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Students Academy Film and Theater Awards
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The SAFTAS partnership was imagined in order to foster a strong motivation to learn for our students and a dynamic incentive to create for our teachers. The schools involved in the partnership face the same challenges eventhough geographically we belong to different worlds. Some of us are inner city schools others are located in smaller towns, but our students are all the same, and as teachers we all try to create innovative ways to help them learn and be ready for the world of tomorrow. We have in common a passion for creative learning and we strongly believe that students need to build strong interpersonal skills and find ways to think clearly and express themselves and their individualities at the best of their possibilities. This is why we have imagined a three year project developped around two areas of expertise which will provide for learners opportunities for self expression, critical thinking, careful research and discovery, combined with the challenge of a competition. Cinematography and drama will provide a secure framework for our students to develop reading, writing, listening and speaking in a foreign language. They will thus develop communication skills in English first of all, but also in a second foreign language. Languages and multiculturality are indeed at the heart of our project. What's more, our students will build technical and professional skills around those two areas of expertise. They will have to apply for the opportunity to be part of the mobility projects, write letters of motivation, they will meet and work with professionals, interview them, organise festivals and plan for visits, they will design promotional campaigns and work on post production. The students will be in charge of inviting a famous actor or director to be the President of the festival. The students who won't take part in the mobilities will nonetheless contribute to the project in each school of the partnership as each partner has built a team of teachers who will contribute to the project in so far as they will organise their own festival inside their respective schools. The students who will take part in the project will be carefully selected amongs the diverse backgrounds that every school contains. Students with learning difficulties or disabilities will have the same opportunities as high achievers as the criterias for participation will revolve around motivation and involvement in all the different activities of the project. The participating schools come from various backgrounds. Some are urban highschools, eg our partners from Istanbul and Naples, with inner city students from a diversity of social and ethnic backgrounds while others are semi rural smaller highschools, eg our partners from Nea Peramos in Greece or Moana in Spain. North will meet South in this partnership, and our students will learn about the diversity that exists at the heart of Europe. They will understand that European citizenship comes from ancient history thanks to the cultural background they will acquire thanks to the careful researches they will conduct to perform the different tasks attached to the project. The activities will revolve around cinematography and the theater, leading to creating material and performances of the highest possible quality in order to compete at the final SAFTAS Festival. The students will be actors, directors, technicians, writers, journalists, project mananagers, and producers. They will build the festivals from A to Z and work for three years towards a professional level of skills in this area of expertise. The results, if we succeed, will be of high quality productions and the festival will be fit to sustain itself beyond the three years of partnership. The impacts will be important on local communities as this will contribute to including all cultural actors around the schools communities. We aim to sustain the relationships between the partner schools as well, as we believe that building international bonds will contribute to improving our students skills as well as our teachers’ incentive to innovate tirelessly in order to make their teaching curriculums meet the students’ needs in all areas of development.
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