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„Volunteer validation – an investment in own profession future”

Start date: Oct 10, 2016, End date: Oct 9, 2018,

Young people in Bulgaria and in the countries in which there are long-term volunteering traditions do not realize the competencies and skills they have acquired through volunteering. Meanwhile, volunteers are not able to promote themselves in front of the potential employers and what they have learned during their activities as active citizens or in other forms of non-formal learning. Often they c ...
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Du Volontariat pour tous 14

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

We want to continue in 2016 with our program "Everybody can be volunteer", program allowing Youth who have difficulties to find project in Evs action : difficulties because not enough places for all applicants, because high selection level on language knowledge...So we want to propose in this coordinating Evs project, 6 possibilities in LT, in 4 partners countries, Serbia, Russia, Georgia and Arme ...
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Moving on through EVS

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

....2016-31.2017. This project hosts 3 volunteers in Kokkotyö Foundation, Villa Elba Youth Centre and Youth Centre Vasatokka. The volunteers come from Serbia, Ukraine and Russia. Participants are young people who are motivated to give their own work and develop their skills through international operations.Volunteers work in Kokkotyö Foundation, Villa Elba Youth Centre and Youth Centre Vasatokka and ...
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Learning of Local Bodies to Integrate Immigrants

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

Same as above.
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Museums around the world develop various practices in order to enhance the access and inclusion of people with visual impairments, but many disabling barriers still exist. Museums, as audience-centered spaces, are required to enhance thee access and and inclusion of individuasl with visual impairment. However, this is a challenging task for museums and requires the collaboration between museums an ...
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Creative Youth

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: May 1, 2017,

...sations whom we know, we are able to provide a good base for high-quality and successful EVS projects involving mainly youth with fewer opportunities. The objective of the project is to enable young people aged 18 to 30 to do EVS abroad for 31 days and 11 months with the aim to gain intercultural experience, raise European awareness and fight against prejudice against foreigners. The project wil ...
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Visualise Me

Start date: Aug 8, 2016, End date: Apr 7, 2017,

...tivities should contribute to by it’s best. Increasing awareness about refugees and asylum seekers, encouraging intercultural and interreligious dialogue within local communities, integrating young people with fewer opportunities, promoting diversity and passing on fundamental values of European society is extremely important, so innovative and creative methods could provide new approach of tackli ...
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...jority of partners were involved as participants. There partners discussed the issues of "youthfication" of radicalism and terrorism, as outcomes of nationalizm and extremism what more and more young people are following.The aim of the project is to equip youth workers with set of competences and tools making them able to use non-formal education as a measure of prevention of youth radicalism and ...
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Interactive dual language immersive learning space

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2017, participants will identify collaborative school partners where similar technologies will be used during the project. Finally, the project has a Romanian partner who is president of the people-to-people foundation, who built and runs a thriving school for Roma children in Oradea, Romania. Through wide-scale dissemination of all outputs from the project, the long term aim is to effect practice c ...
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"Analyse and think critically: media literacy for youth workers"

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

Eesti People to People envisages Erasmus+ KA1 project "Analyse and think critically: media literacy for youth workers" for 12 youth organisations from Programme and Partners countries that aims to develop youth workers' analytical skills and media competencies. The project will consist of preparatory phase, training course, follow-up and dissemination activities. Training course will bring togethe ...
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Tunturi 2016 - Lapland Adventure

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Tunturi 2016 - Lapland Adventure is a project from the youth to the youth. Taking place in the rare remote, untouched lands of Finnish Lapland, the project offers an unique learning experience for 49 people altogether.The project is built around the theme of intercultural dialogue, as suggested by the youth. Thus Tunturi 2016, as the name says, involves a 4-day Intercultural Adventure where the yo ...
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Start a CHANGE with Youth EXCHANGE

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Dec 1, 2016,

...o share and gain knowledge on youth exchanges, develop youth exchange ideas and implement gained skills. It is important that these youth exchanges will be produced and implemented by young people on topics most important for them. Having a chance to discuss important issues related to young people interests we would like to encourage them to start CHANGING their realities, local societies using v ...
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Mainstreaming Peace Education: Competence Framework

