are key factors in the governance of ionising radiation risks. Communication about ionising radiation with the general public has to to be further improved, as highlighted also by the 2011 accident in Japan. An effort is needed to analyse the state of the art and the existing needs in education, training and information, and to coordinate ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

This project will focus on biological threats having the capacity to affect and damage agriculture, infect plants and ultimately affect the food and feed at any stage in the food supply chain.Traditional thinking and planning regarding bioterrorism has focused primarily on humans as the primary target. If the perpetrator’s objectives can be met solely through the creation of human illness, death a ...
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Give international dimension to your projects

Start date: May 4, 2015, End date: Nov 3, 2015,

The training course ?Give international dimension to your projects? took place in the ecological farm Toulcuv dvur, Prague, Czech Republic on 12-17 July 2015. The project included 20 partners from the following countries: Czech Republic, Germany, Armenia, Spain, Albania, Portugal, Russia, Poland, Georgia, Latvia, Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia, Belgium. The training course was attended by 28 participant ...
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... of the productive infrastructure. Nowadays, existing obstacles and divisions have to be rapidly removed to avoid serious delays in innovation and a potential “point of no return” for regional competitiveness. On the other side of the Adriatic Sea, Italian institutions and enterprises are strongly interested in this developing area, as marked by recent industrial investments. Large prominent compa ...
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SedAlp contributes to integrated management of sediment transport in Alpine basins directed to an effective reduction of sediment-related risk while promoting the enhancement of riverine ecosystems and reducing the impacts of hydropower plants (balancing the implementation of EU Directives e.g. RES, Floods and WFD). The project includes piloting actions in various representative Alpine river basin ...
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The main object of the project is to contribute to the effectiveness of the measures taken by different stakeholders to address the issue of water pollution, as common challenge in the environmental protection of the Black Sea area. Achievements: Improved and comprehens ...
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The extreme side of Europe

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

The extremists’ movements challenge the world every day spreading nationalism, xenophobia, violence, discrimination, social conflict. There is no single way to combat against them, as each has its own ideology, theology and historical background. As we could see in recent developments in Eastern Europe, the extremists became to play also important role in reshaping the political environment. The s ...
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Follow-up and impact in international projects

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

The training course “Follow-up and impact in international projects” will be organised by Youth and Environment Europe (Czech Republic) and Balta Daba (Latvia). It will take place in Valmiera, Latvia on 8-15 August. The project will include 13 partners from 11 European countries: Czech Republic, Latvia, Armenia, Moldova, Serbia, Albania, Russia, Spain, Italy, Romania, Portugal. The training cours ...
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...he place to get information about our project.On the content side all investigation actions could be finished. Building on the national framework descriptions, partners were able to perform their regional analyses and convincing long-term masterplans initializing their pilot activities.The accompanying work on evaluation and dissemination came to the point of finally fixing an assessment strategy ...
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... tourism sectors. The principal scope of the project is to convey the up-to-date climate knowledge to policy makers who may best benefit from it, that is urban planers, nature protection authorities, regional and local development agencies, territorial and public works authorities. The principal project results include six pilot studies of specific climate adaptation exercises, a data platform con ...
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Green Infrastructure Network (GreenInfraNet)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Biodiversity conservation policies have traditionally been developed and implemented within the nature conservation sector, and local and regional authorities are mainly responsible for implementing the policies and achieving their objectives. However, this presents the authorities with a range of challenges:– many other land uses are increasing in extent and intensity– much of the biodiversity ou ...
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Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in SEE  (Attract-SEE)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

... system and better coordination among different development and sectoral policies are basic conditions for achieving territorial cohesion and territorial development goals on transnational, national, regional and local level. Project ATTRACT-SEE will support policy makers to achieve better coordination of territorial cohesion and growth policies as well as their implementation and evaluation. The ...
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The main objective of the project is to unite ideas, capacity and tools for improvement of nature education situation and so awareness of the society on sustainable development and integrated nature conservation in the project region of territories of Estonia, Latvia and Russia. During the project it is foreseen to create cooperation network between public and non-governmental organisations in Est ...
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Low Carbon South East Europe  (LOCSEE)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

...oss-sectoral low carbon policies a common systematic approach for creation of low carbon policies will be developed. On the basis of involvement and experiences of the main target groups (national or regional public authorities in charge for climate change, expert support level and stakeholders from different sectors) a common cross-sectoral Step by step manual for creation of low carbon policies ...
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Towards resource efficient urban communities in SEE  (RE-SEEties)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

