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32 European Projects Found

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...ossby wave propagation on the sphere, and 2) a simplified general circulation model, which captures the essential processes underlying stratosphere-troposphere coupling. By combining output from the new models, observational data, and output from comprehensive climate models, the connections between the stratosphere and surface climate will be elucidated.
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 FINISHED pathways of comorbidity and derive biomarkers, prioritizing two candidate mechanisms (circadian rhythm and dopaminergic neurotransmission), but also leveraging large existing data sets to identify new ones. A pilot clinical trial to study non-pharmacologic, dopamine-based and chronobiological treatments will be performed, employing innovative mHealth to monitor and support patients’ daily life. ...
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EU Democracy Promotion

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The University of New York Tirana (UNYT) wishes to undertake the following Jean Monnet Module activities for the primary purpose of deepening this university’s focus on European Union studies. Specifically, this Module proposal aims at designing two highly customized courses on EU Democracy Promotion (the bachelor level course will be titled “Intro to EU Democracy Promotion”, and the master level ...
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...e students and academics, driven by the crises in the Middle East and beyond, are reaching out to Europe. Many European institutions are trying their best to respond to the crisis, including creating new opportunities for displaced academics and students, but often these efforts are disconnected, hard for candidates to access, and inadequately informed by history and best practice. This strategic ...
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"Uncertainty is pervasive in all aspects of climate change. Although this is beyond dispute, the vast majority of research assessing climate ignores uncertainty, in large part because of the technical complexities involved. The present project aims at advancing substantially the way we conceptualize, model and frame the climate change policy making process, focusing on the central role of uncertai ...
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...l disparities in ageing and the social determinants of health, using both observational studies as well as an experimental approach based on the existing "conditional cash transfer" experiment in New York.To achieve these objectives we will use data from three categories of studies: 1. Europe-wide or national surveys combined with population registry data; 2. Cohorts with intense phenotyping and ...
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Heart OMics in AGEing (HOMAGE)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

As more people survive into old age, the prevalence of heart failure (HF), one of the most common and debilitating diseases in older people, will rise still further. Delaying or preventing HF will have great benefit to those at personal risk, their families, society and the economy. HOMAGE aims to provide a biomarker (BM) approach that will a) help identify i. patients at high risk of developing ...
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 FINISHED the general population. We employ highly innovative approaches in humans and animal models and maximize the output from the project by optimally balancing the use of large, existing data sets with new data acquisition. Through this, we build a knowledge chain from molecule to behaviour, investigating known and novel genes, gene-networks and their epigenetic interactions, and mapping their mode ...
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Considering the problems identified in the project rationale, and including data from primary research from the Albanian partners, the project concept was conceived with sufficient scope to target real needs gaps identified, without being un-attainable. It is quite obvious that private HEIs in Albania are seeking to improve their quality assurance system and processes. And also the rest of the sta ...
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A growing demand for knowledge about European affairs in Western New York (WNY), but lack of a base for promoting teaching, research and public events related to Europe, has prompted this application for a Jean Monnet Chair at the University at Buffalo (UB). The Chair will coordinate existing activities and develop new ones in the area of European integration studies, with a particular focus on b ...
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The European Union in Central New York

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

...d. It builds upon a EU-USA Atlantis Grant (2010-2014) supporting student exchanges with Manchester Metropolitan and Babes-Bolyai Universities, and upon a new faculty partnership with Babes-Bolyai.
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Epilepsy is a major burden for patients and health systems worldwide. It is a common chronic neurological disorder affecting people of all ages, and the shortfall in existing treatments means that 30% of patients continue to suffer uncontrolled seizures. MicroRNAs (miRNA) are a recently-discovered, network-level layer of gene expression regulation that controls protein levels of entire signaling p ...
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Innovation-fuelled, Sustainable, Inclusive Growth (ISIGrowth)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

ISIGrowth aims to offer comprehensive diagnostics of the relationships between innovation, employment dynamics and growth in an increasingly globalized and financialised world economy, and, on the grounds of such analysis, elaborate a set of policy scenarios and deliver a coherent policy toolkit able to achieve the Europe 2020 objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. ISIGrowth brings ...
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MEMS made Electron Emission Membranes (MEMBrane)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

We propose a radically new and generic type of detector for photons, electrons and energetic charged particles: a stacked set of curved miniature dynodes in vacuum, created through MicroMechanical Electronic Systems (MEMS) fabrication techniques on top of a state-of-the-art CMOS pixel chip. This combination in itself is an extremely efficient electron detector. By capping the system with a traditi ...
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...low METIS-II to achieve this goal are • a holistic spectrum management architecture addressing the spectrum crunch, • an air interface harmonisation framework enabling an efficient integration of new and legacy air interfaces, • an agile Resource Management (RM) framework providing the dynamics required to efficiently adapt the integrated 5G air interfaces and radio concepts to the varying traffic ...
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FRAME, a 4-year multidisciplinary project, represents a consortium of 19 internationally recognized and globally networked human rights institutes from across Europe and strategic regions around the world. Through FRAME, more than 100 leading researchers and practitioners - with a strong gender balance - aim to provide the necessary building blocks for a coherent EU human rights policy comprised ...
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Role of ncRNAs in Chromatin and Transcription (CRIPTON)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