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The project is set in the context of non-formal education for young people. It builds on the experiences of a Grundtvig Partnership Project “Mainstreaming Peace Education - Approaches, Methodologies, and Visions”. The project’s main aim is to build a Competence Framework for Peace Education in youth work. Specific project objectives include: - developing a competence framework including knowledge ...
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...strengthening nonviolence and participatory means of conflict transformation to ensure human rights protection, nonviolence and participation as fundamental principles of societal life allowing young people to not only grow up in a peaceful environment without their personal development potentials being jeopardise, but also to contribute conflicts to be addressed nonviolently without making use of ...
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Non-formal Education for Integration and Socialization of Refugees

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The aim of our project is the utilization of non-formal education and volunteering movement for the adaptation and integration of people from Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria that are now seeking refuge in Europe. At present it is near impossible to get fast and efficient results in adaptation and integration of such big amount of people with totally different cultural and religious background using st ...
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SelfiE yoUrself! - Create yourself and not your selfie

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

... our "selfie" for self reflection to monitor ourselfs and others. To promote self employment is also our strong focus, because we offer new competences, touchable result and knowledge for young people which improve their initiative. Participants who arrives from different cultural backgrounds will learn from each other and from skilled masters to develope their skills based on non-formal education ...
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Driven by its mission to create space for dialogue, the NGO Crossing Borders as well as its partner organisations People for Change Foundation (PfC), Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers des Pays-de-la-Loire (CNAM) and Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo (CESIE) perceive the lack of awareness of positive impacts of immigration as a significant problem in many local communities in Europe. Ther ...
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Peace, Love and Care

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

"Don’ t let People Pull You into their Storms, Pull them into your Peace” Kimberly Jones The youth exchange -Peace , Love and Care brought young people together from 8 countries-Netherlands, Estonia, Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia for 10 days to use music as a tool to contribute in peace building movement which will promotes the capacity of young people to deal the pote ...
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Project "Convergent.Net.- Convergence of the youth disability organizations into the inclusion project network" is a youth workers mobilty project. Its aim is to to create more learning opportunities for youngsters with disabilities by connecting organizations and professionals working with this specific target group and by developing their competences for design of inclusion projects under the Yo ...
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Заедно в професията

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

...cation and training, whose members are: two specialized schools for children with hearing disorders, professional secondary school, part of the country’s mass educational system and "For the young people" foundation as a representative of the NGO sector. The project has a clear and dynamic focus towards developing and upgrading the knowledge and skills of participating students in the field of co ...
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United Europe For Youth

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

...ities of both formal and vocational education and training, high rates of unemployment and absence or insufficient means of social, cultural and leisure time activities. Affecting one in seven young people, early school leaving is one of the greatest educational challenges in Europe, and reducing its levels is a shared objective of EU countries. The prevention of early school leaving (ESL) should ...
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Creativity And Reuse for Empowerment

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

...volving population by promoting participation and active citizenship. Nevertheless, statistics show that we are far from achieving this benchmark. In fact, even if EU 2020 strategy fixes 20 million people out of risk of social exclusion as headline target, today more than 24% of all the EU population are at risk of poverty or social exclusion and the situation seriously affects young people, Ag ...
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Dare to care, BE an ethical citizen!

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

... was a youth exchange mobility project that took place in Timisoara, Romania from 6th to 13th of September 2015 (including the arrival and departure days).The youth exchange project gathered 25 young people and 7 group leaders coming from 6 European countries: Babel Education, from Romania which was the host organization; ProAtlântico - Associação Juvenil from Portugal, Klub studentu, rodicu a pra ...
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Non-formal Education Tools and Methods for Democratic Changes

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

...n 2013 in Russia in cooperation with our Russian partners, plus Youth in Action projects implemented in Turkey (2013) and Georgia (2014) in cooperation with local partners showed that the young people from Eastern Europe have completely different understanding of meanings of democracy, freedom and equality than their Western European peers. The objectives of this training are: 1. To use internati ...
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Emotions & IT for Erasmus+

Start date: Jan 10, 2015, End date: Sep 10, 2015,

... communication are changing the way we are and work, having a bigger impact in the younger generations. They provide same advantages, and at the same time, bring new questions we need to deal with as people working with youth (as workers or volunteers). This is why In this training, we will explore together three very different areas (Emotions, New technologies / social media, and Nature) with the ...
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...ain aim of this seminar was the exchange of tools and good practices, as well as the creation of methods by the participating youth workers in order to be able to better support and empower the young people they are working with and boost their confidence and sense of initiative, in order for them to be able to adapt and respond more quickly and effectively to the constant change around them, as w ...
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The Change Makers

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

The training course will bring together young people to support youth work in violence prevention and human rights education and further develop non formal education techniques and approaches in dealing with gender-based violence. It will support to build the capacity and awareness of gender equality and to explore the background(s) of the diversities of gender perception in different countries. T ...
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1st European Contact-Making Event (CME) "Social Justice for all?"