...hip initiative Resource efficient Europe of the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. To boost resource efficiency, city leaderships have a major role to play at local and regional levels.The project therefore places municipality actors in SEE in focus and investigates what city leaderships can do within their scope of competence and responsibilities. The project specif ...
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Furthering Strategic Urban Research (URBAN-NEXUS)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

European cities face many significant challenges, including the current economic crisis, urban sprawl, and the longer-term implications of climate change and resource scarcity. To face up to and overcome these challenges, it has become urgent for all concerned stakeholders to collaborate.URBAN-NEXUS, a coordination action, will develop and use structured dialogues to encourage communication, exch ...
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Increase of life activity safety in the valley of the river PRUT

Start date: Aug 27, 2012, End date: Aug 27, 2014,

The project's objective is improvement of ecological environment, increasing the life activity safety of population in the valley of the river Prut and also saving of river-bed and its banks in Chernivtsi oblast on boundary territory with Romania and Republic of Moldova. ...
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CIVITAS VANGUARD will assist the EC Directorate for Transport and Energy in coordinating the “CIVITAS-Plus” phase of its “CIVITAS Initiative” for cleaner and sustainable urban transport, as well as to assist in the dissemination of CIVITAS-Plus results. The project will be implemented by a consortium consisting of European city networks as well as transport, energy and policy oriented organization ...
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Regional potential for a Greener Economy (GREECO)

Start date: May 31, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2014,

...eener economy. The green economy requires frameworks for investment and the formulation of coherent policy packages and therefore integrated actions are needed at the EU level as well as on national, regional and local level. As for other economic activities, the potential for green economic actions also depends on their geographical context. ...
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Joint Risk Monitoring during Emergencies in the Danube Area Border (JRM )

Start date: Jun 21, 2011, End date: Jun 20, 2014,

Improvement of the emergency preparedness and intervention, efficient prevention, monitoring and disaster consequences mitigation and fight for combating pollution of environmental factors in the eligible area. Creating of an integrated system to prevent disasters caused by hail in Dolj-Vidin border region and its extension over the all Romania-Bulgaria border region. The increasing of information ...
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Towards Zero Waste in Industrial Networks (ZeroWIN)

Start date: May 1, 2009, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

The first work package will define a common vision on zero-waste entrepreneurship within the first 6 months. The mythos Individual Producer Responsibility will be investigated if it can become the all-healing-solution in electronics industry as well as how this concept can be applied to other industrial sectors. WP2 concentrates on new technological developments, WP3 on waste prevention methodolog ...
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...ainable tourist mobility, railway and multimodal connections will be improved and attractive offers created via pre-investment measures, pilot activities and investments. A policy dialogue on the sub-regional and EU-level, feedback loops with the (Interim) Secretariats of the Alpine and Carpathian Convention and the related working groups dealing with transport as well as the development of the Tr ...
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Introduction of Regional Energy Concepts (CEP-REC)

Start date: Sep 30, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2014,

...c climate change societies all over the world have to be moved towards tremendous CO2-reduction measurements and towards a vast increase in the utilization of Renewable Energy Sources. Therefore, the regional level is the front line as here, numerous measurements have to be implemented. CEP-REC develops Regional Energy Concepts (REC), tools that support the implementation of Renewable Energies at ...
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moting the ecological network in the European Green Belt (Greennet)

Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2014,

...ored for those specific and unique problems in the pilot regions. BOKU Vienna carries out a constant monitoring on the application of these instruments and the results reached and will sum up all regional activities. To reach international publicity the project organized several public events. Main lobbying event since the project start was the organization of lunch debate in Brussels, Belgium for ...
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... and outputsPROFORBIOMED has hold its third Steering Group Meeting in Greece during May, having the opportunity to meet the needs of the project implementation. Further to this, National meetings and Regional seminars have been conducted in partners areas. PROFORBIOMED has also finalised the draft model for amendments to the CAP and developing an Energy Pact for future policy recommendations. Lias ...
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The planned project has two main objectives:1. Adapting flood retention reservoirs, on the Hungarian and Ukrainian sides, to one uniform system. Further development and updating of the Ukrainian complex flood-prevention development programme developed in 2001. Specifying the technical parameters of flood retention reservoirs, further development of planned technical solutions. 2. Developing the Hu ...
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