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11 European Projects Found

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Smart Specialization (SMART SPECIALIZATION)

Start date: Dec 30, 2013, End date: Aug 29, 2015,

The project attempts to identify targeted investment priorities for the Interregional area and relative targeted actions that will support the excellence of entrepreneurship, research and innovation. Common Interregional issues will be explored; the results and best practices of already implemented projects will be assessed as to develop a common Interregional action plan. In this context, special ...
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The project is focused on the enhancement of geothermal systems component research and analysis through pilot applications and the development of operational application guidelines and cost effective techno-economic models of green energy use at both public and commercial level. ...
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The projects scope is to unleash dynamic economic activities and employment opportunities in the light of worsening of the socio-economic situation surfacing from the global crisis. Investing in the human capital of the area, the project intents to promote networking establish synergies between the Academic Institutions and the business community and create more opportunities for young people and ...
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The main objective of the project is to share competencies and innovative tools for the protection of protected areas by fires. Achievements: Enhanced protection of the protected area due to the suppression of the danger of fires.
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Water resources are under increasing pressure originating from land use and climate change. Accompanied with economic changes in the SEE region the land use pattern is expected to change, too. Both processes will have severe impacts on water resources in general and drinking water resources in particular. CC-WARE aims at developing an integrated transnational strategy for water protection and miti ...
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Coastal erosion and flooding represents a major threat for the well-being and prosperity of the 70mi Europeans living within 500m from the coastline and their assets of 500- 1000bi€. Lost or seriously impacted area by erosion is estimated to be 15 km2/year. The Nobel Prize laureate UN-IPCC estimates that by 2020 due to Climate Change victims of coastal erosion or flooding will reach 158,000/year, ...
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Since 1990, the EU has provided financial support for internal and external cross-border cooperation, helping to establish cross-border programme structures and to implement numerous cross-border projects along the EU’s internal and external borders. Despite the progress made, there are still a large number of cross-border problems, especially along the current (and future) external borders of the ...
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Problems addressed• Regional and institutional disparities in capacity and knowledge on cross border cooperation• Differences and obstacles posed by dissimilar legislative and administrative frameworks and planning approaches• Inadequate coordination across the border and complexities imposed by Enlargement and AccessionObjectives• Know How dissemination from EU internal and/or former external bo ...
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CiCe is a well established thematic network linking institutions concerned with citizenship education and the development of identities in young people. Our partners are in teacher education, the education of social pedagogues, early childhood educators, youth workers, sociologists & psychologists. We develop curriculum and processes for students at all levels, from undergraduate to PhD level. ...
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Development of efficient and transparent customs services are among the important tools for reducing barriers to doing business, as perceived by investors and traders.However, it is noticed that almost daily there are delays in processing people or goods at the customs offices of Evzoni/Gevgelija-Bogorodica & Doirani/ Dojran. These delays cause traffic congestions that have negative impact in the ...
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COASTGAP springs after more than 10 years of shared experiences among many Mediterranean coastal Administrations and Institutions in the field of coastal adaptation to CC effects and other natural/anthropogenic threats. In 2011 these actors established the cluster FACECOAST ( and propose COASTGAP in order to capitalize 12 Best Practices from 9 projects of the cluster (from MED and ...
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