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Feb 1, 2015,

The Contact Making Event with the title "Social Justice for All" was used to discuss among others the following questions with the partners and participants: • What is “social justice” and which role plays (European) Youth work in there? • What are the strengths and weaknesses of our daily work with children & youth? • Where are the gaps, opportunities, approaches and possible solutions? The CME w ...
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Education in Citizenship has to be VIP

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

... 21 countries of both the European Union and outside. This project consists a mobility activity of youth workers for attending a training course on human rights as the main axis. A total of 36 young people between 18 and 35 years with equal gender participation, taking place in Gandia between 4 and 12 October. The methodology to be used will be through non-formal education through active and comm ...
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Fit for life

Start date: Jul 15, 2014, End date: Dec 14, 2014,

...ties are conducted in nonformal education methods with active participation all participants. The outcome of the project will be increase level of sport activities and healthy life style among young people. IIt will influence on their health, fine fettle, mental condition and inclusion to society. The organizer of the project is the Foundation "People for People'.
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The main objective of the project is that through project activities and exchange of experience between project partners the quality of special education and speech therapy will be improved. For achieving the objectives and planned results the project aims to organize a training to speech therapists working with Russian-speaking children and to university students studying special education for ra ...
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The overall objective of the joint action is to transfer, hand over the Ukrainian and Romanian partners, methods for visually impaired persons rehabilitation, materialized already in the region where the Applicant organization is activating. Specific objectives: Training the experts methods and techniques of working with, supporting visually impaired persons, methods that have already been applied ...
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...pporting the life-long learning principle, the education centres developed a joint specialised training programme for service providers in tourism. By sharing information, skills and knowledge with people looking for employment in tourism, the project influenced the overall improvement of the tourism off er and the attractiveness of the region.
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Start date: Jan 31, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

The ISEDE -NET concept was conceived within a TCA dissemination conference on Social Entrepreneurship (SE) financed through the EQUAL C.I. in October 2007. It is a link between 2 Programming periods of SF, capitalizing results of 2000-2006 along as new experimentations to be undertaken by the project, and projecting them into the 2007-2013 period. Moreover ISEDE-NET is planned in a period of finan ...
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The road to Rio + 20

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

...s to get youth to the heart of the post-MDG, Post-Rio+20 sustainable development agenda to combat poverty and social exclusion. Its theme focuses on how to ensure the effective participation of young people and the creation of youth leaders to achieve that goal and celebrate EU-China Youth Year by finding out points where our paths to sustainable development cross. The activities will be a series ...
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The research conducted by FIRR in 2009 indicated that there were significant barriers in accessibility of hotel/accommodation and catering services to people with various disabilities. Only 2% of examined hotels employed person using sign language. None of them offered information or other material printed in Braille. In case of catering services, more than half of them were inaccessible for peo ...
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InterACTive Citizenship

Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

The reciprocal multilateral EVS project, “InterACTive Citizenship” takes up the motto of the 2013 “European Year of Citizens” by mobilising and coordinating young people’s active engagement in citizenship activities around the globe. Through volunteering, an essential element in active citizenship, this project aims at developing in young citizens a commitment to society and to political life in s ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

The ancient legend of Medea as a symbol for migration and intercultural relations was chosen as an entry point to bring young people from different European countries together and to discuss notions of culture, cultural heritage and multiculturalism and their relevance in an increasingly cultural diverse Europe.Looking at constantly high or even occasionally increasing tensions in multicultural so ...
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Valorise the European cultural fishing heritage by establishing a European Cultural Fishing Heritage Network; enhance the transnational exchange of professionals and citizens (including the participation of groups at risk of exclusion), multi-sectorial cooperation, exchange of information and the identification of synergies; allow the circulation of European best practice and the analysis of relat ...
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Passion for the Earth

Start date: Mar 1, 2011,

... participants:23About the programme:The course creates space and support for participants who will learn and share methods and strategies for setting up non-formal educational activities for young people both in the field of outdoor environmental education and education for sustainability, get to know good practices through workshops and field trips and exchange.Aims: The programme aims to build t ...
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