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INVESTinGREEN jobs and skills

INVESTinGREEN addressed the issue of creating new companies and job skills in green economy, focusing on the work of employment services and training providers in the area of skills assessment, profiling processes, vocational guidance, training delivery, counselling. The project replied to the national and EU exigency of creating new jobs opportunities and anticipating new skills, in relation to the heavy consequences of economic crisis in terms of closures of businesses and an increasing unemployment rate. It pursued the following objectives:- Improve the quality of VET systems & employment services,by transferring a successful methodology (Prestito d’Onore- Marche Region), services and practices to improve and support VET and Employment services systems in startup and self-employment in green economy. - To transfer and diffuse within the concerned territories (Italy, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania) a model of VET services to develop entrepreneurial soft skills in green sector and greening entrepreneurial skills ,by strengthening the network between public and private actors as VET institutions,companies and social parts, credit institutes and policy makers all over Europe to improve and reinforce the start-up development. Partners were representative of the Triple Helix concept, which represented the "fil rouge" of INVESTinGREEN which identified 3 different kinds of organizations, each one dealing with the common problems and challenges from a different points of view and each one playing a different role within project development: 1)Public Authorities as the Province of Perugia, Marche Region & Murcia Municipality with competences in Training & LM policies definition and PES management;2)Business Support Actors (as SATEAN found., School of Management Adam Smith, Italia Forma) 3)Research Entities/Training Centers of Social parts like Companies and workers of tertiary (ITER, SSCTSP,INE/GSEE).
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8 Partners Participants