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From external to internal: managing the transformation of borders and preparing for the new neighbourhood (EX-INT)
Start date: Apr 30, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Problems addressed• Regional and institutional disparities in capacity and knowledge on cross border cooperation• Differences and obstacles posed by dissimilar legislative and administrative frameworks and planning approaches• Inadequate coordination across the border and complexities imposed by Enlargement and AccessionObjectives• Know How dissemination from EU internal and/or former external border co-operation (all 3 INTERREG Strands)• Smooth and effective inclusion of new member states and accession countries in the INTERREG programme• Utilisation of the local know-how and mobilisation of local stakeholdersApproach and methodology• Identification and dissemination of relevant knowledge and applied examples• Training from and to officials and stakeholders as preparation for the new challenges• Set up of sustainable knowledge networks for the dissemination of knowledge and common formulation of programmes and projects Expected Results: • Handbooks and guides for the administrative structure reflection in the region,• Best practices and reference guides for the transfusion of successful approaches from other regions,• Common communication structures and tools (e.g. yellow pages, benchmarking procedures etc.) for common formulation of programmes and projects
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  • 49%   757 500,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Interact I
  • Project on KEEP Platform

7 Partners Participants