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Network and methodologic research on the close maritime cross-border areas of cooperation (Coopmar )
Start date: Jan 31, 2005, End date: Jun 29, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Problems addressed• The INTERREG programme encourages cross-border cooperation on all European Land borders, but also on « some maritime borders ». While maritime cross-border relationships are comparable to terrestrial ones, important specificities exist. Their relatively unknown particularities exist at the level of the cooperation area (the maritime area) as well as at the level of governance of the cross-border area. • It is therefore crucial to understand the challenges and the specificities of this cooperation. Local maritime cross-border cooperation is important for the spatial development of maritime regions and for their integration into the European territory.• The development of maritime cross-border projects, within the framework of Interreg, highlights some specific characteristics of maritime cooperation. The project leaders face various constraints which are often linked to the maritime character of the area. Objectives• To identify the specificities of local maritime cross-border cooperation • To support project leaders with an appropriate methodology specifically developed for them • To raise the awareness of National and European authorities about the specificities of maritime cross-border cooperation Approach and methodology• Networking / Exchange of experiences• Methodological research • Hands on approach Expected Results: • Establishment of a network of stakeholders and areas: knowledge transfer • One study• Thematic workshops• Two conferences
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  • 50%   319 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Interact I
  • Project on KEEP Platform

9 Partners Participants