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Employability and knowledge based economy : tools for innovative culture (TOOL QUIZ)
Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Nord-Pas de Calais Region, the flemish and the french Communities of Belgium, the Region of Castilla-la-Mancha, the Voivodship of Silesia, Rogaland County Council and the Arts Wales Council are engaged, since 2003, in a strong territorial cooperation. Improving regional policies has always been the main priority of this cooperation. These regions wanted to go further on an innovative issue: human capital in a knowledge-based economy. Indeed, the development of a knowledge-based economy is based on new job sectors, new working methods and new professional skills and competences. It requires new policies, enabling to reinforce the employability of the workforce. The cultural and creative sector is a key sector in this framework. Knowledge-intensive sector strongly linked to creativity, innovation and ICT, and important new job sector, it favours the development of new skills closely related to the employability in a knowledge-based economy. Nevertheless, it remains underexploited.The project aims at developing, in each partner region, suitable strategies, policies and tools on the link between cultural and creative sector, knowledge-based economy and employability. The project is based on five working phases. The Identification phase will enable, in each region, to identify, analyse and evaluate good practices, thanks to a joint methodological and conceptual framework. The Exchange phase will ensure an exchange of these practices, an in-depth analysis of their development conditions and a diagnostic of each region situation. The Capitalization phase will capitalize public policies and regional analysis. The Transfer feasability phase will study the transfer of these practices within each partner region, targeting the most relevant ones. Finally, the Experimentation phase will enable to test some good practices. These phases will result in concrete tools for policy makers, based on a better knowledge of the sector characteristics and of regional specificities.The project will contribute to strengthening the cultural and creative sector, and to identify it as a full economic sector, and more largely, as a key sector of a knowledge-based economy. It will contribute to developing a cross-cutting approach around this sector, to integrate it in development policies and to define more suitable strategies, policies and tools, at regional and European level. It will also contribute to enlarging the reflections on this sector, still more focused on the industrial and entreprenarial issues, and less on human capital. In this framework, one of the project results should be a better use of the European Social Funds. Covering 7 regions and 7 countries, the partnership is based on a complementarity between regional authorities, technical experts (CRRAV, Technocité, Bangor University, Simetrias Foundation, Ars Cameralis) and scientific experts (University IUAV of Venice and Relais Culture Europe). Achievements: After 3 years of common work and 6 european conferences, TOOL QUIZ is now ending. Resulting from a long term strategic process of interregional cultural cooperation which began in 2000, it gathered 12 european partners. Approved in 2009 by the INTERREG IVC pgm it started in January 2010 and is now achieving its last phase of evaluation until its closure in january 2013. Intending to participate in the european cohesion's enhancement, partners has been working on a shared regional policy issue linked to Culture, Development and Human Capacities. They have been loonking at potential new ways to think these issues in terms of public policies, territorial strategies, actors practices or contemporary initiatives at regional level, taking into account the European situation, the current global context and the main changes taking place.Any person interested in developing these issues can thus take a look at the project's deliverables. The GOOD PRACTICE GUIDE with 19 GP and a benchmark.The GREEN BOOK 's articles can give ideas on the theme "right of culture, culture of rights" as contribution for a long-term approach of european territories' cultural policies. The EXPERIMENTATION REPORT will offer an evaluation of TOOL QUIZ pilot experimentations tested from May to September 2012 on the themes : 1/social inclusion&cultural practices (Flanders Silesia) 2 / Arts&Business (Rogaland-Wales - Flanders, Wallonia) 3/ Youth participation in the Arts (Rogaland, Wales, NPDC). The project's website and newsletters will also give different views and reports on the project's activities with conferences acts and links with connected european projects. Eventualy, the TOOL QUIZ Seminar of Conclusions organized in Siena the 5&6 october 2012 was an opportunity to gather the main analysis of the project and to consider the strategies regarding Culture and territorial cooperation in Europe. These conclusions, included in the Green Book, are presented in a short resume as following : Since the 90s, the UN or CGLU have stressed the need to reconsider our development models, a fortiori in western countries & postindustrial contexts. EU is dealing with these issues while facing many factors of external and endogenous change. If recent enlargements have revealed regional disparities, with the crisis emphasis in 2008 it has become a priority to deal with decreasing economic and social disparities as cultural and social poverty between persons and territories. Political leaders, actors from public to private sectors, and civil society at all levels need to find solutions on short terms. As well on a longer term perspective, are growing needs in finding sustainable practices. In this time of uncertainty what about culture ? It includes not only the arts and letters, but also the being fundamental rights as it covers those values (...) ways of life through which a person/group expresses their humanity and the meanings that they give to their existence/development". By thinking dvp as person-centered approach, through this cultural rights definition, the person is at the core of political/economical strategies and practices. In this frame, cultural dimensions can be integrated with other policies adressing public life (social, health, educat°, environment, economy). It is thus essential to work on the visibility & large vision of culture in all policy frameworks but stressing the focus on the person. Cultural practices, networks, cooperat° are key stones to remain united through diversity. It represents compulsory spaces of dialogue for the european (cultural community) life. Opening/connecting territories through cultural strategies based on the person are a way to build sustainable synergies between actors, citizens, institutions accross the public domains, to manage collectively our commons, and translate a European pact of dignity. Basis from which Europe can find its internal cohesion and build its external links with&in the world.
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  • 68.6%   1 086 940,25
  • 2007 - 2013 Interreg IVC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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12 Partners Participants