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Integrated Concepts Enhancing Cohesion of European Space (COHESION)
Start date: Dec 31, 2002, End date: Mar 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

European rural areas are confronted with serious problems, with which they have to cope in order to survive. The globalisation of the economy and the new CAP result to strengthening competition and shrinking competitiveness of European agricultural products and areas. Their exposure to the international market beside the imminent EU enlargement, are expected to threaten the cohesion of the European space in total. Structural measures with a territorial approach have to compensate the difficulties emerging from the new situation. In this changing environment local competitiveness becomes a key issue. Integrated planning and focus of local efforts on a specific economic objective, in which local areas provide a comparative advantage, help overcoming shortage of resources and increasing efficiency of activities. A sector or a specific product, significant for a particular area's identity, may become, in this context, poles of growth for the entire area ensuring its further survival. Expected Results: The COHESION project implemented a new policy concerning the development of European rural areas based on the transfer of know-how and exchange of experiences among the project partners (PPs). A thematic network on modern policies for the development of rural areas was established and PPs gained experience with the specific approach by implementing pilot projects in appropriate areas. A methodological guide on a new approach for development planning in rural areas was compiled. COHESION communication in figures: - More than 40 meetings (approx. 450 participants) took place: a) with local authorities, b) with PPs at national and transnational level, c) informational and awareness raising seminars, - Two posters, 30 press releases and five TV appearances, seven flyers (16,000 copies - 7,000 distributed), one CD-ROM prepared, - Eight guides and 44 studies conducted, seven management tools prepared, - Twelve training seminars (289 trainees) and two forums (160 participants) organised, - Two exhibitions (more than 1,000 visitors).
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  • 65.6%   2 297 629,46
  • 2000 - 2006 Cadses
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

13 Partners Participants