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CICE4 - Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe

CiCe is a well established thematic network linking institutions concerned with citizenship education and the development of identities in young people. Our partners are in teacher education, the education of social pedagogues, early childhood educators, youth workers, sociologists & psychologists. We develop curriculum and processes for students at all levels, from undergraduate to PhD level. Working groups develop life-long learning links with schools and adult education, provide guidelines on inclusion, examine global citizenship topics, & organise research training for PhD students. Our annual conference links all our activities to our vigorous publications programme.In 2008-11 a new and extended programme contributes to the European Higher Education Area by strenthening inter-institutional understanding and links in the professional education of those who will educate and work with children and young people in citizenship education and the development of identity in a European context, and to contribute to the global dimension of the EHEA. Seven specific themes are addressed: ? the development of resources for innovation in HE; ? life-long learning in citizenship education; ? guidance on major issues in citizenship education; ? capacity building for future researchers; ? supporting diversity in working with civil organisations & HE; ? emerging global issues in citizenship education & identities; and ? the inclusion of minority groups & their rights with European identities.We will hold three major European conferences and five regional conferences. We will produce a wide range of materials in a variety of formats, with a particular focus on materials that can be flexibly adapted for use in courses. We will organise three research student (PhD) conferences. We will scope the possibilities of action in the areas of developing links with adult education, a European Doctoral Programme and working with countries beyond Europe on global citizenship.
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