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25 European Projects Found

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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

sequa is a non-profit organization of the German private sector. Shareholders are Germany's top four business membership organisations DIHK, ZDH, BDI and BDA as well as GIZ. sequa is a globally operating development organisation that has carried out projects and programmes of international cooperation in close collaboration with the German private sector since 1991. VET and mobility of employees i ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

sequa is a non-profit organization of the German private sector. Shareholders are Germany's top four business membership organisations DIHK, ZDH, BDI and BDA as well as GIZ. sequa is a globally operating development organisation that has carried out projects and programmes of international cooperation in close collaboration with the German private sector since 1991. VET and mobility of employees i ...
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LEVER aims at “Modelling informal learning and transversal competences in the voluntary service experience to increase employment and mobility of citizens”, fostering volunteers’ competence/transversal skills certifications, according to common transnational schemes and reference frameworks. In fact, the voluntary service can be seen as a relevant learning set/experience for the world of work and ...
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Dialysis therapy between Italy and Switzerland (DIALYSIS)

Start date: May 31, 2013, End date: Aug 30, 2015,

Renal impairment and dialysis treatment represent and increasingly important issue, with a strong social and economic impact. The project “DialysIS” aims to define optimum clinical protocols to be shared amongst the various sanitary operators so as to ensure high quality territorial and cross-border continuity to the access and treatment of dialysis. The project will create a web platform that wil ...
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Ex.Po. Exploring Possibilities

Start date: Jan 15, 2015, End date: May 14, 2015,

The project “Ex.Po. Exploring Possibilities” was a youth workers mobility that took place in Rho, Italy from March, 16th to 20th 2015. It consisted mainly in a 5 - days meeting and involved 8 participants from 4 Programme Countries: Italy (3 participants), Romania (1 participant), Slovenia (1 participant), Spain (3 participants from 2 different organisations). The project's activity was a traini ...
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Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2014,

The project intends to promote the cross-border territory that extends from the shore West of the lake throughout the Sottoceneri, focusing on some specific aspects that, in their integration, constitute its competitive advantage over other territories the Alps. In the centuries that an economy based on emigration, the artistic phenomenon of breath European Comacini Magistri, the specificity o ...
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Start date: Feb 28, 2011, End date: Feb 27, 2014,

The project, part of the Pit SapAlp, will test a new strategy intervention mechanisms to activate stable cooperation in the implementation of actions useful to support the relaunch of the socio-economic cross-border territory enhancing human capital. Through the use of tools and procedures for management of the flow of information useful to identifying the training needs and Pit SapAlp entire ...
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Safety Of non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (SOS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2012,

"The Safety Of non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (SOS) proposal aims to assess the relative cardiovascular (CVD) and gastrointestinal (GI) safety of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The NSAIDs are divided in traditional NSAIDs (tNSAIDs) and the newer COX-II inhibitors(coxibs). The aim will be fulfilled by a two-phase approach comprising systematic reviews and synthesis of CVD an ...
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Comunicazione Multimediale Integrata per la Filiera del Turismo (COMFIT)

Start date: Oct 31, 2010, End date: Apr 29, 2012,

The project aims to promote communication based on innovative technologies for the area Como / Ticino, with particular attention to the seasonal adjustment of the influx of tourism, with: 1) creation of a cross-border services, the management model for effective and Multimedia communication for the tourism economy; 2) development of innovative communication for the tourism industry, in which t ...
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...uable. The fish products will be analyzed to enhance the nutritional, organoleptic and of breed and increase their added value. Involving all sectors of industry: associations, fishermen by trade, provincial administrations and Canton Ticino, research university and private. The project also intends to implement measures for the productivity of fish and biodiversity, building innovative under ...
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The project is aimed at developing innovative systems and technologies that support: The distributed spatial data acquisition The communication of data to control the operations rooms of the second generation, The aggregation of basic phenomenological dellinformazione The generation of dynamic scenarios of risk embedded in the alpine range particular attention to the domino effect. The data ...
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... con la costruzione di una specifica attrezzatura presso il Polo Regionale di Lecco del Polimi e con alcuni test in scala ridotta presso il campo prove dei VVFF in Bovisio Masciago. Interverranno la Provincia di Lecco, 4 partner privati italiani e 3 svizzeri. Achievements: ...
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Club aims to promote the consolidation of the production chain within the Italian-Swiss biomedical through aggregation and collaboration between businesses, universities and other entities Public-private partnerships in the border area between Varese and the Canton Ticino, and the strengthening of synergies technology transfer. This is achieved mainly through the development Experimental biohy ...
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... ULB, UNIPR), social sciences (ADELPHI, ICCR, Missions Publiques), system analysis (ISIS, JRC-IES, UNISI) and integrated water management (BIOFORSK, POLIEDRA), plus the Environmental Service from the Provincial Administration of Ferrara and the Baltic Environmental Forum (BEF). The consortium will be complemented by an advisory group of 10 policy makers and stakeholders."
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TERIA : Territorial Insert of Airports (TERIA)

