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Future DiverCities - Creativity in an Urban Context

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2020,

FUTURE DIVERCITIES creates an economically, socially and artistically sustainable future for creativity across Europe and beyond. This 4 year project will establish a European network of creators to encourage and support creativity, innovation and art production, support and develop emerging talent and assist the creation, distribution and monetisation of art.Our focus will be on creativity in an ...
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Europa: ti vedo e ti vivo

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

...e the partner institutions that will accompany the schools in the path:- European Historical Archives, to introduce the students to history, the values and objectives of the EU (the recent memory).- Opera of Santa Croce to learn about the contribution of the Franciscans in the spread of values in EU countries, still valid today, (deep memory)PROJECT AIMSOverall objective. Promote the understanding ...
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School of Active Citizens

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2019, and over 60 students will have the chance to engage in international learning experiences). The partners are schools and non governmental organizations already experienced in working in close cooperation for a better integrated system of education for young people, combining formal and non formal learning. "School of Active Citizens" aims at contributing to the recognition of the importance of ...
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Disabled + Self Employed

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

...ed to continue and record future developments and application of DSE even after the expiration of the project and guarantee the requested sustainability.All partners of DSE have experiences in cooperating with disabled persons and in improving their situation of employment and they have established long term collaborations with advocacy groups and societies that support people with disabilities.
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Future of Our World

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

Project called "Future of Our World" will be implemented and manage from XI.2016 till X.2018 by Semper Avanti as coordinating organization, four hosting and three sending organizations. The project will give opportunity to realize 6 youth moblilites in Wrocław, Ganja (Azerbaijan), Ozurgeti (Georgia), Covilhã (Portugal). The legitimacy of the project implementation based on the following factors: ...
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The Roadmap to a Resource-Efficient Europe outlines the significant impact of manufacturing goods on natural resources, energy, the environment and climate change. In this way, significant improvements in furniture manufacturing processes and materials have the potential to contribute to a competitive furniture sector and related industries, as well as to their sustainability and energy efficiency ...
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The project HERITAG aims to develop an interdisciplinary reform in higher education programmes at master level and continuing education integrating Geo-information Technologies (GIT) applied to cultural heritage documentation, tourism management and entrepreneurship.The project promotes the synergy of three main groups of stakeholders: Universities, industry and Administration. The curricular refo ...
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De Santa Coloma e Europa

Start date: Oct 3, 2016, End date: Oct 2, 2018,

...ill be conducted by the students. Visit the trainee locations and meet trainee supervisors. Compare curriculum and establish ECVET.b) Visit partner schools and environment, creating job shadowings cooperations and learning new techniques.c) Improve the language skills.d) Learn and observe the dual training (Germany)e) Gain knowledge from other implementations of Erasmus+.f) Share strategies on how ...
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Yump! II

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

YUMP – Youth Undertakes Mobility Projects – aims to cover the needs of Berlin’s creative economy, which we described previously. Berlin is evolving into the true Mecca of the creativei Industries, which have developed throughout the past years into a serious economical factor. Therefore, not only designers, agencies, lifestylemagazins, photographers and trendscouts but also clients from across the ...
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Europa Entdecken! (II)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

The project „Europa Entdecken! (II)“ is based on a project with the same name that we are running right now. Before we used a pool project initiated by the vocational college Jane-Addams-Schule and by GEB. VET learners from the school BBS Melle were awarded for several years in row scholarships from this project in order to carry out work placements across Europe. The project was so successful ...
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Europe United - Multiplikator für interkulturelle Kompetenzentwicklung

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

...reland, Poland, the Netherlands or Spain.The insight into the work of international organizations should show how to jointly prepare training projects in Europe. Teachers learn about international cooperation and the structure of European funding. They also gain an insight into the educational system of the country, its culture and language. Teachers get to know people from different cultures. Bac ...
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Students Academy Film and Theater Awards

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

...schools, eg our partners from Istanbul and Naples, with inner city students from a diversity of social and ethnic backgrounds while others are semi rural smaller highschools, eg our partners from Nea Peramos in Greece or Moana in Spain. North will meet South in this partnership, and our students will learn about the diversity that exists at the heart of Europe. They will understand that European ...
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Peat Valley: repositioning education in the region

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

...(Rapport WRR, 2013). Schools will have to fulfil a double task: their traditional roles of education and research, and their role as regional innovators. This can only arise through structural cooperation between the triple helix (Leeuwis, 2003). The Dutch, Swedish and English have learned this lesson having worked together during the Peat Valley project (Leonardo project) that has led to the cur ...
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M.O.V.E. : Mobility, Our Vision of Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

