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15 European Projects Found

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Regions of Connected Knowledge (RoCK)

Start date: Jun 30, 2007, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

Overall aim of RoCK is to improve connectivity within and between regions of knowledge. by development of railway connections into high quality efficient and user-friendly interoperable systems. Within the RoCK-project. connectivity will be improved by making use of existing connections and by developing and implementing smart solutions to improve their quality. Partnership The RoCK partnershi ...
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Management of Multifunctional Forests (MULTI-FOR)

Start date: Jun 30, 2008, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

... and implementation of management plans for multi-functional forest management, concerning the connectivity of woodlands and reafforestation.For example, the Trame verte et bleue programme of the Nord-Pas de Calais and Picardie Regional Councils and the Regional Frest Plan of the Regional Council NPdC in which are implicated the french partners (CRPF, ONF, CCVCA) and for the actions promoting wood ...
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Assessing Changes to Regional Habitats (ARCH)

Start date: Jun 30, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2013,

...nd distribution of key habitats meets national and European objectives in terms of biodiversity protection in its area. It will firstly assess the extent and condition of biodiversity across Kent and Nord-Pas de Calais and then develop a geographical information system for habitat & biodiversity data use by land planners, and a ‘Planning Footprint Software’ tool, both of which will be developed jo ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2007, End date: Mar 30, 2013,

GREET will harness the significant opportunities presented by a range of new signature cultural and sporting developments in the Cross-Channel region over the coming 3 years. These will act as a catalyst to bring more visitors to the region and have the potential to boost tourism in the 2 Seas area. Examples include the Olympic Games in 2012, new contemporary art galleries at Lens and Margate an ...
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...ting gathers 40 representatives from the partnership.The second technical meeting took place in Lille (France) in June 2011. It was the occasion there to get feedbacks from external experts from the Nord-Pas de Calais Region and also from other network like NRG4SD about the question "what is a good governance?" within the implementation of an action plan targeting some GHG mitigation. This meeting ...
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The Nord-Pas de Calais Region, the flemish and the french Communities of Belgium, the Region of Castilla-la-Mancha, the Voivodship of Silesia, Rogaland County Council and the Arts Wales Council are engaged, since 2003, in a strong territorial cooperation. Improving regional policies has always been the main priority of this cooperation. These regions wanted to go further on an innovative issue: hu ...
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Landscape and Nature for All (LNA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2006, End date: Jul 30, 2012,

Objectif général :Issus d'une même entité géologique, les territoires du Parc naturel régional des Caps et Marais d'Opale (PNRCMO) et le Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Naturel Beauty (KDAONB) partagent des types dhabitats naturels en commun.Ces territoires partagent ainsi les mêmes enjeux et défis en termes de préservation de ces paysages protégés regroupant espaces bocagers, zones humides, bois e ...
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Sustainable Tourism Research and Intelligence Partnership (SUSTRIP)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Jun 29, 2012,

The purpose of SusTRIP is to plan and implement a series of research activities which will help the 2 Seas area to further develop an economically successful tourism industry. This new strategic network between tourism and education partners from each country in the zone will enable the project to build on previous studies by each of the partners, each of which is keen to improve and sustain touri ...
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Intermodal Port Access and Commodities Transport in Europe

Start date: May 31, 2005, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

International traffic between the UK and continental Europe is a specific territorial issue which the partnership will address through sustainable distribution and the economic development of ports. They will also develop a maritime integrated network and strategy.
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HST Integration

Start date: Aug 31, 2002, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

between high speed rail stations in North West Europe. The project, whose lead partner is the South East England Development Agency, working in conjunction with a total of 18 partners from the UK, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, aims to investigate and demonstrate the means by which HST stations and station area developments can serve the internal cohesion as well as the external strength an ...
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HST Connect

Start date: May 31, 2003, End date: Feb 29, 2008,

High speed transport has a key role to play in promoting balanced spatial development across NW Europe. Therefore any attempt to improve HST needs to work on a transnational basis. The prime objective of the 15 partner, 21.893m euro HST Connect project is to forge closer connections between regional rail services and the trans-European High Speed Train network, with the aim of increasing the latte ...
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Espace Manche Development Initiative (EMDI)

Start date: Mar 10, 2003, End date: Sep 29, 2007,

The English Channel is both the world’s busiest maritime thoroughfare and the main gateway to NW Europe. And it is likely to become busier as the traffic of goods and people between the UK and the Continent grows. The common problems generated by this vital artery strengthen the need for transnational co-operation , which will be tested by the EMDI project through pilot initiatives on a series of ...
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Problems addressed• The INTERREG programme encourages cross-border cooperation on all European Land borders, but also on « some maritime borders ». While maritime cross-border relationships are comparable to terrestrial ones, important specificities exist. Their relatively unknown particularities exist at the level of the cooperation area (the maritime area) as well as at the level of governance ...
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Regional Triangle of Weimar

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Mar 30, 2007,

The project aims to extend and intensify the existing trilateral links between the three Regions. Furthermore, these links can now be developed at regional governmental level, particularly between public/equivalent public entities of the three partner Regions. In this way, increased interregional cooperation will enable the sharing of experience and knowledge to benefit the economic and social dev ...
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Problems addressed• The requirement to improve the flow of experience of current Interreg projects, focussing on the North Sea area, and to encourage wider participation in Interreg of other maritime areas of Europe on maritime cross border issues. • The requirement of an enhanced exchange of knowledge, best practices and benchmarking together with a better understanding of the relevance of mariti ...
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