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18 European Projects Found

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5TOI_4EWAS project will focus on Targeted Open Innovation in energy, water and agriculture societal challenges through a balanced innovation-friendly ecosystem in the Southern Mediterranean Neighborhood (SMN) based on quintuple helix and NEXUS approach. The project will enhance and support regional smart specialization and development by increasing research capacity, effective mobility of young in ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...Improving language and socio-cultural skills that will enrich their competences. - Entering the labour market. Expected outcomes for sending and receiving institutions -Contributing to the quality of training of participants and enhancing their possibilities of employability - Improving the Management of European mobility projects being able to apply what we will learn from this project to f ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This project has its origin in the need to increase the employment rate of our students, while creating an international network that will improve the quality of education given in our centre and received by our students. Number of mobilities: 25 Age: 18-25 Profiles: Care Assistants for dependent people, Administrative Management, Commerce, Nursing Assistants, Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, Hair C ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016, the labour market today. The main objective of this Project has been to facilitate that our students enter the labor market and to create a professional network at a European level to improve the quality of education and training amongst our students. 40 students of the following educational fields have been involved: - Administration, Hairdressing and hair cosmetics, Nursing Assistants, Pers ...
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The main objective of the project is to promote energy planning at local level by sharing a common methodology among participating Partners (PP). This is essential to tackle Climate Change (CC), as energy use is mainly responsible for it. Local Authorities (LA) have a key role in this mitigation process, but as generally acquired, mitigation is not sufficient since CC is already taking place. The ...
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Cross border training centre for services in quality

Start date: Jul 10, 2013, End date: Jan 9, 2015,

...l organizations in regard to development of human resources capacity and skills and to stimulate cross-border projects, using regional opportunities, in order to promote and to develop the culture of quality to economic and social actors.To increase access to quality - based education and the co-operation between Romanian and Bulgarian actors in the field of professional training in order to devel ...
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 FINISHED analysis tools.CHRONIOUS, in its very final form, will be a universal solution to healthcare facilities and professionals for managing all different kind of chronic diseases increasing the quality of patients’ life and reducing health assistance costs.
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According to recent studies, Risks Against Patient Safety (RAPS) represent one of the most important factors of dead in hospitals: during therapy, more then 8% of patients recovered in hospitals suffer for additional disease that in almost 50% of the cases produce either dead or significant additional health problems. RAPS occur in any stage of the patient care process.REMINE project idea origina ...
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Puesta en marcha de un servicio basado en herramientas avanzadas TIC destinadas a la mejora e la competitividad empresarial del sector de las Energías Renovables en la Eurorregión, mediante a optimización de los procesos empresariales y el fomento de actividades de I+D+i ...
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JOQAR denotes Joint programmes: Quality Assurance and Recognition of degrees awarded. The overall purposeof the project is to ensure that Erasmus Mundus programmes (and joint programmes in general) are facilitated intwo specific areas: accreditation and recognition.The project partnership consequently includes qualityassurance/accreditation agencies (QA/A agencies) and recognition bodies (ENIC-NAR ...
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The main objective of this project is to improve leadership, governance and management of MEDA region higher education and converge it with that of EU universities. The project's partners are joining forces in a Structural Network under the EU-funded TEMPUS Programme to respond to the Modernisation Agenda of the European Union and to the need to invest in people, to support future leaders and enco ...
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This project aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of 10 Arab universities in five partner countries, through the development and embedding of a culture for quality assurance. Related activities include a series of pilot quality assurance assessments of chosen university services, the development of a long-term strategic plan for the development of quality assurance and the publication of ...
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The TALISMAN project aims to create and develop a training plan aimed at providing managers and those responsible for human resources within SMEs with the skills and abilities required to successfully implement ‘talent management’ procedures and policies. Project partners will undergo an initial analysis of the barriers and the training needs to enable successful talent management within SMEs, acr ...
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...ctor and SME’s in Slovakia and Czech republic by means of transfer of European best – practice and developing an eLearning portal.The project will be divided into 5 phases:1. In-depth training in quality management. 2. Analysis of background materials provided by EFQM.3. 9 training modules will be developed. 4. eLearning portal will be developed, which will support the training mainly in the initi ...
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This meat-technology innovate project has been worked two years during 1.11.2007-31.12.2009.All partners are specialist of meat-technology area and have years experience special innovates, products, production and education on differents levels.
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...olved. Project partners have successfully co-operated in EU projects in the past; the consortium is based on a high level of mutual trust and it is expected that a flawless cooperation and high quality results will be achieved in this project.The main outcome of the project will be an innovative e-learning package for knowledge-based entrepreneurship available online in Lithuanian, Slovak, Greek, ...
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Disabled people experience significant barriers to social participation and accessing education and employment. Many of them already use ICT to overcome the barriers they would otherwise face. However, ICT can be both an enabler which increases access and participation (opportunities) and a source of additional barriers, depending on how its design and implementation. A Network of 16 European P ...
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 FINISHED dimension of higher education (HE) has steadily gained importance. Internationalisation is a vital force of modern HE, but so far only a few approaches have been developed to assess its quality. This shortcoming should be alleviated by this project proposed by quality assurance agencies, Academic Cooperation Association (ACA), European stakeholder organisations and HE institutions.Th ...
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