...are a series infinity of possibilities and potential.MADE SPONGANO TASK FOR THE VOLUNTEERSThis center is specific for events organization and for workshop of ancient craft. The volunteer will be cooperating in : -Organizing cultural events for local people using the skills or interests of the volunteer and the background of her/his country (e.g. concerts, exhibitions, theatre, dance or sport group ...
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...ocal and european labour markets. The UmbriaNet consortium is formed by upper secondary schools, and the Region Umbria itself (the highest policy-maker in the territory), Uniser (a cooperative with 18 years of experience in learning mobility) and it is coordinated by Itaca which represents the link between education and local companies. In fact, Itaca is a consortium of 26 businesses which coordin ...
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Esperanza Youth 5

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

...ese events local and international artists should be offered a possibility to perform. This excludes artists and events which represent or spread fascist, racist, sexist or homophobic attitude. The Esperanza-Youth project offers a non-commercial free space dedicated to youth culture and politics which are being shaped and developed without interference from outside. In this way the project Esperan ...
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Nowatorskie metody edukacji dorosłych dla przyszłości Europy

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Project "Innovative methods of adult education for the future of Europe" responding to the need of react by adult education to the challenges currently facing the European Union, particularly in the context of the refugee crisis and social reaction to it. Four organizations experienced in working with adults (from Poland, Spain, UK and Italy) want to share their best techniques and methods of work ...
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...earning mobility into the Emilia Romagna VET system, in order to:- increase the attractiveness of VET system- recognise learning outcomes through ECVET system- strengthen and organise the regional cooperation towards the creation of a consortium for VET mobility in Emilia Romagna.NUMBER AND PROFILES OF PARTICIPANTSVET Moving will involve 250 students of vocational education (EQF 3): young people a ...
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Love4Tourism: Learning Outcomes Via Exchange for Tourism

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Recently the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in the document "Fostering creativity, entrepreneurship and mobility in education and training" (2015/C 332/03), recommended member states to adopt measure to increase sense of entrepreneurship in young people also through internship in their study programme and mobility. The EESC also stated that there is a need of improving the recogniti ...
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NAIP: Training Artists Without Borders

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

This project aims at the modernisation of curricula and learning environment, through an interdisciplinary dialogue between higher education in music and performing arts. The discourse will take place within a consortium, consisting of three institutions offering the NAIP programme (European Music Master for New Audiences and Innovative Practice), four higher educational institutions offering trai ...
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Europäische fachpraktische Ausbildung in sozialen Berufen

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The “Efa-SOZ” project has been successfully carried out by Jane-Adam School (JAS) in cooperation with Association for European Training (GEB). In the last few years, other vocational schools for social education joined the initiative. All the vocational schools participating in the programme provide state-recognised training for professional educators and those with other relevant professions. T ...
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Get Re-Involved!

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018,

...pportunity to create international relations in order to develop a greater sense of European identity and citizenship .The receiving organisations involved in this project proposal are the social cooperatives L'Accoglienza and Il Cammino , the Foundation Opera Don Pippo and the Consorzio Solidarietà Sociale and they are working in the field of children , youth and disability , recognizing for yea ...
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INTERACT is the new EVS project proposed by Cooperativa Margherita, a social enterprise which manages different activities on the territory of Sandrigo (Italy) in favour of disadvantaged children and youth, elderly people and people with disabilities. This project, which capitalizes the results of the previous ones, has been designed considering the needs identified on the territory where the Coop ...
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Europa entdecken

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018,

"Europa entdecken" is a long term EVS project in Berlin and Wroclaw for volunteers from Poland, Georgia, Belarus and Germany. The project will be closely linked with all activities of the GEB and its partner organizations in the participating countries in the fields of culture and youth. These include: accompanying young people from across Europe who are doing his/ her work experience in Berlin (i ...
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Exploring European Education- and Labourmarket 2.0

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

...ther with Germany and Belgium. With “Leeuwenborgh makes the difference” a new strategic course has been set in which a contemporary curriculum and personalised learning is provided by indepenent operating training teams. 8.500 students are catered for in this way. Merely the geografic location indicates that ROC Leeuwenborgh has an eye for the functioning of both students and employees in a greate ...
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GO Europe - Chancen auf dem europäischen Arbeitsmarkt entdecken!

