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22 European Projects Found

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Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

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KA1 - Mobility of youth workers A1 - Mobility of youth workers - Programme and Partner Countries Type of Activity: Training Course Venue: Limassol, Cyprus Title of project: “Coaching Young Entrepreneurs - Providing Support in Making the First Step “ Project dates: 01 June 2015 – 01 January 2016 Activity date - Training Course date: 2nd – 9th of September 2015 Program Countries involved in this ...
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 FINISHED age management to provide incentives for other employers to follow suit and to stimulate decision makers and Social Partners to give age management a more prominent role in national policy discussions. Achievements: The first and initial achievement of the project is ...
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Integrated Concepts Enhancing Cohesion of European Space (COHESION)

Start date: Dec 31, 2002, End date: Mar 30, 2006,

... to survive. The globalisation of the economy and the new CAP result to strengthening competition and shrinking competitiveness of European agricultural products and areas. Their exposure to the international market beside the imminent EU enlargement, are expected to threaten the cohesion of the European space in total. Structural measures with a territorial approach have to compensate the difficu ...
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The aim was to set up financially self-sustaining centres in EU member states to provide accredited qualifications in ICT related to Open Systems and web based technologies. This project was based on 9 Work Packagers. Details are at
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...AR) and Turkey (EPDP),Their adaptation for the specific needs of the VET system in Turkey and Romania.To provide innovative curriculum, educational materials, devices and equipment,To establish the National Vocational Standards and the National Qualifications in the field of the EV, CS and battery maintenance technician vocation.Target Groups: Trainees, apprentices, students, trainers, masters, te ...
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...ting from the curricula realized with Insula Europae, the students, divided in smallgroups, will have the task to realize their contribution to the curricula contents, todevelop and to describe their national identity. The activities will be on the Learningenvironment on-line and the students will be free to cooperate with Europeancolleagues and to choose the way and the "tool" they prefer to acco ...
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In the end of the 20th century climbers and speleologists have brought into the working environment the rope access techniques and lifting equipment, borrowed from the sports practices. Through these methods, specific problems has been solved in which it was not possible the use of normal equipment. Now days, these techniques are spread in Europe, replacing other methods of access. The sectors in ...
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Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, ein europäisches thematisches Netz zu entwickeln, um die Übertragung des belgischen Erfahrungsabfalls der elektrischen elektronischen Ausrüstung, zuerst nach Italien zu stützen, in dem einige Schritte in dieser Richtung bereits gemacht worden sind und eine zahlreiche Gruppe Partner damit einverstanden ist, ein regionales Netz auf diesem Gebiet zu starten haben. Andere ...
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...up and maintaining a business web site. There were several transfers of innovation involved but the two most significant were the Getting British Business On-line concept from Google (UK) and the ITQ national vocational qualification of the UK Sector Skills Council (e-skills) that is referenced to the EQF by virtue of its position in the UK Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). Google's resea ...
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A competence based assessment framework (P-scales) has been designed by Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA) in the UK to provide a means of monitoring the progress of learners with Special Educational Needs who were not able to access the mainstream qualifications.
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The main aim is to transfer innovative VET solutions from Europe to Slovenian Wood Sector to set up advanced VET System and new validated and state recognized VET Program.
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The main assumption underlying the development of this project is the notion that the workplace is a learning environment. In the fast changing working world it is important to find ways to identify useful competences that can be built upon both in work and further education and training. It is important that the competences which an individual develops outside the formal school system are transp ...
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The project will facilitate and encourage the use of 'assistive technologies' for persons with disabilities entering Higher Education and the Labour Market. A project website will be developed as the main tool for promoting information about assisted technologies to students, employees, educators & trainers and will deliver activities in an appropriate user-friendly manner to the target group. The ...
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...cusing on the work of employment services and training providers in the area of skills assessment, profiling processes, vocational guidance, training delivery, counselling. The project replied to the national and EU exigency of creating new jobs opportunities and anticipating new skills, in relation to the heavy consequences of economic crisis in terms of closures of businesses and an increasing u ...
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...ublike Slovenije za poklicno izobraževanje Slovania;FRAREG s.r.l. Italy (until 31 March 2010)The objective of the project is to transfer the elements of the innovative entrepreneur diploma - national competence based qualifications for entrepreneurs developed in Finland to European partner countries and to develop entrepreneurship training (training of nascent entrepreneurs) in Finland further thr ...
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...bile learning guidelines and solutions. The project results will include: training curricula for SME business and farming issues, mobile learning guidelines, training curriculum handbook, a number of national public seminars, a workshop, a website, a bimonthly newsletter.
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 FINISHED information via the internet) and a range of specialist links to other databases and programmes developed under the Leonardo da Vinci programme.The 'new' version will be made available through national partner websites and will be available to download to enable off-line use. The programme will be developed in EN and following initial piloting will be extended with a national version being ...
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This project seeks todevelop sectoral Workplace Learning Partnerships (WLPs) − networks of specialised enterprises with shared sectoralHRD interests, which offer a broad range of informal learning provision. Target sectors are− automotive supply chains− and machininig industry.The project will develop tools for VET teachers, trainers and managers with which sectoral informal learningopportunities ...
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The project aims at developing a system for verifying the quality of lifelong learning provided outside the formal school system by developing, disseminating and strengthening a European Quality Mark for non-formal training providers built on tested quality indicators and commercially sustainable procedure for managing and awarding the mark. Target groups include non-formal lifelong learning provi ...
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This DEDALOS project will develop a learning framework to promote English as a second language for deaf or hearing-impaired persons. Project activities include: the development of an e-learning environment; the design and production of electronic adaptive material to include text and video (use will be made of streaming video); the establishment of a network of human resources (specialists in work ...
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New tools for cunning linguists : The website that has been produced offers resources for language teachers such as a forum and a library of teaching cases. The project has also developed a training programme to help teachers master the use of new technologies in language learning. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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