... function remains largely unknown. There are a few cases where a role has been ascribed for ncRNAs in transcription, but no clear mechanistic insight has been defined yet. We predict that many of the newly identified ncRNAs emanating from the genome will play a role in transcriptional processes. We intend to identify and characterise such ncRNAs. This will take place in two phases. In the first ph ...
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Kill●Spill delivers innovative (bio)technologies, which can be integrated to the real sequences of state-of-the-art actions used currently to cleanup oil spills. The catalogue of Kill●Spill products & technologies is based on a review of technology & knowledge gaps in approaches of oil spill disasters and brings appropriate tools for 1st response, follow-up, and longer-term actions, specifically t ...
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...nefit from databases of CommsNet performance data gathered over long periods from the SUNRISE infrastructure.SUNRISE directly addresses FIRE objectives by combining technology with novel paradigms in new, open experimental facilities, integrating physical systems with software development in a new physical domain. SUNRISE will provide a way to select UW CommsNet standards based on objective measu ...
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Strong statistical fluctuations in meso- and nano-scale structures make their thermodynamic properties extremely dependent on the information available about them. The most basic process illustrating the importance of information to statistical systems is the information-to-energy conversion in the famous Maxwell's Demon (MD). Our primary goal is to study both experimentally and theoretically the ...
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Strategy for Allied Radioecology (STAR)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

With a renewed interest in nuclear energy and the scientific challenges related to the nuclear fuel cycle, the need for radioecological expertise is increasing world-wide. Concurrently, education related to radioecology has steadily declined, leading experts are approaching retirement, and funding for radioecological research is at a minimum in many European countries. To face this challenge and a ...
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Peptide-based diodes for solar cells (PEPDIODE)

Start date: Aug 1, 2011, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

In a solar cell that converts energy as efficient as the natural plant photosystems, electrons should travel over very short distances, through an extremely ordered structure free of traps. Guided by these principles that were worked out at WIS and CUNY, we want to synthesize many different peptides, and consecutively screen variants thereof for a putative diode function. When linked to light-harv ...
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eGovPoliNet sets up an international community in ICT solutions for governance and policy modelling. The international community of researchers and practitioners will share and advance research and insights from practical cases around the world. To achieve this, eGovPoliNet will build on experiences accumulated by leading actors bringing together the innovative knowledge of the field. Capabilities ...
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Tremor is the most common movement disorder and is strongly increasing in incidence and prevalence with ageing. The most frequent types of tremor are those arising from two neurodegenerative disorders: Parkinson's disease and essential tremor. Although not life threatening, upper limb tremors hamper independent life of 65% of those suffering from them, greatly impacting on their quality of life. T ...
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The Foundation for the Smart Factory of the Future (FoFdation)

Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

...ariability and environmental constraints, are clearly identified as global cooperation with multiple supply chain partners, production optimization, and tracking and management of information to meet new requirements like traceability, security, sustainability. These requirements lead to the need for a universal manufacturing information system based on a data exchange standard that allows dispara ...
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Semiconductor Equipment Assessment Leveraging Innovation (SEAL)

Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

Description Seal is an EC-funded project covering semiconductor equipment assessment to strengthen the European semiconductor equipment industry. SEAL is an integrated project consisting of 17 equipment assessment sub-projects in the area of semiconductor manufacturing equipment. The assessment th ...
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Synthesis of Systematic Resources (SYNTHESYS)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Aug 31, 2013,

... extraction, SYNTHESYS IA will increase the opportunities for Users to exploit a largely untapped facet of the 337 million strong collections. Users will be able to play an active role in generating new knowledge based on molecular and morphological studies. A range of new services and improved access – both physical and digital – will be provided to a broad range of scientific Users (from biolog ...
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...h the priorities of EMA2. The ‘Arab Spring’ has made it clear that young people are asking for more and better opportunities to study and work; to move about the world; and to learn and to create new knowledge and enterprises. HE mobility is a key policy area as MENA nations address the need for a strong skills base to underpin the economic and social development of the region’s disparate economie ...
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The CARIBU consortium consist of 8 EU and 12 non EU HEIs partners of which the general management is shared between the coordinator Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the joint coordinator Jimma University (JU) in Ethiopia. The composition of this consortium takes into account the geographical distribution, teaching languages, study fields, experience as well as types of university (public, priv ...
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TRANS-DOC Project SummaryTRANS-DOC stands for the TRANS-Atlantic aspect of the project as well as the TRANSferability aspects of DOCtoral training. The project will have two basic activities, a survey of the organisation of doctoral training in Europe and in North America, and the development of a course template for doctoral candidates on transferability skills, combined with training-of-trainers ...
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The nursing experts from two European Union (EU) institutions and two United States (US) institutions and associated networks will reassess traditional approaches to the self-management of chronic ill-health, including palliative care, education and practice standards, across the continuum of patient care, in the age range aged 40 through 100. Research and key policy documents will be examined fo ...
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The project identifies the weak link between the educational system and legal system for protecting Intellectual Property in the Partner countries. The provision of specialist university courses in Intellectual Property Law is inadequate to train and update professionals working in the sector. The project will develop a Masters programme in Intellectual Property Law adapted to the needs of South ...
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