Start date: Mar 22, 2004, End date: Jun 29, 2006,

« TERIA » sintéresse à linsertion des aéroports dans lespace Medocc dans une perspective de protection de lenvironnement. Le projet propose davancer dans la détermination de nouvelles technologies permettant une coexistence harmonieuse entre les activités à lextérieur et à lintérieur de laéroport. Le projet sarticule donc autour de 3 phases : la programmation destinée à confronter les différentes ...
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« Métropole Nature » sintéresse aux espaces naturels péri-urbains dans un contexte de développement territorial urbain durable. Ces espaces naturels péri-urbains (ENP : ouverts, naturels, non construits, dintérêt environnemental ou agricole, forestiers….) sont souvent situés dans des zones qui ne sont plus ni urbaines, ni rurales, au sens traditionnel du terme. Ensemble, ils participent au fonctio ...
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« REVER MED » sintéresse aux voies de communication au sein des espaces urbains et périurbains. Il a pour objectif principal de mettre en place un réseau de voies de communication autonomes destiné au transport non motorisé (donc non-polluant et respectueux de lenvironnement). Ce réseau devrait ainsi être constitué principalement de voies vertes, de voies faisant partie du patrimoine culturel natu ...
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A new type of manager : The project has developed a curriculum specifically for the training of prototyping managers. After establishing training needs and a new profile, cross-border partnerships were set up and a course which can be partially integrated into existing courses was developed. This project started in 2002 and lasted 18 months.
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The DROA project aims to improve career guidance and advice as a means of improving lifelong learning and employment by setting up a network at two levels and making it permanent: an intra-regional network of local career guidance counsellors and advisors in a given region (one or two regions for each of the partner regions, or eight regions in total) and an institutional inter-regional network co ...
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The lack of clear definitions and acknowledgement of existing skills in the arts and culture sector makes it difficult for professionals in that field to evolve, to envisage a career change or to enjoy geographical mobility.The project aims to address the need, amongst professionals working in arts and culture, to have their skills identified and acknowledged, by introducing and adapting the “Comp ...
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PEIRA (from ancient Greek πειραʹ: experience, direct knowledge of something acquired over time by means of observation and practice) is a multilateral project financed within the LLP - Leonardo da Vinci - Transfer of Innovation and addresses the priority "Transparency and recognition of competences and qualifications”.The issue of recognition and certification of prior learning acquired in non-for ...
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A virtual European guidance community : The Guidenet project establishes a transnational network of expertise to gather together guidance initiatives, evaluate and comment upon them and to disseminate them as widely as possible within the guidance communities in Europe. Project website and ICT platforms serve as a discussion forum for network members. Registration online is open to individuals and ...
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Meeting the challenge and reaping the rewards of new employment for immigrants and refugees : Immigrant and refugee workers have often been let down by employment services who lacked the training to help them and were unaware of potential employment opportunities. Oilà has created a new and comprehensive training structure for staff in public and private employment services to give them a range of ...
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Guidenet will establish a network of expertise in the field of Vocational Guidance. The network will operate through four separate tiers: Contractor, Core Partner, Permanent Relay Point and Occasional Correspondent and will bring together the expertise of all contributory partners. The network will act as a core information point and centre of expertise drawing upon the position of individual part ...
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The EUGENE Network aims at improving the impact of European Engineering Education (EE) on competitiveness, innovation andsocio-economic growth in a global context. This goal will be achieved by setting–up and a top-level “discussion & action” forum tomonitor and support the continuous evolution of EE in the EHEA and to open its competition and cooperation borders beyondEurope. Indeed, although Eur ...
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