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

The Staatliche Berufsschule 1 Traunstein has used EU grants for students and educational staff since several years. Either the school has received this support through pool projects or through membership in a consortium with a joint project proposal.This is the first project, which carries out the school independently. The aim is to provide all beneficiaries (students, teachers and people from rel ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

Our project is callled Evs New Start also Erasmus + Evs project In this project, Sof Dağı Youth and Sports Club Association from Turkey participates as a sending organization; Asociatia Clubul Sportiv Experienta Multisport,Romania- Geoclube - Associação Juvenil de Ciência Portugal, COJEP International,France-Espírito de Mudança - Associação Juvenil,Portuğal-Fundacja Mobilni Polacy Poland -SEMP ...
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...rove the acquisition of professional skills be even when if a direct participation in a work placement a direct participation in working processes within an internship is restricted or the area of operation does not fully matach the qualifications profile of the beneficiary.In order to agree on learning objectives and contents of the internships abroad, the participants receive access to an online ...
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IEA Involve-Enjoy-Achieve

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

“IEA” Involve – Enjoy- Achieve is a project born with the idea to give to the European Volunteers the opportunity to be really INVOLVED in the daily work of the organisation, to ENJOY the once in a lifetime experience being a European Volunteer in order to ACHIEVE objectives and aims necessary in both the job and social life. The presented project ”IEA Involve – Enjoy- Achieve” involves six volunt ...
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Learn&Act vol.2

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

...of important topics, as intercultural diversity, ecology, active participation, open and tolerance attitude, to gain new competencies, to enrich the activities of hosting places and to strengthen cooperation between Poland, Southern Europe and Balkans.
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Acquiring TEchnical COmpetences abroaD

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

... mobility a reality into the students training programme, will: increase the attractiveness of VET, facilitate the recognition learning outcomes through ECVET, strengthen and organise the regional cooperation towards the creation of a consortium for VET mobility in Lombardy.NUMBER AND PROFILES OF PARTICIPANTSThe project will involve 99 students of VET school:- 69 students attending Vocational Educ ...
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European Vocational Skills Training Berlin 2016

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

... and the whole federal republic of Germany in the implementation of job-related mobilities of a period of 3 to 25 weeks (learners) or 5-28 days (staff / educational staff). ARBEIT UND LEBEN Berlin cooperates with currently more than 30 vocational schools, more than 20 training companies and about 10 mobility counseling centers of chambers and associations in Germany. The European cooperation invol ...
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... society organizations, to foster the collaboration which can bring a significant benefit both in terms of KnowHow that the rational use of public resources . PRESS also wants to contribute to the cooperation of the partner organizations and their stakeholders at European level, and in Hungary wants to accomplish a mapping of public and civil society organizations active in the sector and bring th ...
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...o have just completed their vocational training course. We want to reach this goal by offering the target group customized high-quality learning settings abroad. To achieve this we will continue cooperating with the vocational schools, the apprentices’ companies, the Chamber of Commerce as well as with the trade unions and professionals’ organisations. To flank the achievement of these goals we ai ...
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International Professional Educational and Training - IPET

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This small scale project will enable selected staff from across the wide ranging curriculum offer and support services of Lancaster & Morecambe College to undertake short training overseas with established training and research centres across Europe. The courses chosen are in line with CPD requirements of LMC staff and address current issues in the UK educational system. ObjectivesCPD is a vital p ...
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The project TRIS 2016 is promoted by the Consortium VET represented by a Social Cooperative located in Campania, a VET Agency located in Piemonte and a network of technical and professional Secondary School located in Calabria.Direct beneficiaries of the project are 99 VET Learners.The intervention has been implements according to a specific sectorial approach.Thanks to the VET partners,it was ...
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Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

European Youth Dream (Avrupa Gençlik Rüyası) is a European Voluntary Service project which we apply in partnership with 4 organizations from EU countries and 1 organization from EU neighbour countries such as; Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sweden, Lithuania, Portugal, Poland. A total of 12 participants will be provided under our short-term and long-term project. the project will be performed between ...
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Catch the Skills 2

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

Project called "Catch the Skills 2" will be implemented and manage from V.2016 till IV.2018 by Semper Avanti as coordinating organization, five hosting and ten sending organizations. The project will give opportunity to realize 15 youth moblilites in Oława, Wrocław, Ślęza and Brzeg Dolny. The legitimacy of the project implementation based on the following factors: the need of creating society ope ...
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European Opera Digital Project

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

The European Opera Digital Project will offer audiences a single, authoritative, accessible ‘go to’ online destination for discovering the whole world of European opera. This online platform, Opera.EU (a working title), will have far-reaching editorial content, centring on live streams and a wide range of complete performances, subtitled in at least six languages. It will feature full contextual ...
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Start date: May 18, 2016, End date: Apr 17, 2018,

...lgaria, for a total amount of 8 volunteers sent by their respective SO. YouNet will play the role of CO and RO.Young people taking part to this project has been identified among the youngsters cooperating with the different SO, but still not selected. They will be youngsters between 20 and 26 years old that decided to take a gap year for different reasons due to personal happenings or choices. The ...
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