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Synthesis of Systematic Resources (SYNTHESYS)
Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Aug 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SYNTHESYS IA will aid in the evolution of a European resource through the creation an accessible, integrated infrastructure for researchers in the natural sciences in Europe and globally. By focusing the JRA on DNA extraction, SYNTHESYS IA will increase the opportunities for Users to exploit a largely untapped facet of the 337 million strong collections. Users will be able to play an active role in generating new knowledge based on molecular and morphological studies. A range of new services and improved access – both physical and digital – will be provided to a broad range of scientific Users (from biological and geological related disciplines) in a consistent and more easily accessible way. The new tools to be developed and disseminated will give Users the chance to pursue new avenues for independent studies at the leading edge of biodiversity and environmental research.
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  • 74.7%   7 200 000,00
  • Project on CORDIS Platform

18 Partners Participants